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<br />91F~I~ <br /> <br />COUNTY BOARD SECRETARY REPORT: Lisa Hagen, board secretary, <br />included her progress report and reminded the board that an <br />audit committee meeting will be held Friday at 9:30 a.m. <br />Lancaster asked if the salary survey work-study could be held <br />another time. It has been advertised and will remain the same. <br /> <br />NEW OR UNFINISHED BUSINESS: John Amick, 410 Amick Avenue, <br />Doniphan, requested to speak to the County Board. He is <br />representing Dick Hartman on the hearing with Nebraska Disclosure <br />and Accountability December 17. Hartman requested that the <br />board pay for his legal fees. Jerry Janulewicz sent a letter <br />to the board addressing this issue. Amick explained the issues <br />that are in question. County Attorney Ellen Totzke recommended <br />that the board wait until after the hearing to decide. stelk <br />suggested to place it on the agenda for December 23. Quandt <br />made a motion and Stelk seconded to add to the agenda as an <br />emergency item to vote on paying Richard Hartman's legal fees. <br />Abernethy stated this case was different because Hartman was <br />told not to vote. Amick stated that Hartman has received <br />conflicting advice on this matter. Lancaster, Long, Quandt <br />and Stelk all voted yes and Abernethy voted no, with Landis <br />absent. Hartman abstained. <br /> <br />Quandt made a motion and Stelk seconded to pay for Richard <br />Hartman's legal fees. stelk stated Hartman is elected and <br />elected officials need to have legal representation. Abernethy, <br />Lancaster, Long, Quandt and Stelk all voted yes and none voted <br />no, with Landis absent. Hartman abstained. Motion carried. <br />The hearing will be held December 17, in Lincoln, at the State <br />Capitol Building Suite 22 and it is an open meeting. <br /> <br />BOARD MEMBER REPORTS: Stelk - She attended the computer committee <br />meeting, personnel committee meeting and she attended a school <br />board meeting for Heartland Vision Government Committee. The <br />salary work study will be December 15 at 6:00 p.m. <br /> <br />Quandt - He attended a Library board meeting, a 2-mile <br />jurisdiction meeting and an ADA meeting. <br /> <br />Lancaster - She attended the personnel and computer committee <br />meetings, the Reuse meetings last Thursday at 9:00, 10:00 and <br />the meeting at College Park. She also toured the VA medical <br />center and this could provide good space for long-range planning. <br />She encouraged people to drive by the Hall County Park to see <br />the Christmans display. She requested that letters be sent <br />to David Arnold and Joel Dalton to congratulate them on awards received. <br /> <br />Hartman - He attended the Reuse meeting at 9:00 and things will <br />be changing in the next two years. He attended the building <br />and grounds and personnel committee meetings and a meeting in <br />Kearney on water uses, he also attended a meeting at the Holiday <br />Inn on the juvenile facilities and they will be touring a <br />facility on December 18. <br />