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<br /> I TOOLiTii�t� WI'I'H NI Ihe irnprovcmcnis now or hercaftcr croctcd on thc property,ur,d till�semen�.9,nppurtcnartccs, and �,: -_
<br /> fixturc,v no�or tu�m,nftcr u pari of t�c property.AU rcplecemcnu nnd addidons shall nlso bc covcrcd by thls Sccurity Inswmcnt. ;;
<br /> � All of Utic f�n;gv.ing Is tcfc.rrcd to in thls 5csurity Inswmcnt ag thc"Property." _ -
<br /> BORR�OW�iR COV6NANTS Ihat Bortowcr iv Iawfully scised of the est�te hereby conveycd and hu9 the right to gau►t and
<br /> convey Ih� 1'nrn�ny ��� Ni�l►.�te Proper4y is uRer.r,�smhesecl, except for encumbrances of record. Borrower warru�ts end wiU � ��'
<br /> defend genesnll•y the uUe to the Propt:rty aAainst all claims and demands,subject w any eneumbrances of record. �� .
<br /> TNIS SEC�IlRITY INS7'RU111&NT combin�:s uniform covenunis for nntional use and non-uvifarm covenan�s with limitcd . ��
<br /> t
<br /> ._ variations I�y j��ri3diction w canstitute e unifortn sccuriry insuument covering neal propeny. � -
<br /> • UNIPORM COVENAIV'fS. Bonrowcr and l.cndcr covcnant and agrce as follows: i(:�
<br /> 1.Prynnemt c►f PirincEpal�nd Inte�est;Pireps�yment and Late Charges. Borrower shall prompUy pay whcn due the
<br /> , princi{anl o�na�9 intcrest on Ihe dcbt cvidericecl by the Natc and nny prep�yma►t and Inte charges duc under��e Note. , ,���"•_•� -
<br /> � � . i�i.r,��
<br /> � 2.Fu�a�'hs Pa�Tax�and fesurance. Sub' t to Lcable law or to a wriuen waiver b I.endcr. Borrowcr shall a to � �������
<br /> l� IIPP� Y P Y I . �.��._�;:--�.
<br /> { I..ender on t�e tiay monthly paymcnts nrc due undcr thc Notc,until the Notc is paid in full,�sum("Funds")for.(a)yearfy texcs . -_�!f�=`""--
<br /> a�id assess��u�rs whieh may ultain prioriry over this Security Instrume;nt ac a lien on the Property;(b)yeariy lc�sehold paymenLS '�"�-�` �
<br /> ` or ground rra�is on the Propcny.if any;(c)yearly hazard or property insurance pm.�niums;(d)yearty flood insurance premiums,if �.,'' ,
<br /> � Any�(e)Yca�iY mort6aBe insuranco premiums,if any:end {�any sums payable by Bocrowcr to I.eridcr.in eccordance with the .n`�''`-�-=_
<br /> ; rovisions of B. in liw of the a ment of� prem ���
<br /> � p paragraph p y oetgage insurance iums. 'Itiese items are calkd "Escirow Items" _
<br /> Le»dur msy,ac a�y tunc,collacf en�i i►old Fue�ds in an ari�ount not to exceed�hE naxiri�uri���ou�t a lender fcs s€��°.r6;reLted - _
<br /> .�; mongage I�an may roquirc for Sarowcr's cscrow acoaant u��sta Cede�al Keai Fstate Seu1�nent Procedures Act of 1974 as �:�:'
<br /> .t umend�cl fro�i time w time. 12 U.S.C.Se:ction 26i11 er seq. ("RESPA"?,zn!�.4?P.!uhnr 1_w that applies w the Fi�nds sets a lesser ..—_
<br /> ` amount If so„I.ender may.et any time. oollect and hold �unds in an amonnt not to eacoeed the le,sser amount, Lender may �";.i
<br /> ��. estimat�iha su�ount of Fnnds due on the basis of cumcnt data and reasonabk estim2tes of ea�pendidues of futune F.scrow Itcros or ` �''��-'�;
<br /> f . �.,��
<br /> . ,�;. otberwise i�nucord��ce with applicable law. ..:L�:_ ,. .
<br /> � 'R�e Fii�nd•a shxil bc:he.td in an insr�tution whose deposits are insur�ed by a federal agency,instrumentality,or entity(including � �.;..�• .;
<br /> Lender�if I..r,�der is such an instiNtiou)or in any Foderal Home L.oan Banic. L�der shaq apply the Funds to pay�he Escrow .:��x:.:;�; f:;;
<br /> � . �, Items.Le�d.s may not charge Bocmwer for holding and applyi�g the Funds,aanually a�ialyzing the escrow account,or�erifying :��?'�:
<br /> tbe fiscrow� In:ms,unkss I.ender pays Borrower interest on the Fuads and applicable law permits Lender to m�lce such a charge. � z�
<br /> � Howcvcr,Le;,A;u �aay requirc Borrower to pay a one•tune c'narge for en independent real estate iax reporting ser+ice us�by .;� '
<br /> _--- j..ci,uu ��i+ a.iiui+ca:t� Rnt. iiu n�is i+�i�i.i�aw,a�in:i3"�i�Li�wa v2�aa`6.:a.. �aaaw�ma SgI"w'iI'wisi Li IRa'ZC�i a�i�f�Lw�'iaa. su.: - ' ; `— ..
<br /> n;quims inl�est to be paid,Lender shall not be rcquircd tn pay Bomnwer any inte�est or earnings on the Funds.Bomnwcr and
<br /> ` I.ender rnay i�roe in writing,however.that inumst shall be paid on the Funds.I.en�er shall give t�BocrowPr.without charge.an .
<br /> . f� annual a000emang of tl�c FYmds.showing credits and debits to the Funds aad the purpose for which each debit to the Funds was � �•
<br /> macie.'Il�e Tiuids ue p7odged as additional socurfl21v for all sums secu�by this Security Insuument
<br /> ' If ihe Fru�ds tx.ld by L.cndCi cxoeed ihe amounts pennittod to be held by applicable law.La�der shall a000icnt to Bar�ower for
<br /> thc caocss Fiu�ds in ac�ordac�oe with the��equircmcnts of applicabk law.U tt�e amount of d�Funds held by Lender at aay time is �
<br /> not sufficiraaT.W�ay thc Es�nw dtems when due.H.cnder may so nodCy Bo�rower in writing,and,in such c�se Bomnwer shal!pay
<br />. lo Ler�der Ifiie amount nocessary w malce up the d�ficiency. Borrower shall make up the deficiency in no more than twelve .,
<br />� monihlY P3Y�yxx��s,et l.tndcr'a sok discretioa .,��,�;
<br /> Upon�nyment in full of a(1 sums secured by th9s Secuiity instrument,I.endei shall prmmptly refund to Bomnwer any Funds °
<br />�, ,•:•:�::;.�. held by Lc�iier. If,nnda pw�graph 21,I.ender shall acquire Qr sell the Prope:ty,I.ender.6�rdor to the acquisition or sak af the ������
<br /> ,,,�:.•.�
<br /> ��': •' � Prope�ty,stt�ill apply any Funds held by Lender at the dme of aoquisidon or sale ac a creQit
<br /> __ .,; . against the sums secured by this
<br /> . ,�'! ° Sccuridy L�suumen� - —
<br /> •', � 3.A�plailYatbn of Paymeats. Unle�s appl�r.�b1e!aw provides otherwise,all paymenu reccivcd by Lendar unciel paragraphs -
<br /> - • 1 a�d 2 st�il be u�lied Ficst, to anY Pr�3'�ent charges due under the Note;seoond, to amounts payabk unde,r paragragh 2; �: '=
<br /> third,to nifcxat dce;fcwnh,W princ9,�pa1 due;and last,to any tate c3�arges due under the Note. --
<br /> • ,:•, Q.Chuiryes;Licns. Boimwcr s7�all pay all taxes.asscssm�ts. charScs.fincs and imposidons �tributabk to the Propcity - -
<br /> ' �� �'�� which may�utain prisr�ry over this Security Instfument,and leasehold paymemts or grnund reats.if any.Bocmwer sh�ll pay these �
<br /> - : �': obiigaoions i:n th�n:nrm�provided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in that man�ra,Boirower shall pay them on time direcdy tn the
<br /> ...,r , person ow<:d paymc7��. 9otrower shall prompdy fumish to I.ender all nodces of amounts to be paid under this para�r3ph. If . ,,;;�:�,��,�.•-
<br /> ,��:�'. :. ,,:��--
<br /> ,��.�_:
<br /> . 13orno�ver malces these payments c1'sr�.tly.Borrowea shall prompUy fumish to Leader receigts�videncing the payments. �•f��__,,i�:;,E�
<br /> ' �.' . Borro�vu shall prompdy discharge any lien which has priority over this Security L►suument unless Borrower:(a)�grees in ;,y Y,:,"j'�`�
<br /> ,1`} writin�to the payment of the obligation st�ccured by ihe Gen in a manner aoceptuble to l.ender.(b)contw�.�en good faith the lien
<br /> by, or defends against cnforcement of the 6en in, legal proceedings which in the L.ender's opinion m�eraate to prevent the �,�• p�.x�:y 3,t._
<br /> � � , ,
<br /> enfo�u:nt ot the lien;or(c)secu.res from the holder of the lien an a�reement satisfacdo tm I.ender subordinatin ahe lien to • � '��--��=�'
<br /> r5' $ "Y"qi�.�+;C>��'',�...,..
<br /> this Se�oiuity Instrumen�If Lender deteimines that any part of the Pnaperty is subjaci to a lien wluch may anai�priora�mvea this � +��4=-'
<br /> St;curity Insuumcnt,Le.nder may give Bom�wer a notice ident�ying the lien.Borrower shall satisfy the lien or take or��or morc ` ��'`�1°�;''� � �
<br /> � of U�C a�:uons sei ford�h above witt►in 10 days of the giving of noace. <y�� �;���� �;:y�'. '
<br /> i Form 9026 9I�0 ���!` '��.' ..
<br /> f.
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