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also on the HHS facility and moving them. He does not think it is good for HHS to be in the <br /> Federal Building and would like to see it kept as a justice system building. He would like to use <br /> it for the attorneys but they would need to know what would be needed for the department. <br /> Arnold made a motion and Lanfear seconded to contract with Berggren and Associates for the <br /> County Attorney office intensive space needs study. <br /> Lancaster stated she has had discussion with the County Attorney's office and they would like to <br /> have everyone together. They also understand the parking issues. <br /> County Attorney Jack Zitterkopf requested to address the board. He stated that he came to the <br /> board requesting money for additional space and after much heartache the child support <br /> division was moved and it has become a reality but in a perfect world it would be best to have it <br /> under the same roof and also include the juvenile diversion department. At one point his <br /> building was full and there was no more room for expansion and they thought it was a good <br /> thing to move the child support division and that did free up space in the Beltzer Building, so <br /> with 2 walls and 2 doors that would allow 3 offices for attorneys. His point is that he does not <br /> see a real need for the County Attorney's office to move to another building. The board was <br /> warned that moving child support would be expensive and moving another 15 attorneys would <br /> also be expensive. He stated that he took an informal poll of the staff and they were not too <br /> enthusiastic about walking a block for parking. His thought is that someday they can agree to <br /> get them all under one roof. <br /> Mr. Zitterkopf also stated that there is one other consideration to move the juvenile diversion to <br /> the Federal Building. He noted that the public defender as come to the board the he is not <br /> going to do the juvenile work because they do not have enough manpower and they are <br /> withdrawing from cases. There has been discussion that they could save on court appointed <br /> counsel by adding attorneys for the public defender. Discussion was held and there is <br /> additional office space in the public defender's office for expansion. <br /> Mr. Zitterkopf also stated that he and the board chair signed and sent a letter to HHS regarding <br /> their space issue. <br /> Schuppan noted that there need to be discussion with HHS regarding their space needs and <br /> moving. <br /> Bredthauer state she agrees with Jack they need to look at the space available. <br /> Quandt noted that there has been an interim County Attorney appointed and the new County <br /> Attorney should have some input. There is an issue with parking. Now they are going to do <br /> another study to decide who is going in that building. The cost of the study is too high they <br /> need to look at all of the space needs and make it ADA assessable for HHS. The first study <br /> suggested remodeling the old health department building it needs to be torn down. He is not in <br /> favor of another study. <br /> Richardson noted that this is like a thousand piece puzzle and this is a step to narrow it down. <br /> Lanfear stated he is not crazy about another study but they are at a road block and cannot <br /> agree where to go they need some better direction. We are paying heating and air for a building <br /> that is only 1/4 occupied they need to get this going. <br /> 3 <br />