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Quandt questioned where the funds would come from Mr. Zafft stated that the fiscally restrained <br /> plan is what they are currently doing it is 80/20 for capital improvements and the other is 50/50. <br /> Lanfear noted that he is impressed with the fiscally restrained plan and it looks like it is a <br /> workable plan. <br /> Ms. Charley Falmlen, Transit Program Manager stated that this is a big year for the <br /> implementation. The next step is the RFP for inter-city service and it should be ready by spring <br /> 2018 with the new service starting in October 2018. The Rideshare and van pool RFP in late <br /> 2018. There could be an interlocal agreement. <br /> Richardson ask what the current services are today and it was note that they are demand <br /> response with the hours from 6:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. with a $2.00 rider fee. Financially it will <br /> have to stay the same. <br /> Arnold questioned if the urbanized area is the zoning jurisdiction or the city limits. It was noted <br /> that the urbanized area is different when the metropolitan statistical area was developed it <br /> included Alda. <br /> Lancaster noted that the county is concerned about the rural communities and that they have <br /> access to public transportation. She feels that it depends on the ridership and they need to look <br /> at the financial side. The county still owns the buses and they are not sure how to pursue this. <br /> Schuppan stated that he would like to look at the rural areas of Wood River, Doniphan and <br /> Cairo and the lines for these rural areas to see the number of riders that are actually using the <br /> service. <br /> Ms. Charley Falmlen, Transit Program Manager stated that the rural ridership is 5%. She noted <br /> that a lot of the care facilities have their own buses. <br /> Arnold questioned what the options are for Hall County. <br /> She stated that the City of Grand Island will be the program applicant/administrator and noted <br /> the following. <br /> 1. There will be a RFP for the inter-city services and the County could provide financial <br /> support for park/ride lots in Wood River, Alda and Doniphan <br /> 2. Branding RFP the county could implement branding campaign across the entire county <br /> 3. Services contract bid the county could assign the city as the 5311 Rural Funding Sub- <br /> Recipient and the City would charge administration fees if the county does not <br /> participate service would only be in the urbanized area <br /> 4. Rideshare & Vanpool RFP the County could provide financial support if not it would only <br /> be available in the urbanized area <br /> Attorney Ron Depue requested to address the board on this issue. He stated that he has an <br /> active interest in the transit system and has been chair of the United Way. At the GIAMPO <br /> Meeting it was noted that there are 1,370 households that did not have transportation and they <br /> are currently only meeting 4% of the transit needs in Hall County. He stated that we are dead <br /> last providing public transportation. He suggested#1 having a city study session to take a <br /> deeper look at this: #2 now state law provides a transit authority to be formed in cities like <br /> Omaha and he would like to see the regulations amended to benefit the county <br /> 5 <br />