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<br /> � S,t�iivard ar Property Insurance. Bonowcr shnll kcep tho improvemcnts now cxisdng or h�rcuftcr crcctcd on thc Propcny .�
<br /> li1SNn:�OlYfilllSl 1059 bY f17C,6iuords includcd within thc tcrtn "cxtcndcd covcrngo" ond any othcr htvards. including �laods or
<br /> l O.acxlinp,for which l�;ndcr requirzs insarnnce.'3'h�s insursu�ce shall Ij:,main4vnccl in thc amounts�ttd for the�►eriods�hat l.cnder .
<br /> ! req�dmo.'I'he insurancc cartier�fmvlding�he'snsuranco shall be chasen by Boarower sub}ect w I.ender's approvul which shall aot
<br /> , ba unmvtanably withhe!d. If Borrower fttils to mnintain covernge desc�ibed nbove, Lender muy, at Lender's option� obtuin
<br /> '� } ca��oreIIo co prot,o�t Lender's rights it+the Property in occordance wfth paragraph 7.
<br /> � Al]i�isurance policies nnd renewals shall be acGeptnble to Lender and shall include a stendard mortgage cinuse.Lender shall :
<br /> � hnva d�n right to hold the policics and renewels.If L.ender reyuires,Borrower shall promptly give to Lcnder nll eeccipts of p�id
<br /> ,� premiuma und renewal nodces.in the event of loss,Borrowe�shali give prompt notice w the insurance carrieT nnd l..ender.Lender ' " � ',.ry
<br /> u'=-.:�
<br /> � ' mny mflhe proof of loss if not nesde prompdy by Borrower. �,���`"," _
<br /> � � Unh:ss 1.endcr and Borrowear otherwise ngrec in writing.insurancc proceeds shall be applied to restomdon or rcpair of�he ;;:_�.-=..
<br /> � Fropart�dmnagect,if the restoradon or rept�ir is economically feasible and Lender's seciulry is not lessened.If thc restoradon or ""'�f•:—
<br /> p r . ..
<br /> :..•Jr :'_.
<br /> . �i r�pnir i►c r.ot ecoc�omicafly feasible or Lender's securiry wauld be lessened,the insarance pro�ceds shall be epplied to the sums ..�.�___-__
<br /> - secured.bp this Securicy Insinunent, whether or not then due, with eny oxcess paid w Borrower. If Bo:rower abandons the ,;��.�_
<br /> prnpor�y,or ck�es nut answer within 30 days a nodce from Lender that the insurance cairicr has of:ered to seule a claim,then .,-�_,„_;
<br /> �:�.- •
<br /> ' Lenda�may colEect the insuiance prnceeds.Lender may use the proceeds co repair or reswre the Property or to pay su�i�s secured .;. ;._
<br /> by thifl�ecuriry Insuumcnt,whether or not Ifian due.'ltie 30-daY Aeriod wiU be8in when the norice is given. •�:.+__ _ _
<br /> . Ua?res J.xrr.drr and BQ�rower otherwise a�ree in wri�nB�anY aPPlicaaan of proceeds to principal shall not cactend or posq�onc �s;=,;t�{` _
<br /> thr,dua date of L�e monthly payments tefeired to in paragra�hs 1 and 2 ar ctmnge the cunount of the payments.If under paragreph �:_=-��-
<br /> •j 21 Uta Prope�t} a�eatuimd by Lender,Bonower's dght w any insu�ance pollcies and procee�ls resuldng from damage t,o tha .. `� ,
<br /> �. plropc�'iy priar w we acquisidon shall pass co L,e�►der W the exteni of the sums secured by this Security Instrument immedia:ely •��'
<br /> ;%' � prhor p�the acquisldon. ,�_`�'°.-"�
<br /> �,pcenpancy,Preservatbn,Maintcnanoa An�Pe�oteMion of the Property; Bormwer's Loan Applkatbn;Leasehofds.
<br /> Eo��wer shall occupy.establish,and use the Propecty as Borrower's principal residence within si�cty days after the execudon of , `�
<br /> � � Uiin Sc�curity Instivment and shall corstin�e to occupy the Property as Borrower's principal residence for st least one year after the � _
<br /> _ �is�w af occupancy. unless Lender othcrwise agr� ir► writin8. which consent shall not be unreasanably withheld, or unless ,' ,
<br /> exienuaating circumstanoes eaasi which are beyond Borrower's control.Borrower snau noi desaoy,damago ui u;��u�a=. �. ��_.".
<br /> n
<br /> aUDw tt�e pnnpeity to de,teriorate,or commit waste on o.he Prope,rtY. Sonowu sh:�i�be in default if eny forfeiture acaon or I,;..�.;..�
<br /> pcnceeding,whciher civil or criminal,is begun that in 1.�ender's 800d faith judgme�2 could res�ilt in forfeiture oF the Pcopeity or , ±�_
<br /> nU�r,rwise cnnt�r�Uy Impair the lien created by ihis Security Instrume�ne or Lender's securlty interesL Borrower may cure such a
<br /> 'i: duf u�lt and rt��affite. as provided in pu3graph 18. by causing the action or pracceding to be dismissed wlth a culing that,in -
<br /> Lrnd�r's good f�ith determinatian,procludes forfeiwre of!he IIuYrower's�nteress in the Property or othec m�ial impairment of _
<br /> �� tha li,en creatcd by this Security Insuument or Lendex's security inte.cesG Borrower shal!aLSO be in default if Boirower.during the ;;'
<br /> ' (qnn apPlicatlon process,gave materiatly false or inaccurate infom�adon or statemems w L.ender(or feiled tn provede L.ender with :;�
<br /> � ,; any matrxial infor�nation) in connecHon with the loan evidenced by the Noie, including, but not Wnited to. representations ���-
<br /> ; coar.eming�tnr.rower's occupancY of the Properry as a principal residence.If this Security Instnunent is on a leasehold,Botrower v`�'
<br /> • sba1D wmgiy wlth all she pro�7sion.4 of the lease.If Borrower acquires fec dde to tf�e Piroperty.the leasehold end the fee title shall Y+��
<br />- � . na��+nerge unkss Lendu agrces w tl�,e merger in writing. -,_
<br /> 9.pa+otectioe At Lender'a Itig6ts in the Property. If Borrower fails to perforsn the covenants�nd a�eements contained in '�;r;��
<br />"��' . �; d� Securiry lnswment,or theae is a leg�!procceding that may significantly affect I.ender's rights in the Pcope�ty(such as a };?c"-�
<br />-�� :. procceding in�vilauptcy,probate,for condeannation or forfeihue or w enforce laws or regulations),then Lender may do and pay ?::;`
<br /> ;� .- far whatever is nocessary to Ixotect the value of the Paupecty and Lender's rights in the Property.I.ender's xdons may in�clude �y„
<br /> -- i. ps�ying eny sums securecl by a lien which has priority over this Security Inst�mea� appcarir►g in court,PaY�S �o�1e �:"rt-__ —
<br /> - , , • attu�neys' fees and enteiing on the Property to ma1�e repairs.Although Lender rna�talce acaon under this par�reph 7,Lender �,�__
<br />-:� - �; do�s not have to do so.
<br /> ,� ...�_. .
<br /> �,x.,�.?: .- pny emounts disbiused by Lertder under this paragc'aPh 7 shall become additional debt of Bornower secured by this Securaty
<br /> �:'��: ._ InolrumcaL Unless Boirower and Lender agree to other t�ms of payment, these amounls shatll bear interest from thc date of __-_.
<br />�'- "' dinburscmcnt at tha Note�te and shall be payable,�vith a�3erest,upon nodce from I,ander to Borrower mquesting�ayment �
<br /> "� "° S.Mort�age Iesumnce If Lender required mortgage insurance as a condidon of making the loan secnred by this Security ''� '--_
<br /> � Inatruma►t,Borrower shull pay the pmmiums required w maintain the mortgage insurance in effect. If, for any m,ason, the = --
<br /> ' morigage�ns��ance coverage r�quirtd by Lender lapses or ceases to be in effect,Buaower shall pay the premiums requi.�rl Qo � -�
<br /> �r.�;�=�.
<br /> obtain covcrnge substanually equivalent to thc mortgage insurancc previously in ef�'cxt,at a cost substantially P.quivalent to thc -____ _
<br /> as�st to Borrower of the mortgage insurance previausly in ef�'ect, from an alte�iate mo�age insurer aFprovr,�l by Lender. If �;,,;,�-
<br /> ,:, ��.=.�:��._
<br /> . ssbstantially equivalent mortgage ir+surance cmverage is not available,Boirower s'hal!pay to I.ender each month a sum eqaal to ., ;, y.,:y,
<br /> tia °,• •-
<br /> ane-twe�y'��f the yeariy mort�+ge ins�rance premium b�ing p�aid by Borrower whan the insurance coverage lapsed or ceased co ..-:j`'.'Y
<br /> � ba in ef'f�c3.Lender will accept,use and retain t�se payments as a loss r�eserve in lieu of er�flrtgago insurarcce.Loss resrave .^. _ '
<br /> Form 30IIlI 9l90 ~,
<br /> (,!�•6R(NE)(ozt2l.ot PoQo 3 nf 6 imwia: '.
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