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OFFICE REPORT <br /> HALL COUNTY REGISTER OF DEEDS <br /> OFFICE REPORT <br /> May 2014 <br /> DOCUMENTARY STAMP FEES $ 9,368.06 <br /> RECORDING FEES $ 16,205.00 <br /> PHOTO COPIES $ 108.25 <br /> P&M FUND $ 2,576.50 <br /> 9: 05 A.M. Held a Board of Equalization meeting <br /> 9:10 a.m. Returned to the regular meeting <br /> PUBLIC PARTICIPATION - Chairman McFarland called for public participation. <br /> Jim Price requested to address the board. He stated he had questions regarding the valuations <br /> and the taxes on a $100,000 home he expressed concern about the article in the paper. . <br /> He noted that the paper stated there would be a decrease on the taxes but the valuation of his <br /> home increased by 15%. His taxes will be more because the valuation went up on his home. <br /> He requested some clarification. Mr. Schuppan stated that he understands and it should be <br /> stated per each $100,000.00 worth of valuation. Mr. McFarland stated we do not have any <br /> control on what the paper prints. <br /> Ms. Lancaster stated that this has been the accepted terminology for years and maybe it should <br /> be based on each $100,000 of valuation. It is just the standard to compare year to year. <br /> 11. DISCUSS AND APPROVE SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT FOR SENIOR CITIZEN <br /> INDUSTRIES AND THE NEBRASKA DEPARTMENT OF ROADS <br /> Lancaster stated that this was on the agenda 2 weeks ago. If items are placed on the agenda <br /> they are to have a supervisors approve them and to address the item. Theresa Engelhardt and <br /> Dustin Butler were present to address the addendum. Anything that requires the board to sign <br /> requires board action. Theresa explained that this agreement is for last fiscal year the <br /> percentage of the match dollars was changed in January. This agreement is requesting an <br /> additional $23,000.00 in federal dollars. The federal dollars were used but they were allowed to <br /> request additional dollars. She also stated that there were more dollars on the state side but <br /> they were not allowed to request additional dollars from the state. The state was aware that this <br /> would happen because the changes were made midyear. <br /> Lancaster made a motion and Quandt seconded to approve the supplemental agreement with <br /> the Nebraska Department of Roads. Lancaster, McFarland, Purdy, Quandt, Schuppan and <br /> Ziola all voted yes and none voted no. Arnold was absent. Motion carried. <br /> 13. DISCUSS AND APPROVE ADDENDUM TO SCALES INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR <br /> COOPERATIVE LAW ENFORCEMENT SERVICES—Ziola stated that he talked to Sheriff <br /> Watson last week and he is requesting that Merrick County be added to the SCALES <br /> agreement. This is a local law enforcement pool that uses resources to address major crimes. <br /> It is the South Central Law Enforcement Services. All of the area members will be asked to <br /> approve this addendum. <br /> Ziola made a motion and Quandt seconded to approve the agreement and authorize the Chair <br /> 2 <br />