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Arnold noted that he appreciates the long range thoughts that Jack suggested. There may not <br /> have been a plan for the justice center but this has the domino effect. There is also the issue <br /> with HHS and how much space we are obligated too. He expressed concern about the old <br /> heath department building and the HHS building and it was proposed in the past to remove <br /> these 2 building. He expressed concern that the Federal Building is not completely occupied <br /> and they knew it would be expensive to remodel and there are the parking issues. Because of <br /> the size of that building there will always be a parking issue. They need to figure out what <br /> department will work best in the Federal Building and it would make the most sense to move the <br /> County Attorney. We also have vacant space available. <br /> Lancaster stated she appreciates Jack's input and there is space in the Federal Building and <br /> there are also historical issues. She questioned if it could be done in house? Jack noted he <br /> had very little input regarding moving the Child Support division. Concern was expressed on <br /> spending another$10,000.00 on another survey. Lancaster noted that the GIS department did <br /> help with some of the other building projects. Mr. Humphrey also stated that we have to work <br /> with the historical issue on the Federal building. Discussion was held on the courthouse annex <br /> and Mr. Humphrey stated that it is used for storage and the second floor is wide open space. <br /> There is space available and they could even add on to that building. <br /> Mr. Humphrey stated that the county has 50,000 square feet of unoccupied space and about <br /> 30,000 square feet of office space. Discussion was held on the possibility of juvenile probation <br /> needing more space and moving juvenile diversion to free up space there. Both probation <br /> offices are growing. Mr. Humphrey stated he just need direction on where to go. <br /> Richardson noted Berggren &Associates are specialists on historical buildings and we have to <br /> p <br /> gg g <br /> have an architect do the work to be approved by the federal government for the Federal <br /> Building. . <br /> Schuppan stated they need to go back and look at the original Berggren study there were <br /> references regarding the historical issues. There is already some of this information available. <br /> Bredthauer questioned if there were some court rooms designed on the original study. <br /> Richardson noted that the original Berggren study was move of an overview of the entire <br /> county. Mr. Humphrey noted that they will look at the space and will be able to know what can <br /> be put in the Federal Building and will address what is the best space available. <br /> Arnold note that it is important to know what other department could use the building and utilize <br /> the space fully. This study addresses the entire building. He read the specific items in the <br /> proposal. <br /> Lanfear noted that this is good discussion we need to know where we are going to go this needs <br /> to be done. <br /> Quandt stated that he thinks it is premature to spend $10,000.00 when there may be a new <br /> county attorney. He does not want to spend money on another study. <br /> Lancaster expressed concern on the parking issues and noted the space in the parking garage. <br /> She also noted that the people that go to HHS also need parking. There may be some <br /> compromise on the parking issues. <br /> 4 <br />