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09-8-1998 Minutes
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09-8-1998 Minutes
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<br />9sr F !J 3C)~ <br /> <br />Abernethy, Hartman, Lancaster, Landis, Long, Quandt and Stelk all <br />voted yes and none voted no. Motion carried. <br /> <br />10:10 A.M. PUBLIC HEARING COUNTY BUDGET: Stelk made a motion and <br />Lancaster seconded to open the public hearing for the county <br />budget. Abernethy, Hartman, Lancaster Landis, Long, Quandt and <br />Stelk all voted yes and none voted no. Motion carried. <br /> <br />Brad Fegley stated that the county levy dropped but the valuation <br />in Hall County had increased. Hartman called for comments from <br />the public. Hartman stated that Sandi Yoder had talked to him <br />and answered questions before the meeting started. Bud Wolbach, <br />with the Stuhr Museum board, stated that it would be difficult to <br />give the 2% increases with the current proposed budget but they <br />would have to work this out. They are also still working on the <br />capital fund drive and the endowments for building maintenance. <br />He stated the railroad cars are costing a lot in repairs and the <br />main building will need some repairs. The proposed levy for <br />Stuhr Museum is less this year. Discussion was held on the <br />health insurance costs for Stuhr Museum and if it would be <br />possible to include Stuhr employees on the county health <br />insurance plan. Deputy County Attorney Jerry Janulewicz stated <br />that the county could not pool with another county entity on a <br />self-funded insurance plan. Long stated that the HATS program at <br />Stuhr Museum is flourishing and the museum works hard to spend <br />their dollars carefully. If the levy for Stuhr Museum would have <br />been left the same as last fiscal year it would add an additional <br />$5,261.00 to the budget for this fiscal year. It was suggested <br />that this be paid out of the Keno budget. Quandt expressed <br />concerns that the attendance was going down but Mr. Wolbach <br />stated that life-styles have changed and other museums are <br />experiencing the same trends. Stelk asked Brad Fegley if it <br />would be possible to use the Keno funds for the additional <br />%5,261.00 and he stated that this would be the easiest way. The <br />County Board will set up a work-study session with the Museum <br />Board and the Foundation Board sometime in October to discuss <br />these issues. <br /> <br />Stelk made <br />hearing on <br />Lancaster, <br />voted no. <br /> <br />a motion and Lancaster seconded to close the public <br />the 1998-1999 county budget. Abernethy, Hartman, <br />Landis, Long, Quandt and Stelk all voted yes and none <br />Motion carried. <br /> <br />Deputy County Attorney Jerry Janulewicz suggested that a separate <br />motion be made to address the specific salaries for the building <br />and grounds, weed department and parks department secretaries. <br />The resolution that the county board adopted was a blanket <br />policy for the other county employees. Stelk made a motion and <br />Lancaster seconded to set the salary for the parks department <br />position at $9.00 an hour and to set the salary for the weed <br />
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