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to sign. Lancaster, McFarland, Purdy, Quandt, Schuppan and Ziola all voted yes and none <br /> voted no. Arnold was absent. Motion carried. <br /> 7.DISCUSS AND APPROVE BID SPECIFICATIONS FOR COURTHOUSE ANNEX <br /> DEMOLITION AND SET BID OPENING - Loran Humphrey was present and the board <br /> requested a letter from the engineer regarding the weight bearing walls and that was included in <br /> the packets. He is requesting to move the pre bid meeting to September 10 to allow enough <br /> time for the bidders to view the building. <br /> Quandt questioned if the $5 million dollars for the liability is enough and Mr. Purdy stated that <br /> the building is insured for$7 million and NIRMA felt that the $5 million was sufficient <br /> Quandt made a motion and Purdy seconded to approve the bid specifications for the demolition <br /> of the second floor at the courthouse annex. The bid opening will be September 23, 2014 at <br /> 10:30 a.m. bid will be due Monday September 22, 2014 AT 5:00 P.M. Lancaster, McFarland, <br /> Purdy, Quandt, Schuppan and Ziola all voted yes and none voted no. Arnold was absent. <br /> Motion carried. <br /> Ms. Lancaster expressed concern regarding the facilities items and noted that it was stated <br /> these would be addressed in 4 weeks she sated she wanted Mr. Arnold to be able to participate. <br /> Mr. Schuppan stated he thought this was the original date Mr. Jackson was to be here. <br /> She also stated that every agenda item must have a supervisors name behind it <br /> Lancaster made a motion and Ziola seconded that agenda items must be authorized by have a <br /> supervisors name behind it. The County Attorney can add his own items. Ziola stated that the <br /> chair of a committee can have the responsibility to put items on. Lancaster, McFarland, Purdy, <br /> Quandt, Schuppan and Ziola all voted yes and none voted no. Arnold was absent. Motion <br /> carried. <br /> 4 COUNTY ATTORNEY EXECUTIVE SESSION LITIGATION STRATEGY—Ziola made a <br /> motion and Lancaster seconded to go into executive session regarding litigation. This is to <br /> prevent needles injury to an individual or to protect the public interest. Lancaster, McFarland, <br /> Purdy, Quandt, Schuppan and Ziola all voted yes and none voted no. Arnold was absent. <br /> Motion carried. <br /> 9:45 a.m. executive session to 10:32 a.m. litigation strategy <br /> 10:32 a.m. to 10:47 a.m. county attorney litigation <br /> 10:47 a.m. Quandt made a motion and Ziola seconded to go out of executive session. No other <br /> subjects were discussed no votes were take and no action was taken. Lancaster, McFarland, <br /> Purdy, Quandt, Schuppan and Ziola all voted yes and none voted no. Arnold was absent. <br /> Motion carried. <br /> 5. PRESENTATION FROM LIFE TEAM REGARDING MEMBERSHIP PROGRAM FOR MEDI <br /> VAC HELICOPTERS — Mr. Quandt stated that Life Team requested to bring information to the <br /> county. Channel Choitz stated that they have been located at the Central Nebraska Regional <br /> Airport for 1 '/z years and she it tying to reach out to the community about their membership <br /> program. The membership program allows employees to participate in the pool and the air <br /> flights are covered 100%. There have been issues when insurance companies that they may <br /> not cover the life flights. Mr. Ziola asked how the membership information would get to the <br /> 3 <br />