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<br />~ 19990003 <br /> <br />section a public hearing is required. They usually apply under <br />section 5310. This is a 60% federal match and a 40% local match. <br />The federal portion will be $25,200.00 and the county match will <br />be $16,800.00 for the 1999-2000 fiscal year budget. In the past <br />it was a 70-30 match. <br /> <br />Stelk made a motion and Lancaster seconded to close the public <br />hearing. Arnold, Hartman, Jeffries, Lancaster, Landis, Logan and <br />Stelk all voted yes and none voted no. Motion carried. <br /> <br />Hartman made a motion and Lancaster seconded to approve the <br />application for the handi bus. Arnold, Hartman, Jeffries, <br />Lancaster, Landis, Logan and Stelk all voted yes and none voted <br />no. Motion carried. The $16,800.00 will need to be budgeted for <br />the 1999-2000 fiscal year. <br /> <br />CONSIDER AND APPROVE RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF CONVENTION CENTER: <br />Hartman stated he received a request from Hugh Minor with Fonner <br />Park to support the convention center at Fonner Park. Hartman <br />made a motion and Stelk seconded to approve Resolution #99-0001 <br />to support a convention center in Grand Island. Discussion was <br />held. Hartman withdrew his motion. Hartman requested to add <br />that no tax dollars will be used. Deputy County Attorney Jerry <br />Janulewicz stated that lodging tax dollars could not be used but <br />a hospitality tax could be used. Arnold stated that donations <br />from the private sector are also going to be used for the <br />convention center. Lancaster made a motion and Arnold seconded <br />to approve Resolution # 99-0001 in support of a convention center <br />in Grand Island. Landis stated that is was important to clarify <br />where the money would be coming from. Stelk clarified that the <br />lodging tax goes to the Convention Visitors Bureau but a <br />hospitality tax would go to the development of a convention <br />center. Lancaster amended her motion to add to paragraph three <br />"using hospitality tax dollars". Arnold, Hartman, Jeffries, <br />Lancaster, Landis, Logan and Stelk all voted yes and none voted <br />no. Motion carried. <br /> <br />RESOLUTION #99- (loot <br /> <br />A RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF A <br />CONVENTION CENTER IN GR.\ND ISLAND <br /> <br />\VHEREAS, the Hall County Livestock Improvement Association, doing business as <br />Fonner Park ("Fonner Park"), recently announced plans to pursue the development and <br />construction of a convention center in Grand Island; and <br /> <br />\VHEREAS, a modem convention center would enhance economic development efforts in <br />the city of Grand Island and the county of Hall. <br /> <br />NOW BE IT RESOL \lED, the Hall County Board of Supervisors strongly endorses the <br />convention center concept as currently proposed by Fonner Park, using hospi tali ty tax doll <br />