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<br />q5(- :J.7aJ <br /> <br />Passed and adopted this 5th day of September, 1995. <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />~~ <br /> <br />, " <br />;.-. <br /> <br />BY: O.~ <br />~1( :- <br />Irene Abernethy, Chai <br /> <br />- ....~ <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />ATTEST: <br /> <br />Discussion on re90rding all committee meetings that County Board members <br />attend. Motion by Landis, seconded by Hartman to tape all committee meetings. <br />No vote was taken, will place on next County Board meeting agenda. <br /> <br />PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: <br /> <br />John Wagoner spoke in regard to recording the board meetings. Airport Board <br />uses 1 camera and audio for their meetings. He recommends the County Board <br />do the same. Watch expenditures, recordings are for the benefit of the <br />people who elect you. <br /> <br />Pat Hochstetler spoke in regard to Mid Plains Center. She had provided <br />Supervisor Hartman with copies of information and a copy of the letter <br />she is delivering to the J~dj.~9]:,__9f Grand Island Independent. She requested <br />board members to respond to lett~r~ written to editor. <br /> <br />Senator Dan Fisher was present. He spoke briefly and responded to questions <br />from Board members in regard to property taxes. <br /> <br />Nelson Helm, Regional Planning Commission Director gave quarterly report. <br />He gave update on housing needs of----'l;he' community and those proposed and <br />those in construction. Present list has approximately 1000 housing units. <br /> <br />Howard Maxon, Civil Defense Director spoke in regard to'application for <br />continued federal funding assistance for local emergency management program. <br />Have to apply each year and this application will be for October 1, 1995 thru <br />September 30, 1996. <br />Motion by Quandt, seconded by Hartman to approve and authorize chairman <br />to sign the application for continued federal funding assistance for local <br />emergency management program. Abernethy, Hartman, Landis, Leslie, Quandt, <br />Rosenkotter and Stelk voted yes, none voted no. Motion carried. <br /> <br />Chairman Abernethy asked Maxon to stay for the discussion on video recording <br />of county board meetings. Maxon made suggestion to try 1 video with reliable <br />sound sytem. Try sound system with camera county owns., He recommends accept- <br />ing the committee recommendation from Business Telecommunication SystemsInc <br />for audio system., ' <br /> <br />Recessed at 10:20 A.M. and returned to session at 10:37 A.M. <br /> <br />County Clerk,pr$sented the 1995 County Department inventories for County <br />Board's approval. Discussion on checking the inventories. <br />Motion by Quandt, seconded by Hartman to have Ellen Merrill do the <br />review of County 'inventories this year. Quandt and Hartman voted yes, <br />Abernethy, Landis, Leslie, Rosenkotter and Stelk voted no. Motion failedc <br />on 2 yes, 5 no vote. <br />