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<br />... <br /> <br />9Sr _,33 /P <br /> <br />Discussed the letter Hostler had sent to Nebraska Department of Roads in <br />regard to the possibility of installing flashing light at intersection of <br />Highway 11 and Husker Highway, with Hall County agreeing to pay 50% of the <br />cost for the flashing light. <br /> <br />j.: <br />.':J <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />Deputy Attorney Janulewicz returned to Board Meeting. He'spoke in regard to <br />the changes made in the Handibus Substance Abuse Policy and presented the <br />corrected copy. <br />Motion by Rosenkotter, seconded by Leslie to reconsider motion relating <br />to the Substance Abuse Policy voted on earlier. Abernethy, Hartman, Landis, <br />Leslie, Quandt, Rosenkotter and Stelk voted yes, none voted no. Motion Approved. <br /> <br />Motion by Rosenkotter, seconded by Stelk to approve the Substance Abuse Policy <br />for Handibus Services as amended and corrected. Abernethy, Hartman, Landis, <br />Leslie, Quandt, Rosenkotter and Stelk voted yes, none voted no. Motion <br />Approved. <br /> <br />Hartman questioned Attorney Janulewicz in regard to insurance coverage by <br />County for members serving on Committees and Boards representing the County <br />Board. They requested Janulewicz to draft letter to NIRMA Insur~nce in <br />regard to this insurance coverage. <br /> <br />Discussion on claims audited. Stelk questioned eight claims and two claims do <br />not have documentations attached. One claim was maintenance fund for Mid <br />Plains Center for $12,000.00 (This was agreed to at County Budget approval <br />time) Hartman presented stack of documents from Mid Plains Center and Mid <br />Nebraska Individual Services and the yearly audits, to be placed on file in <br />County Board Assistant's Office for review. <br /> <br />Deputy Attorney Janulewicz explained the funds requested under the inter local <br />agreement which had been approved by County Board. <br /> <br />Hall County Sheriff James Fosket spoke to board members in regard to Merit <br />Commission claims for the Jan Steeple case. Has $1957.10 outstanding and he <br />only has $144.00 left in his budget line item for Merit Commission expenses. <br />Discussion followed. <br />Motion by Quandt, seconded by Hartman to pay the merit commission expense <br />claims from the miscellaneous, Miscellaneous General budget. Abernethy, Quandt, <br />and Rosenkotter voted yes, Landis, Leslie and Stelk voted no, Hartman abstain- <br />ed. Motion Failed on 3 yes, 3 no and 1 abstained voted. <br /> <br />Landis and Stelk questioned Sheriff on some other claims he had submitted for <br />claim audit today. <br /> <br />Chairman recessed meeting at 12:10 P.M. to attend lunch with Hall County' <br />Housing Authority Board.Members. <br /> <br />Returned to regular session at 1:30 P.M. Present were Abernethy, Hartman, <br />Landis, Leslie, Quandt, Rosenkotter and Stelk. None were absent. <br /> <br />Duane Burns, Attorney for Hall County Hospital Authority spoke in regard to <br />the reappointment of 4 board members. <br />Affidavit of Publication was presented as published in Grand Island <br />Independent on November 7th and November 14th as required by State Statute <br />for Public Hearing. <br />Petition of Nomination for Dick Nietfeld, David L. Schaffer, Christopher <br />R. Waters, D.D.S. and Karen Bortz all of Grand Island for reappointment for <br />Hospital Authority No. 1 of Hall County Board of Trustees. <br />Attorney Burns gave information in regard and support of the reappoint- <br />ment of the four members. Questions were answered from the County Board <br />members. No one spoke opposing the appointments. <br />Motion by Stelk, seconded by Rosenkotter to approve the reappointment of <br />,the four members to the Hospital Authority Board and adopt Resolution #1679 <br />as presented. Abernethy, Hartmani Landis, Leslie, Quandt, Rosenkotter and' <br />Stelk voted yes, none voted no. Motion Approved. <br /> <br />, RESOLU'l'IOR NO. /~ '19 <br /> <br />WHEREAS, this County Board of Supervisors has created Hospital Authority <br />No.1 of Hall County, Nebraska, and has appointed the initial eleven (11) member <br />Board of Trustees; and " . <br />-' <br /> <br />WHEREAS, the terms of office of four (4) members expire in November of <br />1995, and it is necessary for this Board of Trustees to appoint successor~; and <br /> <br />WHEREAS, a Petition containing 25 signatures, as provided by law, has been <br />filed with the County Clerk requesting the reappointment of Dick Nietfeld, David <br />L. Schaffer, Christopher R. Waters, D.D.S. and Karen Bortz; and <br /> <br />WHEREAS, notice of this hearing was published in the Grand Island Daily <br />Independent on November 7, 1995, and November 14, 1995, as required by law, and <br />such notice contained the date, time, and place at which the hearing would be <br />held before the County Board of Supervisors, and that the foregoing persons may <br />be appointed for six-year terms: and <br />