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<br /> :�'��.�� 1-4 ��+,�ILY RIDrR � �--
<br />:.,�... ,_.. �-
<br /> _,.5;� — ps4i�r��em� of Rents 20027883 -
<br /> �� THIS I-4 FAMILY RIDER is madc thi�� 2� day of qp�Il, • 1997 ' _
<br /> — -��1 and is incorporated into and shul(be deemcd t�amend and supplement the Mortgnga, Deed of Trust or Securiry c—
<br /> :�'.�;;�,;�„� pccd (the "Security Instmment") of tfta snmc clutr. �ivcn by the undersign�:�l (tl�e "Bnrmwcr") to securc
<br />-:-��;,i�. Barrowcr s Note to —
<br />-=�.u4•,s_. ,
<br /> The Equitable Bulldi�ng �ndl Lo�n Aseociation of (3rand Island,
<br /> ""�'�"'��� N�l�r�ska, A Fodoral Savinas Fianlc (chc�•C.ender")
<br />��-.�';:L y-�'.
<br />::5,,;:T;a of the same date and coverinp the Frope►ty described in t{ie Security lnstninS�nt nnd located au
<br /> -__,p-�aa��
<br /> -`'� 204 N t3R.leCr' ST, C#RANA ISLAND, NBBRASKA 68a03
<br /> _=_;a'�
<br />_----�„�.�};,� (Prapercy Addre+�l �
<br />�-�-�c�.iR'��
<br /> 1-4 FAMILY CO��1AFITS.lii additic�n to t{ic covcnants and agrcem�nts mndr,in the Sccurity Instrument,
<br /> —� Dorrower and l.ender�utthar cm�enunt and ugree as follows:
<br /> A, AII�DITIOPIA�E�I�Oi��kTY SUId.11ECT TO TNG SGCURITY iNt�7flt[1IVi�NT. In uddition to ehc _
<br /> _� _-� property descrabed in the Secut'Sty Inst�umant,die following items are addeci to the Property description,and shall
<br /> also constitute the Pro}terty cov4rcd 6y die Security]nstrument: building materinls,applianees and goads of every
<br /> -- nature whatscever nu�v ar ho�aRcr lucat� in, on, or used, or intepped tII he used in cor.nection widt d�e
<br /> � !'mperty. including, but nut limited to, those for the purposes of su f in or distributing heating, coolin�,
<br /> � ciectricity, gas, wnter. air and li�lit, tii�e prcventiun and extinguishin� appnmtus, security and access control
<br /> A��a���. �l;;;n�=ng- �,�fh mhs. water hsaters, wuter clasets, sinks, r+nges, stoves, refrigeiators, dishwnshers.
<br /> _-- disposals. washers,d��cr�. awnings, storen windows. storm doors. scrcens,niinos. ,i�uScs. �u:k•:::;�::�"-�T�-"-
<br /> ----- rods.attached mi�Tars. cahinotu,pnnelling and att�sched floor coverings nmv or hereaRer attnct►ed to[he Propeny,
<br /> ntl of which, �nctudinn rcpinaemonts and adJitions the�to, shall be deemal tn be :+nd�remAdescribedin the
<br /> �'roperly covere:l by the Sceuibty Insuument_ AIt of cfic forcgoing togethor«�ith thc Pro rty
<br /> Security Instrt�ment(u�,th�lua�hald estute if thc Securiry Instrument is an n Ict►schold)are refened to in this I-4
<br /> Family Ridsr und[hs Sccurit�Tnst�tmwnt as tha"Property.•.
<br /> B. USE OF!'�t'�E'GRTY; COMPLIANCE V�`��rH LAW. Bo�ro�vcsr sh�ll not seck, oBrce to or make a
<br /> change in�he use nE tiia�ropertY or its r.�nina classification, unless Lendsr bns ngreed in�vriting to the chunga.
<br /> l3orro�wer shall wmply wi�h all Inws, or+dinances, regulations and requi��etnents nf any bovcrnmentnl body
<br /> applicablc to the Prope�r�.
<br /> �C,gUg(3Rk��i�ir�TE GI�EtVS.Except as pemiitted by federal lzw.Borrowar shul!not allo�v any lien infer�or
<br /> to the Socu�riry lnsttumenY�ro I�e per�'ected a�uinst the Propeny�vithout I.en�er's prior written permission.
<br /> D.RENT I.(?���fsU�CE•�°n'4`"'�r shal!mxintuin insurancc aguin�i rcnt loss i��a�Edition to tl�c other
<br /> -��� I�azards forµ'hich infxuance ie;requircd by Uniform Cavennnt 5. •
<br /> - g,�.gpgRp�'�'S[�f�I3T TO[tE�NS'I'ATE"DELI:TCD.Unifomi C'�Y�nuM 18 is deleted.
<br /> F, gQRYtOWER'S QCCUPAPi�Y. Unless Lendcr und BnTrower ofhcrnise ugn:e ir� writing, thc 5i�t
<br /> - ---- scntence in Uniform Covenunt 6 canceming Borrowcr's occu�►:�nry of the Propeny is dele�al. All remninin�
<br /> _ — covenants and agrecntcnte:set£orth in Unifoir�Coven:►nt 6 shall remain in effeat.
<br /> MULTISTdSE 1 -4 FAR111LY AID�ZR•Fannto MnolFroddio Mao Unitorm Instrument
<br /> Fomi 3170 3183
<br /> T� {hinlod on Hc�Ydpd Peper
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