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<br /> J7�- 1c�2��'7
<br /> G. ASSit;NMTN7'QF i.liA,rilsS. Up��n I:,ender's rcqucst, Borrowcr shull ussign to L.endQr all leuses af the
<br /> ' Nrapr,i�ty anc! all securi�y de�ansitx nmde in rnnieection with lc;ises of tftc Pi•oExrty. Upc�n the ussignment, Lcndec
<br /> stmtl hnve thc r.ght to nlatify,e�tcml ar tcrmiva�e!hc exlsting leases anci ta cxecutc n�w leases,in I.ender's sule
<br /> dir,cmtion. As uscd in this p�rngrnph G,the a�ord"Ieasc"shall ma�n"sublcase" if the Seaarity Instrument is on
<br /> a le�schotd.
<br /> 6esrrc►wer ahsolutely�nd uncanditionnlly�ssign::and tr.�nsfers to Lendcr all th�rents und revenucs("Rents")of
<br /> tl�a Fro�eny. regurdless of ta whom the Itcnis af thc Property are payable. Borrow�r authorizes l.enct.r or
<br /> f..end�r's nQents to collect t}i�Rents, and agrees that each tenant of the Property stiall pay the Rents to L.�nder or
<br /> I..end�sr's age�its.However,Aam►���or sh�ll receive the Rents until(i) �.ender has geven Borrawer notict of default
<br /> pmsunnt tn Raragraph 21 of thn S�curity Instru��nt and(ii)Lender has�iven notice to the tenant(s)that the Rents
<br /> ��L tn hF�ai�i ro i,ender or Leixlt�r's ngent. Tt►iis assignment of Rents wi�stitutes an absolu:c:wsign.-rtent and«at -
<br /> an a,signment for�ddltional sccurlty only.
<br /> IG Lendcr gives notice of t�reach to Borru�ver: (1)all Rent� received by Borrower shall be held by Borrowcr
<br /> as tsvstee fur the trencfit of Lc:nder only,to be applied to th�sums secured by tlie Security lnstrument;(ii)Lender
<br /> shall�be entitled to collect an2i recoive all of tho Ctents of rhe Property;(iii)Borrower agrees that each tenant of the
<br /> FYan�►ty shal� pay all Renu cluo:�nd unpaid to L.endcr or Lender's agcnts upon L.ender's written demand to the
<br /> . trn�ir (iv)unless applicable Imv provides othcrwise,all Rents collectal by Lender or I.er�der's agents shafl be
<br /> a��plicd �ist to thc costs of tAkin�control of ai�d m�naging tlic Property und collccting the Rents,including, but
<br /> , nat limited to, attorneys' fee,s, receiver's fec.v, premiums on receiver's bonds, repair and maintenance costs,
<br /> insu��uice prerniums,taxes, t�ssc,ssments and otlrer charges on the Property, and theiz to the sums se.cured by the
<br />-',;,,' Secur,ay[nstrument:(v) I.end�r,I.ender's asents or any judiciatly uppointed receiver shall!�e liable to account!'or —
<br /> - only Shn.SC Rents. actuallv raceived; and (vll Lcrtdcr yhall be enticic-.� tn have a rrveive�r :.�u,�,:+m�al r� ralr�
<br /> -- -r�----•-- --
<br /> ' passessie�n of mui manage ths�Property.tnd co![ect t6c Rcnts ttnd profi¢�;derived from the Propeuy a�ithout a�ny
<br /> : � 9I104V�11g AS IO tltC IIIAdCqU�Cy of thn Property�s security. •
<br /> . Hf¢he Rents of th� Piop..rty nre not sufJ�icient to oovFr the costs of tatcio& cont�r�l �f�ema rnanaging��ae
<br /> Prog�caty and of collecting th�Rent�any funds•�xpendccl by I.ender fbr such purpose.�:sh�ill became :indebtedness
<br /> . t 6f F.�rt�wer to Lcndcr secured'by the Security liistrument pursuant ro Uniform Covenant 7.
<br /> ' �orrower represents and•wamtnts that Boirowcr has not execut�l ainy priar assignment of the Renu and has
<br /> � nut and wil!not perfom�any act thnt would prevent Lender from exercising iu rights under this paragraph.
<br /> ' I.,endar, or Lendcr's agonts or a judicial➢y appointed receiver. shall not !�e requic�ed ta enter upo�, take
<br /> ''` cant�ro! of or maintain the Property before or aftcr giving notice of default to tionower. However, T.ender, or
<br /> ' Lender's ngents or a jud[cinlly appointed recei��er,may do so at any time wlten a default occurs_ Any application
<br /> j of lEentu sltalt rtut c�ire or w�lvo nny default or'snvalidate any other right vr remedy of Lender.This ai�igrment of
<br /> �� • Rent�oE th�s Property shall terminutc�vhen all the sums securcd by thc Se�urity Instn�ment are paad in ful�.
<br /> �.CR05S�BEFA.ULT P�OVI5ION. }3csrrower's de.fanit or 5reach unde.r any mote or agreein�nt in wl�icl�
<br /> � It,�n�9es hits an intercst shall Gc�..i�i����ch under tG�e Security lnstiument:ind Lender may anvol:�emYy of�he remcdicis
<br /> • i pdv�ulied by tl�e Security Insinimrait. •
<br /> . RY S[GNING U6LOW, F3orrower eca:s��ts ar►d agrees w the terms and provisions con2sainetl in this 1-4 '
<br /> . ' l�aunily Ridcr.
<br /> � � -
<br /> � ..:.(Seal) (�1)
<br /> �IQIARl� L S,yYD3� -��rrowcr -Borrowcr
<br /> (�) (�1)
<br /> 00[�BJIE •Durrowcr -Borrowcr
<br /> Form 3170 3133
<br /> .
<br /> :J; /•y� ` 'm°"""r"'.. . *-`---� . . ; , . —
<br /> � � �t���� {y,(\'. 4y.��
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