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2/18/2015 2:40:48 PM
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2/18/2015 2:40:46 PM
County Clerk
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providers or the hospitals and Channel stated that there are membership cards that would <br /> provide the information. There may be situations when air flights are not po•sible because of <br /> weather related issues then there would be ground transports. <br /> If the county participates as a group it would be $35.00 a year. <br /> 12. DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION REGARDING SALARIES OF "EPUTIES TO <br /> ELECTED OFFICIALS -The board members received a letter from the ele ed officials <br /> requesting to increase the appointed deputy's salaries to 80% of the electe• official's salary. <br /> Valorie Bendixen addressed the board and provided them with a chart sho ing the cola <br /> increases for employees and the increases for the deputies. State Statute r-quire that the <br /> appointed deputy shall not be less than 65% of the elected officials salary a d for a number of <br /> years it has been at 75%. They are requesting to increase the percentage •y 5%. The <br /> Assessor of Register of Deeds of course will be higher because of the corn s fined office. <br /> Lancaster stated that the deputy should be able to step in if the official is no available. <br /> Lancaster stated she would like to encourage the officials to set a standard or these positions. <br /> Lancaster made a motion and Purdy seconded to authorize the set the chie deputy to 80% and <br /> come forward with a standard process. <br /> Discussion was held and Ms. Bendixen stressed that she would like to be a•le to set the deputy <br /> salary between 65%to 80% <br /> Lancaster added to the motion to allow the latitude to set the deputy salary •etween 65% to <br /> 80% and come back in two weeks with a resolution. Arnold approved. <br /> Lancaster, McFarland, Purdy, Quandt, Schuppan and Ziola all voted yes an• none voted no. <br /> Arnold was absent. Motion carried. <br /> Ms. Ruzicka asked if the board was directing her to make the changes. <br /> Mr Zitterkopf requested to address this issue. He noted that the Chief Dep ty Sheriff and the <br /> Chief Deputy County Attorney have a different percentage rate. He stated t at the elected <br /> officials have the right to put in the budget the requested dollars. The right as always existed <br /> for them to do so and it is the question if the county board approves the req est. He stated that <br /> he is uncomfortable doing this. Instead the officials should be allowed to submit and justify their <br /> budget request for the deputy's salary. Discussion was held. <br /> Lancaster made a motion and Purdy seconded to rescind the motion to set he deputy's salaries <br /> at 80% but increase their salary line items for the for the deputies salaries. ancaster, <br /> McFarland, Purdy, Quandt, Schuppan and Ziola all voted yes and none vot=d no. Arnold was <br /> absent. Motion carried. <br /> Mr. Zitterkopf stated that he would propose to draft a resolution that once a d for all that this is <br /> what we mean and make it clear that the elected official has the authority th=t the state statute <br /> gives them and to justify to the county board what the requested salary will •e. He stated that <br /> he is not happy about the whole process but wants to do what is right for ev-ryone. <br /> Schuppan stated that it is at the discretion of the elected official as long as t e budgetary <br /> requirements are made they need to add the money to the budget <br /> 4 <br />
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