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�•r:;; ,.. . . r:< , . . . <br /> , -��'' •��^r� <br /> „ �K''. �:` •. �. �. <br /> ;� . . .� ,� . . . .X►y�y;,,�.;:-'°•s <br /> 1L'N1Y.-,J�^` <br /> ._.. . . , � .. .. .•.r. .. " ,,.,.t77NWiMnwt'.. <br /> .. ' ,.rypaN,fe,.�:�, ., � . � ...�. � . � - : . <br /> n..r..:-w �r <br /> ' . - •.rrf. . . �� .. . .. _��...L..::.�fx•• <br /> , . ,. S"�i:�4�=„- — — <br /> . � _:r-��-��..- <br /> w,-:-;•,- <br /> .. , • ..'•-rT�r�,,:- _ <br /> , , •� r�t. . ..• ',.:;�`•rc.._ <br /> .. . . .. ��"� �,VIfI'��� <br /> � 5.Ha�rd or Property IR,�rwncc, �oreowcr shull kccp thc improvcmcnts now cxisdng on c�rcattcr crectcct on lho Prupc�ty <br /> insurcd against loss by C�rc,hazards includcd within thc tcrm "cactcnded covcroSo"and nny othcr hnrurds, inciuding Qcxxis or <br /> flc�oding,for wt�ich L.ender rcquires insurancc.71►is fnsurnncc shall hc mnirtmincd in thc nmoun4v nnd for thc periods thnt....:.;l..r <br /> requires.7rie insurance carriet pmvidir►B the�nsursutce Shall be chaseri 6y IIatYOUCP sub;xt to L.cndct's�pprovel Evhlch shell not <br /> be unrcasonably withheld. If Bortowce feils to maintain covcrege describcd obave, Lendcr may, at Lcndu's opUon, obtnin <br /> coverage tn protat Lender's rights tn the Praperty In accordnnce with paragQUph 7. <br /> All insurance policies and renewals shall be occeptebk to Le�sder and shall include a sts�ndard mongage clause.Lender shNl <br /> '�, havc the right to hold d�c policies and rencwals. If Lc.nder res�uires,Borrower sha�l promptly givc to l�.ndcr nll rcccipts of paid • <br /> premiums and renew�l notices.In Ihe eveat of loss,Borrower shnll give prompt not�ce to�he insumnce carrlr.r end Y.ender.i..ender ,�'' <br /> may make proo�of loss if not madc promptly by Borrowcr. �''`� .. .. <br /> Unless Leadcr and BRrrower othcrnisa agrec in writin8, insurance Proceeds shall lt�C�pp�i�d�°restoration or rcpair of 1ho ; ` {,��n,�� <br /> prope�ty damagcd,if the restoration or repair is ccocwmicullY feasibfe and L,ender's socuriry is not lcsscnaf.lf the rescorntion or , �' • ,;��4;••• 5,,�. <br /> mpair is not c�caaomic,ally feasible or Lender's security would be lessened,the insurance praceeds shall be applirrd to�ha sums i .; ••,��'� <br /> : ':l. '. '• YT_�._' <br /> � secured by �his Se�uriry Instniment, whcthcr or not t1r.n duc,with any cacess paid co Bo�rower. IQ' Bomnwr,r ubundons �ho � .�. <br /> . Pirope�ty,or dces Aot answu within 30 days a notice from Lender thac the insurance carrier has offrred to settk a claim� then �,..,.`J <br /> , I.eadr,s may oollect the in�uraace procecds.I.tndet may usa the pmcueds tn nepav a restae the Property or to pay suns socured i��'. ':`,: - -- <br /> by this Security Inswment�whethu or not thera due.'Itie 30-day period will begin when the noti�e is givcn. _ .- <br /> Unless Lar�er and Borrower otherwise a�ec in writinB,�Y aFP��n of pr000eds to psincipal sha!I not extend or postpone <br /> � t}�z due date of the cnonthly�yments refeired to in paragraphs 1 end 2 or chunge the ainount of ihe payme�►ts.If under paragr�ph .��. . <br /> �Il ihe P r o p a t y is a c quia�ed b y Lender.Bacrower's right to any insur.u�ce polic:ss aaxi pracocds resniting frain damaga tc�U�a ;;, ,�,�.� <br /> � �"`�"------- <br /> �, �P�Y I�to the acqui�ti�n sliall pass to Lender to thc eat,�nt of the sums secu�+d by this Security Instnunent immodiately ',�:�4,•�� <br /> , • prior tn iLe r�wisitiot►. •�;�,;:;�'"-s-- <br /> ' •:�'' 6.Oocupa�mry.Pre�rvatjon,M�tfatenAnce and Protectioa of the�i opertl, Borrower's Loan Applkatbn;Leasehold9. �.N�s <br /> , :,.�;`''�� Bv[rowet�ha!➢ oocupy.establish,and use the Property as noirotiver's principai residence wi�ttin sixty days aMr tivs eaecution of :'`;�� <br /> ��� t'�eis Seciu+ty Insaument and shall continnue to occupy ihe Property av IIarower's priacipal residence for at kast one year after the <br /> ,.� date of occupancy. unlGSS Lender otherwise c�oes in wri6ng, which consent sLall na be anreasonably withhekl. or unlass <br /> r„�,�.� . . <br /> :;:.::,. ea�tenuahng citcutnstanccs e�cist which are b�yond Borrower s controL Bormwer sttall not desGOy,damage or impair tbo pen5i. <br />- --_-_��'}`:`;:; p.!aw the Propaty tn deteriorate�or commit waste on the Prapaty. Borrower si�aii [�e m deiaiaic ii any ivriritiuc i�t�s�' . <br /> ,,,,;.�:.•r <br /> ';., ;�;. �,rooeeding,whether civil or begun that in Le,�►der's good faith judgment could msult in forfeawre of the Property or , <br /> • ; :��,., <br /> ••�'t •.``��•'. �tt�rwise maG�ially impair iha licn created by this Secvaity Iaswmeni or L,eridc�'s sxurity intaest Borrower may cure such a „ <br /> :1�;�r:'` , ,.,��� def3ult aad prova3ed'ue paragraph 18. by causing the action or pr�r�mg w be dismissed with a ruW�g @�at,in ,. ,;� _ <br /> ,`:; � Lender•s good ffatth deteimination�Precludes forfeiture of the Bomow�'s intrnst in the Propercy or other mataial im�aiiment of 1 - <br /> .. -,.;1::�., . <br />- ��;i.��:;�` the lien a�a�L�y this Security Instrument or Lender's sc�surity intere.�e.Borrower shall also be in delault if Bwrowu.during the <br />_ • loan ep�plica6om�Qrocess.b*ave materially false or inaocurate infonnation or statements w Lender(o�failed w provide Le,�der wiih �., : <br />= any mauroal Wocmatlon) in connecrion arith the loan evidenced by thu Note. including,but not limited to� repres�ntadons <br /> � conoe�niag Borrower's oceupancy of the Property as a principal r�idence.If this Seeucity Instnunent is on a kasetwld,Borrower <br />_ :� shall oomply with aU the provisions of�he k�.If Borrowcr acquims fce dde Do thc Property,the leasehold and the fee riUe shall <br /> - � ,,, � not mage ualess I.ender agrees to the�erger in vRiting. <br /> • .s 7.Profecteoa of I.ender's Rit6ts in t6e Propecty. If Borrower faiLs w pe�form Uie cove�ants and agr�ments contained in - <br /> �.;,: . .; ahis Security lnstrusna�t,a there is a kgal procceding that may sigruf'icant�y affect L.ender's rights in the Property(such as a . <br />_;.•':i . �roceeding in banlm�P�Y•P��for condemnation or farfeiwre or to enfoc�ce laws oz�regu�adons).ihen Lender may do and pay '' <br /> � for whalevcs is necessary to pmtoci the value of th�Pc�aperty and Lender's rights in alae Propesty Lendei's actio:�s may include =�- <br /> . PaY�B�Y� �� by a Gen which has priority over this Security Instrument,appesri�8 in oosut. paY�B ��� c <br /> attorneys' fees and rntering on the Prapc���to mekc repairs.Altho���a i.endcr may tuke actwn a�Cer�his parngruph 7.I.ender ,' __-- <br /> do�x not have tn do so. -- <br /> ; My amounts di:+bursed by Lcndel under this Parab�r►Ph 7 shall beoome additiona�dcbt of Bomower socured by ihis Security - <br /> �• ►P ' <br /> —' Hms�nuneat Unkss Barowe�a n d I.e n der agree to o t her terrns of p a yment, thesc emounts shall bear inte�est ivom tho data of �_;_ <br /> � U _ dubut�x�t at�he Note iate and shall be @Aryablo�widi intc,�est,u�►on notioe from Lender to Bo�oiv�requestin,g PaYment �.,...• <br /> �521++��•- <br /> . .. . , . �.Mcbrt,��,�e Insur�na. If Leadea raqairad mortgage inswgnce as a oondition of making t�e loan secured by this Security ��._: <br /> " . ;.:��, II�rasuume�t,�z:urower shall pay the pmrni:rms raquired w maintain cho mortgage insurancc in effecL U. for any rcason.the �.,-=-.-, <br /> .. ... mnctg,age insivance covc:iage mquired by I.ender lapses or ceases to be in effoct,Bnra�wer shall pay the premiums requimd co �c�`4�---�� <br /> �,� � obtaim ooverqga substantiaUy equivalcnt to the mortguge insurance p�viously in ef�'�ct,at a oost substantially cquivalent to the �;����`� <br /> ;,•. <br /> ���`� <br /> �:::�,.'� cost to Barro��u of the mortgage insur�nce previously in effect,from an alteraate mortgage ir�surei apprmved by Lender. If ,,.�:- �,��---_ <br /> �, substantiaDly�r�uivalent matgage insuratace coveiage is not�vailable,Bormwer shall pay tn Lender each month n�wn equsil to ';i�� ,�A�:'`;��: <br /> ,.•��;=�� a� ?'+�., :fi•.:.. <br /> cnwtwelfth o�Yhe yearly mo�Z ge insurance premium being paid by Bamwer when tl�e insuzance cov e lapsecl or ceascd to ' :• :� ���`��'�'':� <br /> PI'd$ :...�r�iJ;�.�1.. <br /> ' �e in effect L�ender will aocr�t,use and cetair►these payment� as a loss re.serve in lieu of mortguge insivance. Lass reserve � , . .;�,t�s:�'>:: <br /> �-..z«.. .. <br /> ;.. . ";•;t..;.��; ' <br /> ;; Form 5020 0190 <br /> f...,,`i,:��•,..• <br /> , i ,._�,,. <br /> � ' ' ��R(N�t92t21.ot nap�3ote Inillalt: . <br /> � � ,I. <br /> '' . <br />� �: � �'� - � ' . . <br /> • . ,.. <br /> ---- ---� ------ . � r <br /> ---� � � - e . . � .. . <br /> . . ..._ ____ ... _ _-.__ _-.-_r __.. <br /> ' _.,��—.-..--- -Y�.Tr"""'._" """'_'_—_'•..-'_^" - <br /> . . . . ... . . .. ... . ,. <br /> : ��_"'___..,�-... .... ... ... . . .. -. .l7114 � <br /> . . . • .. r i . .. <br /> , � <br /> � <br /> Y .. _. .._ _. . _ . .. _.. <br />