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eliminate exemptions. He noted LB-758 and noted an example in Lincoln County where 25,000 <br /> acres were converted from irrigated to dryland. H also noted the water agreements with <br /> Kansas. He noted that Senator Friesen in involved in this. <br /> Schuppan stated we need to know where we are on this TERC issue there may be thousands of <br /> acres that are not taxed at some point there may be nothing left to tax. He also noted that <br /> Rowe Sanctuary pays taxes. He questioned if they do not pay taxes could fire districts charge <br /> for services. He thanked Mr. Erikson for his support. <br /> Lancaster thanked Mr. Erikson and agrees with his concerns. We need to make sure what the <br /> county is required to do. She also stated she has been watching the Lincoln County issue. <br /> Discussion was held and the county has not received any formal paperwork on this issue. <br /> 12. DISCUSS &APPROVE GARY QUANDT AS ALTERNATE TO MIDLAND AREA AGENCY <br /> ON AGING — Lancaster noted that there wasn't an alternate appointed to the MAAA board and <br /> there has been an alternate in the past. <br /> Lancaster made a motion and Bredthauer seconded to approve the appointment of Gary <br /> Quandt as the alternated to the MAAA Board. <br /> Arnold said they have had good attendance since last May also have alternates that were not <br /> members of the county board this one thing that was dealt with when the committees were <br /> assigned and that is the decision of the county board chair. Then it comes to the board for <br /> approval. He does not think it is necessary to change and the chair can make that appointment <br /> if necessary. <br /> Lanfear noted that this is the wrong way to go about this the chair should make the decision and <br /> it could be addressed in 2 weeks. <br /> Richardson noted that there wasn't an alternate last year so she appointed 3 to serve. <br /> Quandt stated that he is just offering in case no one is available. He expressed concern on the <br /> issues from last month and wants to make sure that there is representation from Hall County. <br /> Discussion was held and it has to be a designated appointment in order to serve on the board. <br /> Lancaster noted that Hall County has 3 votes and she would like to have some designated so <br /> they would be able to vote. <br /> The vote on the motion was taken. Lancaster Bredthauer and Quandt voted yes and Arnold, <br /> Lanfear, Richardson and Schuppan voted no. Motion failed. <br /> Discussion was held to address this again in 2 weeks. <br /> Lancaster suggested that Bonnie prepare the calendar for the board member noting all of the <br /> upcoming meetings. <br /> BOARD MEMBER'S REPORTS— Bredthauer noted that she attended the College Park <br /> Meeting and they need to appoint a board member. There was also a road department meeting <br /> and the minutes will be coming. <br /> 7 <br />