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<br />97 ~- /;;..s- <br /> <br />5 <br /> <br />012.02 Persons or groups shall have ten (10) days from the publication of notice to <br />provide the Director with comments to the proposed issuance of a pennit. If no <br />comments are received raising substantial major issues concerning a permit, the Director <br />may issue a pennit to the applicant. If comments are received raising substantial major <br />issues concerning a pennit, the Director shall refer the matter to the Hall County Board of <br />Supervisors, which shall hold a public hearing on the application and shall make the final <br />determination regarding the issuance of the permit. <br /> <br />o..u. Public Hearings. <br /> <br />013 01 When comments raising substantial major issues concerning an application are <br />received by the Director within ten (10) days of the published notice, the Hall County <br />Board of Supervisors shall hold a public hearing upon the application not less than ten <br />(10) days following published notice of such hearing. Notice of the public hearing shall <br />be mailed to the applicant not less than ten (10) days prior to such hearing. Following the <br />public hearing, the County Board of Supervisors shall make a final decision on the <br />application. <br /> <br />Chapter 3 - LAND APPLICATION OF PAUNCH MANURE. <br /> <br />QQ1 A person who land applies paunch manure at any paunch manure application site shall obtain <br />a permit pursuant to Chapter 2 of these regulations. <br /> <br />00 1 01 Where the person who land-applies the paunch manure is not the generator of the <br />paunch manure, such person shall be considered an agent of the generator. The permit <br />shall be issued to the generator in those situations. <br /> <br />00102 In situations where the generator assigns the paunch manure to a facility (such as <br />a composting facility) pennitted by the Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality, <br />the material shall become the responsibility of such pennitted facility and further <br />disposition will be the responsibility of that facility. <br /> <br />QQ2. Specific Permit Terms and Conditions. <br /> <br />002 01 Transportation: Transportation of paunch manure over public roads or near an <br />inhabited residence, business, or facility/area (excluding public roads) shall be done in a <br />leak-proof, tightly covered, splash proof container. <br /> <br />002 02 Incorporation: Except as provided by 002 02A., when paunch manure is land <br />applied it shall be incorporated into the soil immediately. When weather conditions do <br />not allow for immediate incorporation of land applied paunch manure, application is <br />prohibited at the location until soil or weather conditions permit immediate incorporation. <br /> <br />002 02A Paunch manure that has been dewatered so as to have a moisture <br />content of 65% or less as shown by analysis provided by the permittee shall be <br />incorporated within such time period as specified by the Department. <br /> <br />002 03 Application rates shall not exceed those specified in the pennit. Application rates <br />will be approved for pennitting purposes taking into consideration: <br /> <br />00203A Protection ofwaters, land, and air of the state. The application of <br />nitrogen from paunch manure and any other sources shall not exceed the nitrogen <br />needs of the crops to be grown on the site over the next year, and the total <br />application of all nutrients shall not exceed the acceptable agronomic application <br />rates recommended by the University of Nebraska Department of Agronomy for <br />the M"nn~ invnlvM __ __ ___ ______ _______ <br />002 03B Any other local, state or Federal Regulations applying to this practice. <br /> <br />002 03C Application for amount greater than 10 dry tons per acre shall not be <br />granted unless the applicant submits proof of appropriate permit or license issued <br />by the Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality. <br /> <br />002 04 Land and Location Considerations. <br /> <br />002 04A Unless the applicant can demonstrate to the Department's satisfaction <br />that pollution of waters of the state will not result, paunch manure shall not be <br />surface applied on land with greater than 10% slope. <br /> <br />002 04B Paunch manure shall not be applied on wetland areas. <br /> <br />----~~- <br />