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<br />9:7;:'- /,;? 4L. <br /> <br />.7 <br /> <br />00903 In addition to the reasons specified in paragraph 009 01 of this Chapter, causes <br />for modification, but not revocation, include, but are not limited to: <br /> <br />009.03A Material and substantial alterations or additions to the permitted activity <br />or operation which occurred after issuance of the permit which justify different <br />conditions from those which are present in the existing permit; <br /> <br />009.03B Information received by the Director which was not available at the <br />time of permit issuance and would have justified the application of different <br />permit conditions at the time of issuance; <br /> <br />009.03C A change in the standards or regulations on which the permit or license <br />was based; <br /> <br />009 03D A determination made by the Director that good cause exists for <br />modification of a compliance schedule, such as an act of God, strike, flood, or <br />materials shortage or other events over which the pennittee has little or no control <br />for which there is not reasonable available remedy. <br /> <br />Q.1Q. Denial of Permits. <br /> <br />The Director may deny a pennit when: <br /> <br />010.01 The tenns or conditions of the proposed permit application do not comply and <br />assure compliance with the applicable requirements of state and federal laws and local, <br />state, and federal rules and regulations; or <br /> <br />010.02 The application does not meet the requirements of these regulations. <br />ill Issuance or Denial of a Pennit. <br /> <br />011 01 Once an application is complete, the Director shall decide whether to deny the <br />permit or tentatively decide that the pennit be issued. <br /> <br />011 02 If the Director tentatively decides to issue the permit, he shall prepare a draft <br />permit which shall contain the following information and follow the public notice outlined <br />in paragraph ill: <br /> <br />011 02A A brief description of the activity or operation which is the subject of <br />the draft pennit and legal desription of the application site; <br /> <br />011 02B The quantity of paunch which is proposed to be land applied; <br /> <br />011 02C The tentative determination to issue the permit; <br /> <br />011 020 A description of the procedures for the formulation of final <br />detennination; <br /> <br />o 11.02E All general and specific permit tenns and conditions; <br /> <br />011 02F Name, address, and phone number of the department; <br /> <br />01102G Name and address of the applicant; <br /> <br />011 02H A statement of the determination to recommend permitting the activity <br />or operation described in the application and that a draft permit has been <br />prepared. <br /> <br />011.03 If the Director denies a permit, the applicant may appeal said denial to the Hall <br />County Board of Supervisors by filing with the Director a written notice of appeal within <br />ten (10) days of receipt of the notice of denial. The Hall County Board of Supervisors <br />shall hold a hearing upon any such appeal following notice of the application and hearing <br />as provided in QU and ill. <br /> <br />Q.12.Public Notice of Pending Permit Issuance or Denial. <br /> <br />012 01 Public notice of every application and tentative decision to issue a pennit shall be <br />given by publishing a notice in a legal newspaper in the county and by mail to the <br />applicant. The public notice shall include the information specified in paragraphs <br />011.02A. and 011 02F through 011 02H. <br />