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9:05 a.m. Held a Board of Equalization meeting. <br /> 9:08 a.m. Adjourned the Board of Equalization meeting and returned to the regular meeting. <br /> PUBLIC PARTICIPATION —Chair Richardson called for public participation and no one <br /> responded. <br /> 4. COUNTY ATTORNEY— DISCUSSION REGARDING DISTRICT COURT CASE CI 18-10 K. <br /> DANDRIDGE - County Attorney Jack Zitterkopf was present and noted that on May 31, 2017 <br /> the county received a tort claim from Mr. Dandridge regarding improper medication that was <br /> administered to him while he was incarcerated at the corrections department. He filed a tort <br /> claim against the county at that time and the county took no action regarding the tort claim. <br /> After 6 month the claimant can withdraw the tort claim and file suit against the county. Attorney <br /> Mr. Hendricks did file a suit against the county. The County Clerk forwarded the information to <br /> Jack and he sent it to NIRMA and NIRMA has acknowledged coverage and has assigned <br /> counsel for the case but it was not brought to the county board. Counsel is working with the <br /> corrections director. This is a matter that the county has no control over the medications are <br /> distributed by a contractor that provides medical care for the inmates. <br /> 9. ELECTION COMMISSIONER TRACY OVERSTREET-- ELECTION UPDATE — Election <br /> Commission Tracy Overstreet stated that she started November 2 and she worked with Denise <br /> Kruse and trained 2 days with Secretary of State John Gale and also attended training with <br /> ES&S. They are also in the midst of filing time. She also noted that during the 2017 legislative <br /> session they made a change in the penalty for voter registration fraud. She has held three <br /> training session for deputy registrars and currently has 31 certified registers they have held 3 <br /> events and they have registered 60 first time voters. They would also like to hold a voter <br /> registration event at the library and will be in Wood River for an event. When a person is a <br /> certified deputy registrar they can register voters anywhere in the state of Nebraska/. She has 8 <br /> pages of candidate information for people. She is working on updating maps and posting past <br /> election results back to 2010. <br /> She also stated that she hopes to fill the position to replace Denise and wanted to make the <br /> board aware that the line item for the official salary will be overdrawn because the salary <br /> changed from part-time to full time but with the full time dollars budgeted for the clerical there <br /> should be adequate dollars. There is also the personnel training line item with $21,700.00 so all <br /> of the salary expenditures should be covered. <br /> Quandt noted that the salary will be paid out of salary and the operating out of operating. <br /> Lancaster noted that she talked to the committee and next year the line items will change but <br /> the total bottom line is the most important. <br /> Arnold noted that the training line item dollar will help so those dollars can be used but keep the <br /> expenditures out of the right line items. <br /> The board thanked her for the update. <br /> 8 FACILITIES AGENDA -SCOTT ARNOLD DISCUSSION & POSSIBLE ACTION REGARDING <br /> HALL COUNTY ATTORNEY'S OFFICES INTENSIVE SPACE NEEDS ANALYSIS —Arnold <br /> stated that the facilities committee met and discussed the Berggren study for the county <br /> facilities. Discussion was held on the Federal Building and how that space can be utilized and <br /> 2 <br />