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<br />97~- /;Zty <br /> <br />002 04C Paunch manure shall not be applied within 1000 feet of inhabited <br />dwellings, businesses, or facilities or lands (excluding public roads) frequented by <br />the public, unless applicant presents documented permission from the owners <br />(and in the case of a dwelling, the residents) of such dwelling, business, facility, <br />or lands, consenting to application of paunch within a lesser distance from such <br />inhabited dwelling, business, facilities, or lands. <br /> <br />9 <br /> <br />002 04D Paunch manure shall not be applied within five thousand (5000) feet of <br />a municipal water supply well. Paunch manure shall not be applied within two <br />hundred (200) feet of a domestic water supply well. <br /> <br />002 05 Crop Considerations. <br /> <br />002 05A Paunch manure shall not be applied to edible portions of crops that are <br />consumed by humans without processing to minimize pathogens prior to <br />consumption. <br /> <br />002 06 General considerations. <br /> <br />002.06A Application ofpaunm manure may be made by any method which <br />injects or disperses the material so that a uniform application is achieved. <br /> <br />002 06B Application of material shall be to land properly selected and managed <br />in sum a manner so that: <br /> <br />00206Bl No pollution ofwater of the State results. <br /> <br />002 06B2 Flies and odors are controlled. Techniques and procedures <br />may be required to reduce the potential for flies and odors. <br /> <br />00l Records and Reporting. <br /> <br />003 01 Pennittee shall maintain record of the amount of paunch that is land applied, the <br />site at whim applied, dates of applicatic;m, moisture content and sum other information as <br />required by Department. Sum records shall be maintained at applicant's place of business <br /> <br />in Hall County and shall be available for inspection and copying by Department upon <br />reasonable notice to permittee. <br /> <br />OM. Penalties. Failure to comply with the foregoing procedures shall be grounds for prosecution <br />under Nebraska Revised Statute sec. 23-114.05. <br /> <br />005. Fees. The Department is authorized to establish an application fee of not more than one <br />hundred dollars ($100.00) per site. <br /> <br />QQ6. Severability. The provisions of this Resolution are severable. If any paragraph, section,subdivision, SEntence, clause, or phrase of this Resolution is for any reason held to be <br /> contrary to <br />law, such decision shall not affect the remaining provisions of this Resolution. <br /> <br />IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that Resolutions #96-0028 adopted May 7, 1996, and #882 <br />adopted October 29, 1985, are hereby rescinded. <br /> <br />Passed and adopted this 2!!:day of April 1997. <br /> <br /> <br />~-~ <br />MarjOri~ county Clerk <br /> <br />:J1:~7h <br /> <br />II . <br /> <br />~~ O.,,,,,Jd- <br />