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<br /> � '['Q(iETHBR W1TH NI tha imp�vomcntn naw or herc.�ftEr crc.ctcd on Qic propcsty, ond ull�ca_�mcnts, appuncrmnccs,nnd
<br /> I fixturc.v nmwr on c�rcaftcr n part of�11�nmpcny.All rcplc�ccm�nts nnd ndditions shnil nl�m be covcred by this Sccuriry Iostnamcn�
<br /> All of tho fnecgoin�is rcfencd to in thi:i Scci►rery I�sirum�cnl 1s tt�n"Propany."
<br /> • �,, ' I30RR0�'lEli COVGRJANI'S thnt L?eraower i� lnwf►dly�scir.cd af the es�atc hen:by conveycd and has I�ic rigi�t to�zant and
<br /> � camey thc Prope�ty cu�d that d►o l�ta�eny ia unencumbenai, eucce�t for encumtsrjuices of record. Barrower warrants and will -
<br /> dcfend generally the ddo to tho P�o�ia�ety oQNast all cluims nnA dcmnnds,subject ta nny encumbr�nces of record.
<br /> .. --r'n ' THIS SECIJRITY IN�TRUMI:�P�'T cQ�mbinc.s unlPomi mv�nnnts far nutional us+: und non-uniform covcnnnts with limited „
<br /> "� variations by jurisdicdon to constituta n unifarm securiry instr��ment coverinB mal propes�ty. ' �
<br /> -. ., UNIFORM COVENANTS.Ba�wcr and Lcndar covcnnnt and ngrcc as follows:
<br /> i.Payment of�^rencipul uatt N�Ccrtst;@1��RAyment ancll..aite Char�es. Borro«•cr shail prompdy pay whcn duc the �
<br /> principal of and Ltterest on tho de6t evidenced by thc Note nnd any�rcpnyment und late charAcs duc under thc Note. • •:;��-
<br /> Z.Ftinds for T�ces And I�nsttranr.a Subjcet to oppllrs,�bla latv or to n wriues► �vaiver by l.ender, Borrawec shal! pay to .•:r�:"�
<br /> " Lender on the day monthly paymemta nne due mtdcr the No1o,unul tha Nate is p�id in full,a sum("Funds")for:(�)yearly taxes '' }_'-"
<br /> snd asse.aments which may attttii►pr6¢riry over ti�is Sc;curity Instrument As a Gen on dzc Propeaty;(b)yearly feasehold puyments • ��;,��
<br /> or ground rents on the Propertyr.if an�;(c)Ycarly har�rd or pmpsrty insurance pm,rniwx�s;(d)Yearty flood insurance premiums.if 'x = --
<br /> � any:(e)Yearly martgaga insuranca pr�emiuma.if eny:and(�any suma payable by Borrowe.r to Lender,in accoedance with the .;c`�-
<br /> ,,.,.
<br /> pnovisions of parngmph 8, in liou Qf ttie payment of man�a ins�nce premiuros. 'Ihcse items are callecl "Esca�ow Items." ������
<br /> • Le,�der may.at uny dmo,coUect anc�hatd�nds in an amoimt nnt ro eacied the maximum amount n tend�r for a fedezally related . -a;��;,
<br /> � mortgago loan mAy require for E�c�wec's escrow account under the fedeaa]Real�?tate Seulement Fr�zdures Act of 1974 as ,• �a"�' -
<br /> " amcnded fmm tuna w tune.l2 U.S.�.Scctia�n 2G(ll et seq. ("RESPA"),unless unot�r.r law tl�at applics to the Funds seis a lesser --_-_
<br /> ; sunounG If so,Lender mny,at any time, collect and hold Funds in un amous�t not ro exr,eed the tesser amount L.ender msy `�;��^�•
<br /> �5' � estimute the amount of Funds dua un d�a basis of currcat data�nd masonable e.ctima�;s of expendiwnss of fupue F.scrow Items or • ;F�r`��'��
<br /> ��''�� ` '' otheiwisc in aocordance with apitilceUlu luw. �==�---
<br /> _��
<br /> 'll�e Funds shatl be hold tn�m 6istftu�c�n whosc dcposits�ro inswed by n fcdernl r�ency.ins�umentality,or endry(including � -_�:_�_
<br /> ` LenQ�r,ff I.ender is such an inntinttia•n)c�r i►e any Fedra�l Nama Loan Bank. Lendr.r shall opply the Funds tn pay the fiscrow '
<br /> . , � � Items.Lender may not chtuga�u��wer fmr ho'ding and applying the Funds,annuFilly annlyzIng the escrow account,or verifying -
<br /> � the Essmw Itemis.unless Lendar ps�ys�anrowcr interest on thn F1�nds nnd applicable law{►ermit�Lender w make sucfi�clwrge. _
<br /> _ � Howcvrr�i.endcr may ceouirc �ammwer to Fay a on�timo chnrgn ior en independ�►1t rcai esmte tax m�orting service used by `•
<br /> �� Lender in wnnection with thia lnan. unless ?ir��ble la�v mvides otheslvise. Unlc�ts an �`
<br /> ,� a�. p agrcement is m�de or applicable Iaw ...-
<br /> requires intcrest to be paid.Lend�a siinll not trc ucguired to p�y Bormwer any interesi or eamings an 9h�Funds. Borrower and �-.:
<br /> I.ender may agree in wrritina,hc�wevcr,U�nt interrst shall bo psttd on the Funds.Lendrr shal!p,ive to Sorrower,without chnrge.an
<br /> �;:.�::'..1, annuul accoundng of t4o Funds,stuowinQ credits and debits to d�e Funds nnd tt�e pu�7wse G�,r which each debit to the Funds was ---
<br /> _'����.•a; rmade.'llie Funds are pledged�additienal security for all sums secured by tD►u Security Irisuumr�t =-—
<br />_ If dw Funds held by L.cnd�excced the amounts pem�iuod to GB held by applicaUr.o law.Lendcr shall account to Bonower for �
<br /> tha ea�cess Funds in accoMctacc widi U�e rc:quir.ments of appllcabla lew.If thc amowit of the Funds held by Lendei et any a�me is �
<br /> �
<br /> • � � not sufficient to pay the F.scmw Icem�wlien due,Lender may so notify IIomuwer in weiting.and,in such case Bomnwer sl�all pay �•:
<br /> to I,erider tho emaunt ncxes�rary ro meke up the deficienCy. aolrower shall malc� up the deficiency in no more than twelve =_
<br /> � ma�ntt�BY PaYments.at I.endcr'x sole tli:�crcdon. �`__
<br />_:o.•.` � tJpou paYmcnt in full of nll suma�xurera�y this Security Insmimcn� Lender shall prompdy refuntl ao Bocrower any Funds 4
<br />- �_ . : held by Lender.If,undcr pa��li 21,Lendcr shnll acquim ar scll the Property,I.cndcr,prior tn t6c a�cquisirion or sale of the �'°--
<br /> .w:�: .. ,;. � Ptoperiy,shall apply eny Ftuids held by L,ender aL the timo of acyuisidon or sale as a cncdit againsi iho sums secured by this �:'
<br />-- . Security InstrwnenG ��
<br />_ �_ r 3.Applkatfon ot PaymmiC,. Uuless licable law rovides othenvisc,all p"
<br /> app p payments Teceaved by Lender under�aragraphs �-
<br />_ 1 and 2 stmll be upplicd: feint,tm unJ p�puyment churges dun undez tl�e Not�;,econd,to amounts pt►yable under paragcaph 2; �:�`
<br />-`_+� ;.,� t�►ird.w inter�t due;fourtt�.t�p��►cipzff due;and lsist,to any lpto charaes duE u�;der the Note. R;._ -
<br /> _i� 4.Charg�s;Lkns. Baaa�wer stiall puy all taxes,asse,�sments, chaz�es, fines and imposidons atuibutable to the Property ��_:_.__
<br /> • -_r.'.,.. „ which may attuin ptiariry aver ti�iu Security I��strument,and loasetinld pnymems or ground rents,if any.Borrower shall pay ihcxe
<br /> ��' ".: ' obligations in We manncr pnnutd�d in�1auaBraph 2,or if r�ai�xid in thnt mcanner.Borrower shall pay thean on time dic+�ctly to the
<br /> _ ^ person owed paymeaG Borm�var shull promp8y turnish to Londer all nouces of amounts to be pa�ri under this paragragh. I€
<br />_. ' Bo�wa melccs these paymente dL�ctly,�amflwer shall pmmpily fumish to Lender ra:eipts evidencing�fi�a payments. _
<br /> �`" Hoirower shall promptly�iact�nc�a nny lien which hs�s prinrity over this Socurity Instrument uniess Borrower:(a)agrces in ----
<br /> writing w the payment of the ci��i�tian secured by ihe IIcn in a manner acceptablo to Le�atler,(b)contests in good faith the licn � - ---
<br /> _ ' . by. or defcads agninst enfo�ement �f the licn in, Icgal proseedings �vl�ich in th� Ler+der's opinion operate w prevent the � -�=�
<br /> • j enforaement of tho lten;or (c)�a:cunes fi�om the holder of U�n lien an a�mant satisfactory to Lender subordinating the lien to . _ =
<br /> this Security Inrnumen�IF Lencttv destemiines that any part of tha Prop�aty is subjoct to a lien which�y attain priority over this ,r°�'•"yv,
<br />- Security In�trumeait,I.ender may givg�or¢,�wer a noticc idsntifyin�the Itcn.Borrower shall satisfy the lien ar take ane or more .. �=�-�`�L=
<br /> of the acqons set forth abavc within 1�days of thc giving of nnlico. ��n�=
<br />-- Form 302s 91�0 • •• �
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