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Richardson abstained. No one voted no. Motion carried. Mr. Lanfear will sign the application <br /> for Bonnie. <br /> 13. DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION REGARDING CITY TRANSIT PROPOSAL <br /> RESCINDING MOTION AND VOTE FROM APRIL 3, 2018 MEETING - Richardson stated that <br /> the board approved a 1 year agreement with the City of Grand Island for the transit proposal. <br /> After meeting with the city the county was told a 1 year contract is not an option it has to be 3 <br /> years with a possible 2 year extension. There was discussion regarding the numbers and they <br /> are to provide additional training for the software called route match. <br /> Schuppan ask how long that would take to receive additional information and numbers and it <br /> would be about 2 months. Richardson stated that the county can wait the additional time. <br /> Lancaster stated there is frustration and concerns were expressed that Hall County treats the <br /> city people different. This was federal funding that was intended for public transportation since <br /> the 1970's. Now because of the MSA the dollars will come for urban transportation and for rural <br /> transportation. The city is responsible for the urban match. The county has not changed <br /> p Y p Y 9 <br /> anything this is the way it is financed through the federal government. There is no other way. <br /> The county is committed to make sure that the rural residents have access to transportation. <br /> She stated that there is a new program for the scheduling called route match and they will be <br /> receiving additional training for it. Lancaster stated that all residents should have access to <br /> public transportation. <br /> Quandt questioned if the county know how much it will cost but they need to work together to <br /> provide service and also be able to afford the cost. <br /> Schuppan noted that he would like to know if people are using the rural transportation and it is <br /> important that people are aware of the services that are provided. <br /> Richardson stated that we need to get the numbers and see where they are. There was <br /> discussion that the cost will be calculated month by month and it could be 3% or 5%. It will be <br /> based on the ridership we need to make sure people are using it. <br /> Schuppan made a motion and Lancaster seconded to rescind the motion that was made April 3, <br /> 2018 regarding the approval of a 1 year agreement with the City of Grand Island for the rural <br /> transportation. Arnold, Bredthauer, Lancaster, Lanfear, Quandt, Richardson and Schuppan all <br /> voted yes and none voted no. Motion carried. <br /> 5. PUBLIC WORKS—a) 9:30 A.M. BID OPENING FOR 2017 2018 PHASE 2 ASPHALT <br /> PROJECTS—Steve Riehle was present and reviewed the locations of the various asphalt <br /> projects. There is $554.400.00 budgeted for asphalt resurfacing. The follow bids were <br /> received. <br /> CONTRACTOR BID BOND TOTAL BID <br /> Gary Smith Construction Enclosed $383,277.60 <br /> Grand Island, NE <br /> JIL Asphalt Paving Enclosed $407,957.03 <br /> Grand Island, NE <br /> 4 <br />