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<br />QSF - 3.:G~ <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />.- <br /> <br />4. Letter from David C. Mussman, Law Offices of Erickson & Sederstrom, <br />Lincoln, Nebrska. The official notice of withdrawal of claim filed <br />April 18, 1995 under the Political Subdivision Tort Claims Act in <br />regard to Robinson vs Hall County. <br /> <br />5. Letter from Dennis R Keefe, Lancaster County Public Defender in regard <br />to Crime Commission Grant for Commission on Public Advocacy in the <br />amount of $84,000. together with State matching funds. Total amount <br />of award is $112,000.00 to provide salaries for two attorneys and a <br />secretary for nine month period. <br /> <br />6. Notice from Jerry L Pigsley, Harding & Ogborn in regard to Hall County <br />Public Defenders Organization CIR Case No. 905. <br /> <br />7. Public Notice announcing the issuance of single-family housing Nation- <br />wide Permit #29, which became effective September 25, 1995. <br /> <br />Deputy County Attorney Jerry Janulewicz came to board meetin9 in regard to <br />the Resolution for setting salary for Election Commissioner 4 year term. <br />Discussed the paragraph on insurance coverage. will make changes in wording. <br /> <br />Janulewicz also spoke in regard to letter from Duane A Burns, Attorney for <br />Hospital Authority Board members appointments. <br /> <br />Carlos A Monzon, Attorney, 808 P Street, Lincoln, Nebraska spoke in regard <br />to Juvenile/child support/paternity cases for Hall County. He made presenta- <br />tion on his qualifications and will b~ opening office in Grand Island in the <br />next two weeks with Robert A. Eckerson Attorney. He requested they be consid- <br />ered for placing bid on the cases. <br /> <br />Under Communications, Chairman Abernethy read letter she received from <br />Senator Dan Fisher, 35th Legislative District in regard to letter of October <br />3rd concerning the public defender situation in Hall County. <br />Discussion followed and Landis made comments of her visit with Senator Fisher. <br /> <br />BOARD MEMBER REPORTS: <br /> <br />Quandt: Attended Midland Area Agency on Agency meeting. <br /> <br />Hartman: Will be attending court case of Mid Nebraska Retardation Services. <br /> <br />Landis: Have Safety Committee meeting this week. <br /> <br />Leslie: None <br /> <br />Abernethy: Attending meeting with State Civil Defense people last week. <br />Has copy of Nebraska State Patrol & Law Enforcement study committee. <br /> <br />Motion by Quandt, seconded by Stelk, to have Hall County Board send another <br />letter of support in regard to the State Patrol Training Center at the Law <br />Enforcement Training Center in Grand island. Abernethy, Hartman, Landis, <br />Leslie, Quandt and Stelk voted yes, none voted no, with Rosehkotter absent. <br />Motion carried. <br /> <br />The Resolution #1678 on Election Commission Salary for 4 year term was <br />returned with corrections. <br />Motion by Stelk, seconded by Leslie to adopt Resolutin #1678 as <br />presented with correction. Abernethy, Landis, Leslie and Stelk voted yes, <br />Quandt and Hartman voted no, with Rosenkotter absent. Motion carried. <br /> <br />RESOLUTION #/~ 7Y <br /> <br />A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING SALARIES FOR THE ELECTION COMMISSIONER <br />EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 1996 FOR THE 1996 - 2000 TERM OF OFFICE <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />WHEREAS, the Hall County Board of Supervisors has created <br />the office of Hall County Election Commissioner; and <br /> <br />WHEREAS, the current term of office for the Hall County <br />Election Commissioner ends January 1, 1996; and <br /> <br />WHEREAS, the salary for the term of Hall County Election <br />Commissioner is required to be set by the Board of Supervisors <br />not less than 60 days prior to the expiration of the current term <br />of office; and <br /> <br />WHEREAS, o~ the. 23rd, day of October, 1995, the Hall County <br />Board of Superv1sors met 1n regular public meeting and by vote <br />duly recorded as provided by law, approved a motion setting the <br />proposed salary for the office of election commissioner effective <br />Janu~ry 1, 1996, ,and authorized the drafting of a resolution <br />sett1n~ forth s~1d proposed salary for final vote by the Board of <br />Superv1sors at 1ts next regular public meeting; and <br />