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12-28-1999 Minutes
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12-28-1999 Minutes
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3/31/2005 4:01:19 PM
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<br />~19990544 <br /> <br />DISCUSS AND TAKE ACTION ON DESIGNATING UTILITY EASEMENT TO <br />PETERSON FARMS: Southern Power District is requesting approval from the <br />Cornhusker Army Ammunition Plant Reuse committee to build an overhead power line <br />in tract 43 at the plant. The installation of the power lines would benefit the sale of the <br />property. Landis made a motion and Hartman seconded to approve designating a utility <br />easement to provide electric service along the west Y4 section line of the NWl/4 of <br />Section 23- TIIN-Rll W at the Cornhusker Army Ammunition Plant. The plat will need <br />to be changed by Olsen & Associates. Arnold, Hartman, Jeffries, Lancaster Landis and <br />Logan all voted yes and none voted no with Stelk absent. Motion carried. <br /> <br />DISCUSS LETTER FROM HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES AND RESPOND TO <br />CONCERNS ADDRESSED REGARDING HEAD START GRANT: A letter from the <br />Department of Health and Human Services was received concerning the quality <br />improvement plan that was submitted to them October 1, 1999. Lancaster stated that a <br />summary of the answers to the concerns has been completed and they are working with <br />the consultant and John Higgins the attorney for HeadStart. Some amendments to the <br />quality improvement plan have been made and the county board will need to approve <br />them. Lancaster made a motion and Arnold seconded to address the concerns on the <br />quality improvement plan at the January 11 board meeting they will keep the county <br />board members updated on the amendments to the quality improvement plan as they are <br />completed. Arnold, Hartman, Jeffries, Lancaster Landis and Logan all voted yes and none <br />voted no with Stelk absent. Motion carried. HeadStart Director Monica McClure <br />explained that Health and Human Services wants more specifics in the quality <br />improvement plan. Health and Human services thought that all seven board members <br />were on the policy council instead of two representatives from the county board. Ms. <br />McClure stated she did not receive a copy of the October 1 letter. Lancaster asked if the <br />board member appointments to HeadStart could serve a longer term. This will be <br />discussed later. <br /> <br />EXECUTIVE SESSION TO DISCUSS PERSONNEL: Logan made a motion and <br />Hartman seconded to go into executive session to discuss personnel. Arnold, Hartman, <br />Jeffries, Lancaster Landis and Logan all voted yes and none voted no with Stelk absent. <br />Motion carried. <br /> <br />9:37 a.m. executive session <br /> <br />9:45 a.m. Hartman made a motion and Logan seconded to go out of executive session. <br />Arnold, Hartman, Jeffries, Lancaster Landis and Logan all voted yes and none voted no <br />with Stelk absent. Motion carried. <br /> <br />Parks Director Chuck Kaufman thanked the county board for the plant that they sent him <br />while he was in the hospital. He also commented on the article that was in the Grand <br />Island Independent on his tenure as the director. He stated that the progress of the park <br />would not be possible with out his employees and the support from the county board. <br />
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