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� '. . „ . � ...., _.;r: <br /> ..� „ ...;.,,, _-_"_ - <br /> . i.'V�sayrlP. " . . ' .. � .�.�y�. .. _ � .`..-___._"__ <br /> .... , `'�!i4i17i�1�" . . . .. . .. /� . _..,....�,:���,;'"}' ..•, .. .._ <br /> . «G-.YYr.�iPw ... � . . :L�..�rll�. � �� . .. . <br /> S � <br /> _ . . 7. Rr�4ectloR oi 6,ender'� 6ilphts In the Property. u OCrrAwer iaiis co Po�ruRn in��.von����6Pmen�e � <br /> �� cont�fned l�thls dcauriry Inawm�N, or thero ls a F.fl�l proceed�np Ih9t sray �MnItlCnnt�y oY4Ct LCndCre rfpAh3 M tho PropU;ty(euCh a9 <br /> • a proceed'np h bNkNptoy,probate, for oondemnatbn or IoAeRure or lo an�olco Inwe or rogulntin�e), thsn Lon�r may d� and p�y for • <br /> . wh�t�var b n�cess�ry to protoet Ih• vaU� ot lho Propwty nnd Londers ry�hta h the Property. Lende�s sctlonc mey haluc9e p�yhfl <br /> �ny e�ms Eacured by �Ifon whbh haa prbrlly ova thl� SeCUrity IntWr►si�l, appearinp In couA, peylnp�n8a�ubW ettornpy'�t�a¢nd <br /> � entHrinp qn th� PrOperly to nuk�r�palre. ARhOUyh LMetf�r may Itk�tCtbn under thlc parY¢roAh 7,LQ�C�dr t'�:�s9 no! h�v�to do so. . . �"� <br /> ,,.:�:_ <br /> Any �mour�te dinburaed by L�nd�r under thb pu�gnph 7 shtl bKOm�iddllbnal debt ot Bonowe�r �ocund by thh S�curity ?�`•'==" <br /> InmWment. Unle�a 9orrower and Lendor apreo to othw terms ol p�ymanl, thse� amountn shap berr hterest hom the �Jato ot '.:;��'-= <br /> dbbun�m�nt at th�Not�nu and ehoA b�ptyabM,wkh hlKast,upon nol�� hom Lw�der to Etarroww req��atfnp paymmt. ' � i.:�• <br /> e. Mo►tQeye I�wrmce� U Lsnder raqulrid mortflag� fntursna ae a CondHbn ol mNchp the ban s�oured by lhb <br /> " Sacurtty Instrumsnt, BortowK ahtN pay th� pramium� nquirod to m�htth the rtoRpape hsur�trtce in eKnot, If, tor tny rotton, the ,Y��: <br /> .,, :�� mort4ep� haunna eouwa�roquYsd by L�ndK tepa�s or cetaes to ba N sttect, Bartoww ahaN pey tt�p pran�tum� nquirsd to obt�in � „,:�;` <br /> � coven� eub�te�l�ly aquN�Mnt to the mortaa� htunncs prwbu�y h ethct, �t a cost substu+�;��Ny equ!vabnt ro tho ooat to • •"�"���""�— <br /> . ,'�r�`ii-,.� <br /> � Borrower of thA monp�pe hsuranc� provbusy in �fl�ct, hom an t�eeiuu moRpupo inaun�r or,pravocl by Londar. If oub�tantleNy � •'_ <br /> � equMak!nt mortQsQe (a�surence coverepe b not evnllnbY�. Borrowet shsR �q to lender eech month e Q�m equal to one�Avelfth ol the -- - . <br /> � y&uy n�ort9aye lnsurance pr«ntum belnD Rald by 8orrower when Qhe hs�rNCe cava4ye Y�psed or ceusW io ba h effact. Londer wiu = --- <br /> accopt, use and rotaH these payrtwnte aa a bss reserve h Ileu of modpa�e hsurance. Loss resanre �nymsnts may no bnpar be ��-� <br /> � requt�d, at the optbn of Lender,M mortgape Insuranca coverepe (in Iha unaunt and tor the parbd thnt 1.rcndor requtres) provkied by = <br /> en haurer �proved by Lender epah becomes evaNable and Is oblahed Bonower shall pay thm pnm�lums requlred to ma�itah �'�- <br /> mortflape Insurnnco In eHecL or to provid��a bss reserve, untN the requtxnent for mortpnQo hsurtnce ends In accordanCe wkh any ;. <br /> .��� written�eenont botwton Borrower and Lertder or appl�able law. '�_. <br /> ., , �, 9. (11�pCCtlOt1. Le�der or ks epent msy make rn4sonnble entriaf�spon 8nd hspeCttorts of tre Proporty. Lender ehnq phre ,��;- ___ <br /> , " Borrower notbs a!the tlme ol or prbr to an Inspectbn speclfytng reasonabY cauco for the hSpacUnn. .�` <br /> 10. Condemnetlon. The proceeds o} any owud or olalm tor damapea, dlroct or cortacquQnthb h connectbn wkh �ny �~,rLS,-=- <br /> � , condermatbn or othAr t�lchp of any part ot the Property,or tor conveyana h fieu of condomnntton,cro h�by assigned and thaN be •���'l�`�_ <br /> patd to l.ender. ,M _-� � <br /> � In tho went oi n rotal uktnp of tha ProQerty, tha proceods sh�l bo�pued to tho aums cocurad by thfs Socurky InaWmant, '"----- _ <br /> .,._r_'__:_ <br /> whether or not thrn due, wkh eny exCOSS ptld to Borcower. in tha evanl oi a Qartlai tekhp of the Property h whbh the IaY market u'�'s�.,.�.� <br /> value ot th� Property Fnrned�tery betore the tekiny Is aqual to or preetK ihen the amount o} tt�e suma sacursd by thb Sacurdy '�°�i�= ___. <br /> In&tNm�nt Irt:med�tay uefon tha takhp, unWss Bortowet nnd Lendar othwwis� apr� in ra�tinp, tha sums �ecurcd by thb S�curMy '�``==� __==- <br /> ,�,,�r' Instmment ehnli be reduced by tha amount of the procesds muRip�d Ey the folbwhp frs�ct!on: (c) the totat nmount ot th� aums ,;,"! � • � <br /> cecured Immediatey belore tho tekhp, dlvided by (b) tho taY rturket vair��of tho Proporty knmedlatay bsforo the takhq. a�y wwnce �%:�:,� �r <br /> shtN b� peid to Borrower. In tha event of e partlel Ukiny of tho Propari�h whlah tho feir market v�lu� ot tha Propfrty Ymiedl�tey �; �` <br /> � 69toro the takhp b less th�n ths amount o}tha sums 6ecured MmadlQ.tey bo(ore the tu!c+np, unleaa gorroxor and Undw o4h�rwiso ° <br /> .:u::., <br /> apriN In W(Itlnp Of unliSS �pp!{CiGk Ilw othMwlSa provlWs, th� pf000i0� sA�N W iF^pti6tl ta th� Cuma fYOUrotl by tnls $sCUrlty ,.a " <br /> InsWmant whether ur not the sume are thsn due. ��Y t" ����� .' <br /> If ths Propwty Is �bandonod by Borrower,or M,after notice by Undar lo BOROwer tAat 4ha Condemnor oNirB to make Cn Ywa►d ot ;tf t�� - <br /> .. satlb p oNM[or dtmag�s. Borrower f�l's to reapond to Lender w[ihh 30 Wys�Rer tho Oata ths notba b phren,Lender Is a�uthorlted <br /> , tu oolket and appy tho proc�ds,at ke optbn, ekher to restorvtl�n or�+epeh of the Property or to th�sums secured by this Sacurky . "" <br /> InsWmer►t,whether or noi t1�n due. ��,�,�; ���: .` <br /> ` Unpst Lendu and Borrower otherwisa ayreo h wrkinq, any app�Ca�bn of prmceeda to prnolpal shali not extend or postpon�the <br /> ` due date o}th�monthy paymw�ts refert�d to In panprapha 1 end 2 a ehuipo lhe amount o4 such payments. •r� , , � <br /> 11. Borrower Not Released: Forbeerence B�v Lender Not a Walver. �xismsbn of che crn. �or paym�nt or U�� .• , <br /> , �. , <br /> � modMicatton of amortixatbn of the aums secured by thls Securfty Inswmanlpranrod by Lendar to any successor h htorost af Borrower ''' --- —_ <br /> �r • �', ehaN not operota to rekase tAe 14bHky of the orlylnal Borcower or 8arovrafs succeasors h interast. L�ndor shaA not be requirod to Y�--�"'�' <br /> � cortrr►enc�prxa�dhDs�patnst any sucwssor In htorest or retuse to oxiwid time tor paymont or oth�rwis�modity amortiratbn ot thp r�'=•�' <br /> " " • sums eoound by lhls Sacuriry Instrumait by roawn o1 my denwnd srudo by the orip6w� 0artowe► or 8orrower's suCCe3sore In '�ti���J <br /> r ' • ht6rest.My forbaunc�by Lender(n exercishp ony rlpht or remedy shai no!be n waMw ai or preoluds the�xsralso oi any ripht or ��=�'- <br /> , �dy. � }-_ <br /> �f�4 .+ �� 12. Succeeior�end Assl�ns Bound; Jolnt end SeueralL�T�bi�Dty; Cas�pners. Th� cowniu►ts .na #- .__ <br /> .. �sv,�:- <br /> • �y, �9rsurNnts ol thb Securky Instrument �haN bad �nd b�nNk ths auccassors�nd �asipns of Lendor ond Bortower, subJact to th� �--- <br /> , provbions of panpraph 17. Oorrowe�'s cownants end�proernw�ro sheE b�bint�nd sovera�. My Bortow�r who casipna thb 6ecurily y'=�— <br /> .•�: <br /> _;�L' ' . InsWma�t but das not ex�cute tho Nota: (a) Is caslpniny this Secwiy Insbrumant onAj to mort�po, prant, and aonvay Ihat - -- —. <br /> ;::r, ',�, Borrowws htsnat h th1 PropKty undw tha t�rtns of this S�curity InaWrnnt; (b)(s not peraonaliy obNpabd to pay th�sums pcund <br />_- _ by this Securiry Instrumant; Nd (o) eprees that Lmder and any other 8orcmw�r mny agrea to wdand, �radlfy, (orbeau or m�k� iny � � <br /> �`����'�' rep�rd to t�nns of thb Secur Instrumait or Ih1 NWO wNhout lhat Bortow�a oonsMt. �� <br />-��:..�..,,.. � eccommncktbns wRh ky mw , ':����;;;., <br /> "" " 13. l.oan Char�es. II tAo ban secured by thfs Securky Insinsmont b 6ubJoct to e Inw whbh cata mexlrtwm ban chupoa, -- - - <br /> "JY•z�r �nd that I�w b firuy Inte�rotesi so that the hterest or othsr ban char9a� eolleetod or to bo collected h conneotbn wlth th� bin �""" <br /> =°t��t'.._--, eooC�ed the�psrmkted IImRs. then; (a) any such ban charp�s shall be reduced by tho amount n0cessary to roduce the char�e to lhe � .. �„e,,,�,�: <br /> ' p�rmRt�d Wnw and(b) �ny sums ateady coNectod hom Bortower whkh excesded pamfttsd Iimks wHl be rafundod to Borcower. Lender """;,`—"'�� '�' <br /> - ' "�.�'��r: <br /> msy ohoose to m�ka this rePond by reduchy ths pnc�lpal owad under the �VOte or by mekhp a dtaot p�yment to Bonower. If a :,�� �-•�" <br /> „ roluad reduas rinc al,tho reductkn wNl be Vented aa a portinl "'���� <br /> , p a prep�yrre�nl wkhput ony prepayment ch3rpe under the Note. -�x•��:'., ; ?�.+y <br /> • 14. NGUC4f. My not�e to Borrower provWed tor h thb Security BsLrumer►t sh�p�9lven by doNverhp k or by mnfihp R by � .�":;j�;,r,'r".'•. • <br /> ° fY�t olets mnA unl�sa eppHcabb bw roqulros uas of anothx mothod TM nottco shall be directed to the Property Addrosa or nny " <br /> � ' other eddrese Bortovra des�}natas by notbo to Land�. My notico to La�dsr sAatl bo phren by fY�ct cLacs mall to Londor'a eddrosa � . °-� I� <br />_ n,i;i . <br /> 6tat�d h�roM or any othe�addross Lender desipnat93 by not�C9 to Barow�r. Any nOt�e provlded for In thlS Securky instrument shaH ' ,,.,,;�..� <br /> M d�em�d to haw bewf ptwn to BartowQr or Lender whsn qhron ns provtdsd in tntu pura�raph. � �' •�' <br /> �� 16. Governin� LAW;SBVCfebUlty. Thb SeCUrity InBtnimant thall bo povQmad by federel Iaw and the Inw of thg . . �;'�A 5i�� �. <br /> Jurisdbtbn In whbh ths Pra�rty Is tocated. in the event that eny provisian o�clauso of tnt�Security Instrument or the Note coMNCts <br /> .. �� <br /> wfth appNcabN law,such Conlifct ehaN not �Neat other provisbn6 of Ihis Se�ur4y InsWment or tho Note whiah can be qken e(tect � <br /> wRhout the confliothp prov(sbn. To thb pnd the provisbna o}thb Securi[y In32rumont and the Note are decfared to be aeverebb. � " ' <br /> , 16. BO�fOWOY'a COpy, aorrower sh�N be Ohron ons contom�ed ccpy of tho Note and ot this Security InaWmant. �, <br />- �7. Transter of thtl Rroperty or e Boneflclel Interett la�B��rower. If oll or eny pert of the Property o� My � <br />_ Intenat In R b sold o�UtnsierrAd(or M a benetblal htorest h Borrower h eold or tronaturt�d and Borrowc�r Is not e natural peroon) <br /> - wkhout Lender'e prbr wrktan conaent, Len�er may,et IM optlon,requlro IrTmodlete pnyment h tull of an sums securod by thls Securtty , <br /> " InsUumont. Howovor,thls optbn shaA not be exercised by Lencfer M exarcGsa� prohlbited by toderal law es of tho dgte of thM 3ecur'dy " <br /> instrument. <br /> Ii Lender exerc�es thls optbn,Lendor aha11 glva OorcoN�or noti�e ol accel�cetbn.ThQ not�e ehall provide a period of not less then <br /> ' 30 days trom the date the notiCe Is deHvered or maibd wkhin wt��Ch IM BoR�wer must pay ell sums secured by thls Sacurity � <br />_ InsWment. If Borrower fans to pay Ihese sums prbr to the cvqpiratbn al t►ih porbd, Lendor may hvoke any remedles pertnkted by thls ' <br /> Security InsWment wkhout fudher not�Ce or demand on Bortowor. Form aose v�uo <br /> . Ft040.1M0(?/DO) Pey�7 of 6 <br /> . i o77 I_ -..._ - ..._--.�... ----.. -. <br />