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<br />/0 <br /> <br />91 r- /~ '7 <br /> <br />George Zahn, General Manager of Monforts spoke briefly. stated they could <br />the same guidelines but asked for clarification of issuing of permits. <br /> <br />use <br /> <br />LAND APPLICATION OF PAUNCH REGARDING THE BUILDING INSPECTOR: Quandt spoke <br />in regard to consideration of compensation for extra work for paunch by the <br />building inspector. Stelk spoke in regard to compensation or hiring some <br />part time help during the busy season. Lancaster, Abernethy and Landis <br />spoke in regard to keeping track of time spent before setting compensation. <br />Hartman stated he had visited with Building Inspector and felt would not <br />require additional time or compensation. Stelk suggested Chairman Long <br />contact Building Inspector to submit a monthly report on time spent on <br />paunch. Was also suggested obtain something in writing from Building <br />Inspector. Chairman Long asked Hartman to get with Attorney Janulewicz <br />and get information in writing with Building Inspector. <br /> <br />FINAL PLATS were presented. <br />HILLCREST SUBDIVISION located 558 ft west of Highway 281 and immediately <br />north of platte River Drive. <br />WILKINSON SECOND SUBDIVISION located immediately east of Nebraska Highway 11 <br />and south of Holling Road, approximately 1 mile southeast of Wood River. <br />N. J. CLARK SUBDIVISION located immediately east of 110th Road, and approxi- <br />mately 1452 ft north of Abbott Road. <br />Motion by Quandt, seconded by Hartman to approve final plats for Hill- <br />crest subdivision, Wilkinson Second Subdivision and N. J. Clark subdivision <br />and authorize Chairman to sign the three final plats. Abernethy, Hartman, <br />Lancaster, Landis, Long, Quandt and Stelk voted yes, none voted no. Motion <br />carried. <br /> <br />AMICK ACRES WEST SUBDIVISION PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT PLAN - Need to set date <br />and time for Public Hearing on the Rezoning request TA-l to PUD <br /> <br />AMENDMENT TO DEFINE AUTO WRECKING YARDS IN HALL COUNTY - Need to set date <br />and time for Public Hearing on amendment. <br /> <br />Motion by stelk! seconded by Hartman to set the Public Hearings for <br />April 29th. 7:00 p.m. for rezoning request for Amick Acres West and <br />7:30 p.m. for amendment for auto wrecking yards. Abernethy, Hartman, <br />Lancaster, Landis, Long, Quandt and Stelk voted yes, none voted no. Motion <br />carried. <br /> <br />CONSENT AGENDA: Motion by Stelk, seconded by Landis to approve on consent <br />agenda the Hall County Treasurer report of Public Tax Sales, County Treas- <br />urer's miscellaneous receipts, Office reports from County Court and County <br />Clerk and the communications received today. Abernethy, Hartman, Lancaster, <br />Landis, Long, Quandt and Stelk voted yes, none voted no. Motion carried. <br /> <br />#14123 <br />14124 <br />14125 <br />14126 <br />14127 <br />14128 <br />14129 <br />14130 <br />14131 <br />14132 <br />14133 <br />14134 <br />14135 <br />14136 <br />14137 <br />14138 <br />14139 <br />14140 <br />14141 <br />14142 <br />14143 <br />14144 <br />14145 <br />14146 <br />14147 <br />14148 <br />14149 <br />14150 <br />14151 <br />14152 <br />14153 <br />14154 <br />14155 <br />14156 <br />1,4157 <br /> <br />Benjamin & Associates, filin~ fee, NJ Clark Sub(gen'l) $ 50.00 <br />Hall Co Sheriff, county commission (general) 24.77 <br />Hall Co Court, reimbursement witness fees (general) 40.00 <br />Hall Co Court, bond forfeiture (general) 288.50 <br />State Bank of Cairo, interest on CD (general) 1,430.14 <br />US West Communications, pay phone commission (general) 10.08 <br />U.S. Treasury, housing of US Marshall inmates (general) 49.27 <br />Allied Group Insurance, insurance claim (general) 82.67 <br />General Collection Co, tax search (general) 5.00 <br />Clerk District Court, proceeds of sale (school) 4,912.31 <br />Clerk District Court, Guardian Ad Litem fees (generla) 30.00 <br />Mary Kay Shay, long distance calls (general) 12.65 <br />Estate of Cora S. Thayer, inheritance tax (inheritance) 2,771.75 <br />Estate of Matilda M. Quandt, inheritance tax (inheritance) 828.28 <br />Nebr Public Power District,in lieu RE & PP tax 675.74 <br />Nebr Public Power District, 5% gross revenue pmts 80,937.70 <br />Hall Co Sheriff, interest on checking acct(general) 33.51 <br />Danko Pike, STOP program (diversion fund) 50.00 <br />Brittina VanWinkle, STOP Program (diversion fund) 50.00 <br />Clerk District Court, work release (general) 203.00 <br />Julana Kalin Trust Estate, Inheritance tax (inheritance) 1,824.16 <br />Vanosdall Softball Fields, amusement license (school) 10.00 <br />Hall Co Attorney, processing fees for 255 checks(gen'l) 2,550.00 <br />Hall Co Attorney, bad checks (general) 28.00 <br />Hall Co Attorney, STOP Program (diversion fund) 50.00 <br />Darick Bryer, insufficient fund chec~ ch~rge (general) 10.00 <br />Hall Co Sheriff, MV Inspection (general) 660.00 <br />Hall Co Sheriff, copy fee (general) 18.00 <br />Hall Co Court, bond forfeitures (general) 1,207.00 <br />Hall Co Court, reimbursement witness fees (general) 20.00 <br />Maude A Jensen, inheritance tax (inheritance) 645.46 <br />Hall Co Sheriff, handgun applications(general) 10.00 <br />Vicki Pflasterer, bad check (general) 10.00 <br />State of Nebr, airline tax (general) 20,829.53 <br />State of Nebr, carline (carline) ____J3, 412.30 <br />