�.. .�t� ' . . __..-
<br /> . q I.
<br /> ' (1 ,
<br /> � � . . . . ._........� ...
<br /> , ..._���.�..... .. . -...-. . '. .' _
<br /> /, .
<br /> I . 97� 10�/`=�v �.
<br /> � 18. Borroy+rer'a Rlght 4m Rel►�mt�te. i� naROwar m�ce cortar� oand!tione, eorrower At�au neve cns ripnt to nave
<br /> enlorcement of thfs Sscurky InnCrumant dlEOOntlnuod at ony tlne prWr to the eartkr al: (a) 6 days(or euoh othw period as �plicable ,
<br /> I�w mny apecHy (Or reln6tatam��t► ho(aro oel� ol Ihe Pra�fpRy pureuunt to any powt�r ol seb cunlalned in th(s Se�curity Inntrumont; or --
<br /> (b)erttry of a Judpment e���orRin{� lhlo 4aCUriry Inntrumoc�t. Yhass� aondiriono nr�thnt �orrovior: (n) pay� Lcndcr ail cums whlch thcn - _ _
<br /> would be due under thb Saourtly Inr�tn�mont nnd tha Nnto fla hl no nccolor�tton Aad accurre4; (b)cures any dofnult ot eny other r
<br /> covenant or IIflf96rt10(1tA;(�) payo nll oxpannos Incurrod fn anforchp this Socurtly Inalrumenl, Includinp, but not IMnRed to, reasonable ��
<br /> attorneya'faas;end(d) lakoa auah aotlon as Lenda may roaconnby roqulro to nsou�n the4 the Iien of thla SecurRy Instrumant,Lendere �""
<br /> rlphte In the Property and Bartmv��e obll�nUon to pay tho cuma at►curod by lhls SUCUrity Instrum_nt ehall contlnue unohanped. Upon I '
<br /> � relnstatement by Bonow&r, thf� 5ctcurfly Inoln�mont and thu obl'�atbns Eocurod horciUy shan remah fuiry effeotNa ee H rso acceleratbn � ._
<br /> � had occurred. Howevar,Ihls ri�iit tn roln:.tAtO IIhAII nOt UppP/h th9 C�SO 0}QCr,AMrfltton undBt para�roph 17. �
<br /> 19.Sate of Wote; Ctta�u�v of 4ono� Servi�c�r. Tho NotO ot n perttui hteresl In thB Note (topather with this SeCUrity
<br /> Instrument)mey be soltl ono or m�rr�tlmos wFthout prbr notl:o to Bonawor. A on1A may resuR �n a chnnfle h the entky(known sa the
<br /> � i "Loen Serv�Cer') thet aoBeoto monthy pnymonts duo undar Uio Noto and thls Socurity Inalrumtxit. Thero elso mey be one c+r more _
<br /> ; chanpes o� the Loen ServlCOr unmlt�tod ta n sule af tho Noto. If thoro Is n Chpnpo pf tha Loan SeNfCer, Bortower witl be yNen wrltten
<br /> nolfce of the change h eccorduna�wi1H pnraQrciph 14 abnva nnd npplicnble lnw. The not�e witl stato the name and address of the
<br /> new Loan Serv�or and tho flddrose ln which payments rhou�d Ga mndo. Tho not�n will abo cantah flny othsr inlortnatbn requtred by "
<br /> aAPl�cable Iaw. '`
<br /> 20. Nazardouo Substence�. Borrowr� �hnl1 nat oauso or pormR tNO presence,use, dlsposal, storage, ar release ot tny =-
<br /> Herardous Substancos on or In tho Propom/. BoROwer�hnll not do, nor nllow nnypne etse to do, anythinp BNectlny the NropeRy that
<br /> is h vbtetbn ot any Envkonmentnl Law. Th� procsdhn t�vo sontencoa ahctll npt eppry to the presonce, use, or storayo on the ' n,��,v„_;Y
<br /> Prop�xty of small quantRles of Ntunrdous SuUrttnrtcoa thttt nrn penemly rocopnlsod tr�be approprlate to normal reaidontlal uses and to ��--,__
<br /> muhtenance of the Property. . - -'•-- "j,'`
<br /> B�rtower shatl promptly pHe Lender wrkton notfco of any fnvastlpatbn,clu4n,dsmend, IawSUN or otner aotbn by any yovammental ; ..r•�„�„��
<br /> or requlalory a9ency or prNato p8rty hvolvNp thc�f�raF�Ry nnd ony Hazetdoue Subrstance or�n�lronmental Law ot whbh Bortower has •�___..
<br /> ,.._—�._-
<br /> aCtuni knowledpe. If Borrower{e�ams, or is notiNed by�ny �ovammentni or re�ulntqry authorky,that eny removnl or other remedlatbn f-s;�L�- ,-
<br /> of any Hasardoua Subotonce attectlnp the PropaAy Is nncoasary, Bartowor ahatl prompty tak9 all necesstry remedlal e0tbf13 +l . . F� r�,r�g r-,
<br /> •.`,`"�4�:,.. . �'�;s'F�;.,1
<br /> accordance with Environmantal Law. �''•�``-�'• _
<br /> ,.,., ..,�.. -
<br /> , " As used h this parepreph 20, "Hasardous Subctances' nre thoso substanr,es definocl es toxic or hazerdous eubstances by ,.�E,•,;; { -
<br /> EnvYonmBntal l.�w and tho falbwinp oub3tonces:ynssoiino, Icorosone, othor tlnmrtwble or tozb patroleum products,toxb pestbides end ,.. � �—.•
<br /> ;�� ;�►�
<br /> herbfatdes, volatite soNento, materials contahirtp e3besto� or formaldehyde, antl rsdbaotNe materials. As usad In thNs parepraph 20, ' :i;;;�.�_
<br /> "Environmental Law' meens fedoml laws end lewa of the Jur►sdbtbn where the Property Is bcated that relate to heakh, satery or ' 'r• +i:,';_
<br /> t,..
<br /> � onvtronmkxitel proteatbn. '., '�
<br /> NON•UNIfORM COV�NANTS. Bortower snd Londer furiher covannnt and 4yrae as tolbws: , ��� � �
<br /> 21. /leceloraUon; Remedles. Lender shail �tve notloe to �arrower prtor to ecceleratlan followin� , �I���
<br /> Borrower'a breech of eny covenent or agroement In thla Security Inatrument (but not prlor to ,���i'�?
<br /> � ,,.�
<br /> _ _ �����.�_.��r ���,.r.,� ��.:l,�n�, t� unl�as ennitcebfe lew provid�s otherwiae). The notice shail opecify: , � ��• �
<br /> (a) the default; (b)the actiron requlred tA cure the deteuit; (a) a date, not less than 30 deya irom tne .���t� �
<br /> dete the notice Is�Iven to Bor�ower, by whiaH 4ha def�ult mrrat be cured; and (d) that fallure to cure N�� ' '' ,�
<br /> �.,,.
<br /> the default ore or before the dete apecitled In the notloo anay result in ecceleratlon of the sums �;.�`�:, ; -
<br /> ,��,:i; secured by thts Sacurity InsVumeet end er�le oi the ProQcrty. The noUce shell further inTorm ���;�. �.;
<br /> ' 8f
<br /> Borrower of the �laht tm retnstete efter accelereUon and tht QBqht to brinq e coun actlon to assert the �ihK� '�
<br /> . ( �j �itl
<br /> � non-existence ot A detault or eny other defenao oi Borrower ita acceleraeton end sa]a. It the defeult is ��i,11;;
<br /> ,� not cured on or before the dete apectfled in U�d nottce, LeNder et Ite optlon may require immedlete � '-:��,
<br />- " � payru�ent in tull ot all aume secured by thia �ecur(ty Inatcument withaut turther demand and may "3 , �,
<br /> ' - invoke the power of aale end eny other remedlea perml4tmd by eppllcsble law. Lender shali be D� . � �.,
<br /> entlUed to collect ell expenses i�curred In purauing the �remedfes provided In thle psrepreph Z1, . _
<br /> „ ,� Includinq�but not limtted to� reasonable ettornc�ya' tees ertd �¢csts ot titte evidence. 4.__�
<br /> . 1� the power t�f Qale la Invoked, Trustee al�all record � �noUce of default in each county tn which
<br /> •� �� eny pert of the Property Is located and shall mell copiea ot such noUce I�e the manner pre�ertbed by `����
<br /> ���� oppliceble lew to Borrower and to the other persons presaribed by eppliceble law. Aft�r the time �-'�"=`
<br />� requlred by sppliceble Iew� Trwtee shali qive public notlo� 04 sate to the peraons end in the manner ��a'°"�"`
<br /> .,,=._
<br /> �; preac�tbed by �pplicable law. Tru�tee, without demand o� Borrower, shall �II the Property at pub{ic �=-r=°-
<br /> aucUon to the hlphest bldder at the time anU plece end under the terms deal�na�ted In the notice of "_s�`��� _
<br /> _ � �' aile In one or rriore parcels end In �ny ordm� Tru�tee dot�armines. Twatee may postpone aale of all :�-�--'�°�`���
<br /> • � , or any parcel ot the Propert�r by public announcemont et the time enei plece of eny previouMy ��:;�=�_=��=-
<br /> � �� scheduled aale. Lender ar its desl�nee m�y ��u��chase the Property at eny Qale. � :�-�.�.-� '
<br />- Upon recetpt of peyment of the price bid, Tvustee ahalt deliver to �he purchaser T�ustee'� dead �`�-'':�
<br /> � convcyinq the Property. The recltets In tho Truetee'e deed shail be prim� feale evidence of the trut�s __j°��.T.�;y��.—:��,_
<br /> � "� of the statements made thereln. Truatee ahell epply th� prooeede of the aale In the tollawin� order: •:_w�,-- •�;�,;�•.
<br />- ; � (' i _.,. ; �• ...a, .,
<br /> � (e) to ell coau nnd expenses of exerclsinp the p�ower ot aAle, and the aate� Includl�ip the peyment of � � ��
<br /> the Trustee'a fees actually Incurred, not to exceod 3____°,6 of tho prtncipnl emour�t af the note
<br />- � �� at the time of the declaretion of detaulE, and roauannblo ettorney'a teea es permltted by law; (b) to etl
<br /> ;,� sums secured by this Security Instruee�ent; nnd (c) any exeeae ta the peraon or persons leqally
<br /> '� enUUed to IL '���
<br /> � 22. Reconveyunce. Upon payment ot ell sums soaurod by tlils Sucurky Inslrumsnt, Lender Bhell request TrustAe to reCOnvey � �•_'��,i �
<br /> the Property and ehait suROnder th� Securfry Inctrument nnd nll notou evldenchp debt secured by this SecurRy Instrum�nt to Trustee. „ �
<br /> Trustee ahali reconvey tha PropeAy wkhout wa�ranry and wY�hout aha��e to the person or persons lepelty ontk�ed to k. Such perBOn or •
<br />_ persona shall pay any roaordatbn coste. ..
<br /> 23. Subatitwte Truat�ee. Lender, nt Ro optlon, msy trom tkne to time remove Trustoe and appoint e successor trustee to ,:��-'`
<br /> ,� any TrusO9e eppohtsd herounder by an Inettrument rocordad 1i tho county In wh�h thb Security Inctrument is recorded. Without ,, .
<br /> ; .•.._ �
<br />--- .`� _. . r.envavanca nf the Prauertv. successor huntoe shaii succoed lo nll the tkb, power end dutles contarred upon Trustee herec� and by
<br /> ,.,..,..._ � ,
<br /> � aPPllcabb lew. - - �---------- —
<br /> � Z4. Request for Noticea. BuROwrir roquost6 thnt copl9s of tho notfCOS of dolauR and sale be sent lo Borrower's nddress ,
<br /> wh�h Is the Property Addrosa.
<br /> , I 2b. Ridero tm tht�SeGUrity !►�s�u�un�n� It ono or more ridors aro oxocutOd by Borrower and recorded together with
<br />— � thls Security Instrument,the covonnntn snd nQrnemonts of oach such rlder shoU t�o hcorparated hto and shall emend and supptement
<br /> I the covenants and egreeme�ta of thlb Scicurfty InoWment ns N tho rlder(s)were a part of thts Security Instrument. ,
<br /> i �
<br /> � �
<br /> , Fo.m 30YE O/00 �
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