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<br />91;: ;;l~1 <br /> <br />WHEREAS, at the regular meeting of the Hall County Board of Supervisors held June 17, 1997, <br />John Amick appeared representing himself and the owners of the proposed Amick Acres West Subdivision <br />and spoke in support of the rezoning request and request for approval of the preliminary development plan <br />as modified by the Regional Planning Commission and, further, requested that said modified plan be <br />modified as set forth in Exhibit "C"; and <br /> <br />Whereupon the Hall County Board of Supervisors voted, by majority vote of the members present, <br />to approve the aforesaid rezoning request and approved the preliminary development plan with following <br />modifications as set forth herein. <br /> <br />NOW BE IT RESOLVED by the Hall County Board of Supervisors that, upon consideration of <br />the record herein and the factors set out in Neb. Rev. Stat. sec. 23-114.03, the Hall County Board of <br />Supervisors finds that the requested rezoning change is consistent with the comprehensive development plan <br />of Hall County, and that the same should be approved. <br /> <br />IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that the Amick Acres West preliminary development plan is hereby <br />approved with the following modifications to the preliminary development plan and proposed plat dated <br />April 24, 1997 submitted to the Regional Planning Commission: <br /> <br />1. That the proposed private roadway at the southeasterly comer of said subdivision extending to Platte <br />River Road, herein referred to for identification as "Hollister Road;' shall be designated and utilized as <br />the sole ingress and egress to the subdivision until such time as the Hall County Board of Supervisors, <br />in consultation with the Regional Planning Commission, gives written approval for additional access <br />roads for ingress and egress for the subdivision. Provided, that the previously proposed access at <br />Leisure Lake Road, Monument Road, and Amick Acres East Subdivision may be developed but shall, <br />by and at owners' cost, be blocked at the intersections of said roads with the subdivision boundaries, <br />preventing ingress and egress to the subdivision until such time as the Hall County Board of <br />Supervisors, in consultation with the Regional Planning Commission, gives written approval for use of <br />these access roads. "Hollister Road" shall be constructed and graded to conform to meet design <br />standard RL-2 Local of the Nebraska Department of Roads (1996 edition), upon the supervision and <br />direction of the Hall County Public Works Director, at owners' expense. <br />2. Lots 60 through 70, inclusive, shall not be offered for sale or sold by the aforesaid owners nor shall <br />building permits be applied for nor granted for said lots unless and until such time as the Hall County <br />Board of Supervisors, in consultation with the Regional Planning Commission, gives written approval <br />for additional access roads for ingress and egress for the subdivision. <br />3. That portion of Renee Road running along and adjacent to the east side of Lot 1 Amick Acres Third <br />Subdivision, which is a dedicated county road, be vacated and rededicated as part of the private road <br />for the Amick Acres West Subdivision PUD. <br />4. No building permit shall be applied for or granted for the construction of structures within Amick <br />Acres West Subdivision until such time as "Hollister Road" is improved as set forth in paragraph 1, <br />above. <br />5. No building permit shall be applied for or granted for the construction of any structure on lot 8, as <br />designated on the preliminary plat of January 20, 1997, until an easement granting ingress/egress <br />rights to said lot is filed against those private lands known as outlot "B," Sonja Drive, located <br />immediately to the east in the Amick Acres East Subdivision; <br />6. Lot 8 as designated and depicted on the preliminary plat of January 20, 1997, may be redesignated as <br />lot 71; <br />7. Lot 31 be eliminated to allow the southerly extension of Sunset Drive to Platte River Drive; <br />8. The preliminary development plan area be extended to include a minimum 60~00t-wide extension of <br />outlot "B," Sunset Drive, southward to Platte River Drive; <br />9. Outlot "B," Sunset Drive be widened to a minimum of 40 feet adjacent to proposed Lots 45 and 47; <br />10. Outlot "B," Renee Drive, located to the north of Lake Carl, be renamed Island Drive; and an <br />appropriate cul-de-sac be provided at its eastern end, utilizing necessary area within currently proposed <br />outlot "C"; <br />11. An appropriate cul-de-sac be provided at the following locations: a.) on Island Road adjacent to <br />proposed Lot 6; b.) on Island Drive, adjacent to proposed Lot 9; and on Island Drive adjacent to Lots <br />58 and 59; <br />12. Lots 13 and 14 of Amick Acres Third Subdivision be consolidated, and the preliminary development <br />plan area be enlarged to include the southward extension of outlot "B," Island Drive, to Monument <br />Drive over the easterly half of consolidated Lots 13 and 14; <br />13. Condition 2 of exhibit "B" is deleted as a requirement; <br />14. All lots be renumbered accordingly. <br />