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<br />9'ir-/d(~ II <br /> <br />14158 State Bank of Cairo, interest on CD (general) 29.53 <br />. 14i59 Linda Boyce, insufficient fund check charge (general) 10.00 <br />14160 Hall Co Dept Corrections, work release (general) 49.00 <br />14161 Hall Co Dept Corrections, work release Howard Co (general) 84.00 <br />14162 Willard M. Goldenstein Estate, inheritance tax(inherltanc~ 390.02 <br />14163 Sue Sager & Hear~land. Comp,:r:eAmbursement wa~estg~I:l~ra:U5_3_'L.92_ <br />T4164 State BanK-cif Cairo, interest on CD (general) 1,430.14 <br />14165 Hall Co Road, transfer (Insurance reserve fund) 12,271.12 <br />14166 Hall Co General, transfer (health insurance) 55,000.00 <br />14167 Hall Co Keno/Lottery,transfer salary & tax relief (genJ) 151,136.50 <br />14168 State of Nebr, aid to counties (genp.ral) 67,122.00 <br />14169 Hall Co Hwy Dept, mise receipts (road) 1,043.58 <br />14170 Hall Co Warrant(road & bridge fund (road fund) 188,850.29 <br />14171 Andrew Emerton, STOP Program (diversion fund) 50.00 <br />14172 Hall Co Court, reimbursement witness fees (general) 34.50 <br />14173 Hall Co Court, fines,fees,reimbursement(school &gen'l) 43,170.68 <br />14174 Donald Vance, STOP Program (diversion fund) 50.00 <br />14175 Hall Co Sheriff, mise fees (general) 8.40 <br />14176 Hall Co Sheriff, mise fees (general) 17.10 <br />14177 Hall Co Sheriff, drug seizure (school) 2,096.79 <br />14178 Hall Co Sheriff, Co Commission (general) 8.40 <br />14179 Hall Co Sheriff, Co Commission (general) 73.00 <br />14180 State of Nebr, reimbursement IV-D service (general) 38,344.32 <br />14181 Hall Co Corrections, work release (general) 187.00 <br />14182 Hall Co Corrections, housing Howard Co Inmates (general) 7,094.88 <br />14183 Kerry Kapke, stop Program (diversion fund) 50.00 <br />14184 Clerk District Court, work release board (general) 98.00 <br />14185 Hall Co Treasurer, motor vehicle postage collected(gen'l) 200.00 <br />14186 Hall Co Treasurer, photo copies (general) 8.00 <br />14187 Pollard Riese, purchase Hall Co Flag(general) 53.00 <br />14188 County Clerk, marriage license (general) 615.00 <br />14189 County Clerk, photo copies (general) 46.40 <br />14190 County Clerk, sale of plat books(general) 35.00 <br />14191 Mary Unternahrer Estate, inheritance tax (inheritance) 266.45 <br />14192 State of Nebr, homestead (homestead fund) 209,912.89 <br />14193 Bank of Doniphan, interest (School bond fund) 1,328.92 <br />14194 Betty L Ellington Estate, Inheritance tax (inheritance) 650.37 <br />14195 Hall Co Bldg Inspection, March Bldg permit fees(general)2,530.20 <br />14196 Hall Co Court, bond forfeiture (general) 66.00 <br />14197 Hall Co Court, reimbursement witness fees (general) 20.00 <br />14198 Bank of Wood River, interest (inheritance) 1,306.85 <br />14199 Aaron J. Senff, insufficient fund check charge (general) 10.00 <br />14200 Berniece Boughn Estate, inheritance tax (inheritance) 2,258.00 <br />14201 Frieda M. Rauert Estate, inheritnace tax (inheritance) 3,223.32 <br />14102 Norwest Bank, interest (general) 284.66 <br /> <br />COUNTY OFFICE REPORTS: <br />County Court, fines, fees and copies for March <br />County Clerk fees collected for March <br /> <br />$43,170.68 <br />$27,337.90 <br /> <br />COUNTY BOARD SECRETARY REPORT: There was no report this week, <br />had been on vacation. <br /> <br />since Lisa <br /> <br />COUNTY BOARD MEMBER REPORTS <br /> <br />Stelk - Attended Health Board meeting on personnel, will have regular Board <br />of Health meeting tomorrow night at 5:00 p.m. at st. Francis Medical <br />Center, Attended the Paunch Committee and Insurance Committee meetings <br /> <br />Quandt - Attended Library Board meeting, the Park Committee and Paunch Committee <br />meetings. Reported the vending machines are all in place. <br /> <br />Landis and Hartman left meeting room. Chairman called 5 minute Break. <br />Returned to session at 10:25 a.m. <br /> <br />Returned to County Board member reports <br />Quandt requested a certified letter be sent to Mr. Hunt B & T Vending for him <br />to have small candy machines removed from building by certain date. Board <br />members told Quandt to handle the matter as chairman of the committee. <br /> <br />Landis - Attended the ReUse Committee meeting, reported Tom Shay from Washing- <br />ton DC will be here Thursday April 10, would like Board members to stop by <br />the Chamber Commerce Office at 2:00 p.m. to meet Mr Shay and 6 others who will <br />be with him. Attended the Transportation Meeting at Senior Citizen Industries <br />and working on guidelines for issuing cab tickets for Handibus. Attended the <br />Weed Board meeting. <br /> <br />Hartman - Attended Insurance Committee and the ReUse Committee meeting. <br />Presented letter from Hall County Housing Executive Director in regard <br />parking on east side of Mental Health Building. Parking on lawn is <br />prohibited and any car parked on grass after Monday, April 14th, will <br />be towed at owner's expense. <br />