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<br />'1..jr-/// <br /> <br />4. Communications-Civil Defense Director in regard to FY93-94 budget and <br />~ County Board request for reduction and items that could be addressed. <br /> <br />5. Hall County Housing Authority, invitation for lunch on Tuesday, June 15, <br />1993 at Community Room of Rainbow Terrace, Grand I.sland and brief review <br />of past year and glimpse of year ahead to be provided. <br /> <br />3 <br /> <br />6. Burlington Northern Railroad considering filing an abandonment application <br />for railroad line from Hastings to Gibbon and from Gibbon to Kearney for <br />total distance of 43.06 miles. <br /> <br />7. State of Nebraska Department of Roads agreement for Project No. BRO-7040 <br />(18) Wood River Southwest(Hall Co) for county share of cost $26,100. and <br />to maintain the project after completion. <br /> <br />8. Nebraska Game & Parks Commission, in regard to Project No. 31-00027, acq <br />4.78 +/- acres and development Prairie Pioneer Park, requesting a liaison <br />officer to represent the County interest. <br /> <br />Motion by Hartman, seconded by Leslie to authorize chairman to sign letter <br />in reply to Burlington Northern Railroad. Abernethy, Frauen, Hartman, Landis,. <br />Leslie, Quandt and Stelk voted yes, none voted no. Motion carried. <br /> <br />Requested checking out as to where the location of the Project No. 31-00027 <br />prairie Pioneer Park is located. <br /> <br />Motion by Leslie, seconded by Hartman to place on file the communciations <br />received today. Abernethy, Frauen, Hartman, Landis, Leslie, Quandt and Stelk <br />voted yes, none voted no. Motion carried. <br /> <br />COMMITTEE REPORTS: <br /> <br />Hartman reported on the Mid Nebraska Services Advisory Meeting. <br /> <br />Abernethy reported she attended the Midland Area Agency on Aging meeting, <br />Meeting~ith Architect from University of Nebraska and Stuhr Museum Memorial <br />Day services, Regional III Agency budgets is the same as ~ast <br />year but has copy for board members to review if they wish to. <br /> <br />Conducted interviews for Hall County Housing Authority and GI-Hall Co Depart- <br />ment of Health. board member. <br /> <br />Two Applicants were interviewed for Department of Health. Ed Edwards Director <br />was present. Rozella Sidders, Wood River and John Tignor, Grand Island. <br /> <br />Motion.~Hartman, seconded by Stelk to appoint Mrs. Rozella Sidders to the <br />Department of Health Board. Abernethy, Frauen, Hartman, Leslie and Stelk voted <br />yes, Quandt voted no with Landis abstaining. Motion carried. <br /> <br />Four applicants were interviewed for Hall County Housing Authority. <br />Susan Tignor, Grand Island; Bill Bremer, Grand Island, Lee C Hoelck, Grand <br />Island and Roger G. Andrews, Grand Island. <br />Written Ballot was cast. Bill Bremer 4, Hoelck 2 and Andrews 1. <br />Motion by Hartman, seconded by Landis to appoint Bill Bremer to Hall County <br />Housing Authority Board. Abernethy, Frauen, Hartman, Landis, Leslie, Quandt, <br />and Stelk voted yes, none voted no. Motion carried. <br /> <br />COMMITTEE REPORTS: <br /> <br />Leslie reported on meeting with Architect from University of Lincoln at the <br />Courthouse, he will provide alternative ways for space use. Building & <br />Grounds Committee looking at replacing sidewalk on north side of Health Depart- <br />ment building, Board members should look at the location. Presented the <br />written conclusions and recommendations of the Health HaZard Evaluation. <br /> <br />The following is the CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS <br />section of the Health Hazard Evaluation conducted by the <br />National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health at the <br />Hall County Administration Building on April 5-6, 1993. <br /> <br />"There we~e no clear environmental causes for the <br />symptoms reported by the Treasury and Title Office <br />employees; however, the NIOSH evaluation identified several <br />environmental deficiencies at the Hall County Administration <br />Building. Based on the results and observations of this <br />evaluation, the following recommendations are offered to <br />correct those deficiencies and optimize employee comfort: <br /> <br />1. Avoid the use of rust and corrosion inhibitors and <br />biocides or algicides in the HVAC system. The use of <br />these substances may introduce irritating or harmful <br />