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12-28-1999 Minutes
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12-28-1999 Minutes
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<br />f 19990543 <br /> <br />APPROVE PURCHASE OF PATROL VEHICLES - SHERIFF WATSON AND <br />PURCHASE OF CAR FOR PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT: Sheriff Watson stated <br />that he will be trading in six vehicles and will buy back 5 new vehicles for the sheriff s <br />office. He is requesting to purchase a mini van for prisoner transportation instead of <br />using a Crown Victoria patrol car. A mini van will enable them to transport more <br />passengers and will get better gas mileage. The total cost of the vehicles will be <br />$90,855.96 at the state bid price. Hartman made a motion and a motion and Logan <br />seconded to approve the purchase of the patrol vehicles and the mini-van. Sheriff Watson <br />stated that they are purchasing on fewer vehicles because they have enough vehicles in <br />their inventory for the personnel that use them. Public Works Director Dan Hostler also <br />requested to purchase a Crown Victoria car on the same state bid to replace the vehicle he <br />is currently using. He will trade in his 1995 Ford Taurus with a total purchase price of <br />$15,950.00. Hartman amended his motion and Logan seconded to include the purchase <br />of a Crown Victoria for the public works department. Arnold, Hartman, Jeffries, <br />Lancaster Landis and Logan all voted yes and none voted no with Ste1k absent. Motion <br />carried. <br /> <br />PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: The bid opening for a grad all <br />for the public works department was held on December 14 and Public Works Director <br />negotiated with the bidder Fehrs Tractor on the purchase. The committee recommends to <br />purchase the 1999 Gradall for $203,000.00 and to advertise sale the 1991 Gradall for <br />sale. By advertising the grad all Hostler stated that they should be able to sell it for <br />$41,000.00 which is higher than the trade-in price of $22,000.00. Hartman made a <br />motion and Logan seconded to approve the purchase of the 1999 Gradall for $203,000.00 <br />from the inheritance fund. . Arnold, Hartman, Jeffries, Lancaster Landis and Logan all <br />voted yes and none voted no with Ste1k absent. Motion carried. <br /> <br />APPOINTMENT OF HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT: Hartman made a motion and <br />Logan seconded to approve the appointment of Daniel Hostler as the Hall County <br />Highway Superintendent. Arnold, Hartman, Jeffries, Lancaster Landis and Logan all <br />voted yes and none voted no with Ste1k absent. Motion carried. <br /> <br />APPROVE SNOW REMOVAL AGREEMENT: This is the same type of agreement for <br />snow removal that the county has with Kuester's Lake. They will pay $50.00 per hour <br />for the services. Hartman made a motion and Logan seconded to approve the snow <br />removal agreement with Amick Acres East and approve resolution # 99-0097 for the <br />snow removal for Amick Acres East. Arnold, Hartman, Jeffries, Lancaster Landis and <br />Logan all voted yes and none voted no with Ste1k absent. Motion carried. <br />
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