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<br />9.1;: 3*{ / <br /> <br />conditional use committee met and a good compromise was made <br />regarding this resolution. The resolution will state if more <br />than 30 cars and within 1/2 mile from a state or federal highway <br />they will need to be screened. It was noted that the property <br />owned by Randy Dethlefs w~ll have a fence constructed by May 15, <br />1998. Hartman made a motlon and Landis seconded to approve <br /> <br />Resolution # 97-0074. Abernethy, Hartman, Lancaster, Landis, <br />Long, Quandt and Stelk all voted yes and none voted no. Motion <br />carried. <br /> <br />RESOLUTION # C/7 tJrJ 7 ~ <br /> <br />A RESOLUTION AMENDING SECTIONS 4 AND 6 OF THE HALL COUNTY ZONING <br />RESOLUTION <br /> <br />WHEREAS, at the regular meeting of the Regional Planning Commission ("Commission"), held April <br />3, 1997, the Commission held a public hearing and considered the amendment of the Hall County Zoning <br />Resolution to defme "Auto Wrecking Yards." Following said public hearing and further consideration, the <br />Regional Planning Commission, by a unanimous vote of the 10 members present, recommended adoption of an <br />amendment to Section 4 of the Hall County Zoning Resolution which would add the following definition of "auto <br />wrecking yard1; to wit: "Any use of land as part of a business of storing, keeping, buying, selling or trading <br />wrecked, scrapped, inoperative, ruined or dismantled motor vehicles or motor vehicle parts. This shall not <br />include inoperative vehicles stored on property in a non business, reasonable personal use capacity;j and <br /> <br />WHEREAS, at the meeting of the Hall County Board of Supervisors held April 29, 1997, the Board <br />held a public hearing on the proposed amendment to Section 4 of the Hall County Zoning Resolution which <br />would add the following definition of "auto wrecking yard'&; to wit: "Any use of land as part of a business of <br />storing, keeping, buying, selling or trading wrecked, scrapped, inoperative, ruined or dismantled motor <br />vehicles or motor vehicle parts. This shall not include inoperative vehicles stored on property in a non- <br />business, reasonable personal use capacity;" and <br /> <br />WHEREAS, at said public meeting members of the public spoke in support of and in opposition to the <br />proposed amendment, the public hearing was closed, and the matter was taken under advisement by the Hall <br />County Board of Supervisors; and <br /> <br />WHEREAS, at the October 28,1997 meeting of the Hall County Board of Supervisors a public hearing <br />was held on the following changes to the proposed amendment to the Hall County Zoning Resolution, to wit: <br />that Section 4 of the Hall County Zoning Resolution be amended by adding the following defmition: "Auto <br />Wrecking Yard" Any use of land as part of a business of storing, keeping, buying, selling or trading wrecked, <br />scrapped, inoperative, ruined or dismantled motor vehicles or motor vehicle parts. This shall not include <br />vehicles or trailers parked or stored pursuant to Section 6.8 of this Resolution; and that Section 6 amended by <br />adding the following subsection 6.8: On agricultural zoned properties, a maximum of 30 scrapped, <br />inoperative or dismantled motor vehicles or trailers may be parked or stored for non-commercial use <br />purposes. On agricultural zoned properties within one-half (1/2) mile of a state or federal highway. a <br />maximum of 30 scrapped, inoperative or dismantled motor vehicles or trailers may be parked or stored for <br />non-commercial purposes as long as they are in completely enclosed buildfngs or in spaces visually screened <br />from the highway by fencing and/or evergreen shrubbery. The aforementioned screening shall not be?required if the number of said vehicles is five (5) or less. <br /> <br />WHEREAS, at said October 28, 1997 meeting members of the public spoke in support of and in <br />opposition to the proposed amendment, the public hearing was closed, and the matter was taken under <br />advisement by the Hall County Board of Supervisors. <br />