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8.DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION: MODIFY HALL COUNTY BOARD OF <br /> SUPERVISOR COMMITTEE MEETINGS — Mr. Quandt stated that there was some concern <br /> regarding a quorum of the board members at a committee meeting and sometimes 3 members <br /> of the county board are left out of discussion. He suggested that some committees could be the <br /> entire board so everyone would know what is going on the media could be present and the <br /> public would also know. He would like to move in that direction instead of having a 3 or 4 <br /> member committee. <br /> Mr. Ziola stated that he supports this suggestion and on issues like the courthouse project, audit <br /> or computer they could do this at the regular meeting. It is worth a try the chair of the <br /> committee's and department heads can communicate back and forth and the chair could decide <br /> if it needs to be scheduled. It could all be done on Tuesday afternoons. He would like to <br /> streamline the process and if it does not work it can be reconsidered. <br /> Mr. Schuppan questioned how this would work some committee's only meet 3 or 4 times a year <br /> and he asked if this would include the elected officials. He doesn't think it is necessary for the <br /> committee's to meet every 2 weeks or would it just be the committees that are regularly <br /> scheduled or if they have something to bring forward. He expressed concern that it won't save <br /> any time. <br /> Ms. Lancaster stated she supports this thought process, we talk about transparency and this <br /> would provide that. The board of corrections meets regularly and those work out very well. If it <br /> doesn't work they can address it again there is no harm in trying it. They may have to have an <br /> executive session sometimes but she would like to try it. <br /> Mr. Arnold stated that the corrections steering committee goes over issues and brings them <br /> forward to the full board. The committees make it run smoother and by coming to the entire <br /> board it may just increase the time it takes to accomplish something. They do more work if it is <br /> broke up in committees. He doesn't support this. <br /> Mr. Schuppan expressed concern that some if the issues with zoning and public works can be <br /> personal and they can work through it without making it a public issue, sometimes they can get <br /> issues resolved. Public Works brings the big issues to the full board already. <br /> Mr. Quandt noted that some of the elected officials they only see once a year it will open things <br /> up so all seven board members will know what is going on. <br /> Ms. Lancaster doesn't want to leave the impression they don't know what is going on and some <br /> of the one on one issues would not be brought before the County Board. If a constituent has a <br /> concern there would be the Tuesday afternoon meetings. She stated that bringing the major <br /> committees forward would be a great thing. <br /> Mr. Schuppan stated that some issue may need to be handled in a sensitive manner. <br /> We already have an item on the agenda for committee reports and he doesn't see a need and <br /> questioned if this would be necessary. <br /> Mr. McFarland stated the plan has some merit but he also has some concerns that the <br /> committee could be a ghost committee and only meet for an emergency. <br /> Mr Schuppan stated the facilities committee meets on a regular basis and some committees <br /> only meet when needed. <br /> 5 <br />