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<br /> � � � principel amount oi thc�Inclebtednoss secured by lhia Deed oi Trust,not inclu�lln sums advanc�d to protect th�e;o� t��Deed of
<br /> �
<br /> Trust,oxcac�d Ih�oriE�irinl principal amount stated hereln,ar S 250.OQO.Of ,_,_,whichever Is greater.
<br /> 18. ti1l�iaalicm�r�+rn Provlclons. _
<br /> (ri)�onn�var Nlut Rel�e��d.�xtenalon oi tho tlme for payment or modificetlan�f flmortizaU�n n�R��r��ums secured by thla
<br /> ' D�ad of TnaEt grnnted by Londer to eny succossur In Interest of 8ortower shail not a�erate to rela�.,a,in r�ny manner,th9 Ilablll-
<br /> • ty of th�oritiinnl Unrrower nnd BorrowePa successora In Inter�st. Londer Rhell not ba requir�G to commence proceedings
<br /> egalnnt sur.h succon!iar or refuse to extend tima tor p�yin�r�t ar othsrwise modify amaRizatfon of the sums secured by thie
<br /> ; Do�td of Trut�t by rqpt►an of eny demanda made by lhA arlginal 9orrower end Borrower's succeasore In Interest.
<br /> • (b)Londer'e►Powor°�.Without eNecting the Ilability pf ar�y other person Ilable for the paymont ot any obllgatlon herein men• _
<br /> � '� tionad,end wtthaut affacAng Iha Ilen or charge of ltils Geed oi Yrust upon eny poPilon oP lhe Peopariq not iii;.n or liiarolotoro `
<br /> , �^. � rolflASed e�sacurity for th�full emount of ell unpald obllpatlons,Lender may, from t�me to tlme end without noUce(i)rerla��e
<br /> , . any peraon s�fl�bls►,(H)extend tho maturity or alter any oi tha terms of eny cuch obligations,(Iii)grant 9thor indulgences,(iv)
<br /> -��- rcl:�aso or rr.com�oy, ar causo to bo rotou�ed or reca:�veyed �t any Gm3 �t Lendsrs option�ny parcel, portion or ell oi the �
<br /> ;;;,�vr��.� Property,(v)taka or mlAase any other or eddltional security for any obllpaUon hereln menUoned,or(vi)mako composiUon�or
<br /> •,.�.•,�n��:i othar errsmgemnnt�wRh debtors In relation theroto.
<br /> ' '' (r,)Forbonr�nao h�r I.ender Np2 a Walver.Any fo�tsoar�nco by LQnd�r In oxerc,talttg 3ny right or remedy hereander,or oth-
<br /> en�vi�e efforcied b��appltcabls�lavi,shzlt n�i bs a vlAlver of or pracl��J�s tls��x�rci�o of any 2uch rfght or romedy.Tho procuro• �-
<br /> mant oi insu�ance or tha payment of texes or othor Ilens or charges by Lender shali not bo a waiver or Lenders dght to acceler-
<br /> atA the mat»dty ai tha indebtedness secured by thfe DQed of Trust
<br /> (d)6uacosROra anr�Aasi�ns Bound;Jolnt and 9evr.ral i.labplty;Captlons.Tho covenants and egroemente herein oon- °
<br /> „ tained shall bind, and lfne�ights hereunder shall inwr�►to, tl�o respe�tive successors and essigns oi Lender and Trust�r.All �:
<br /> . covenents and epreements of Trustor shall be Jolnt ar►d soverAl.The captlons and hoad(ngs of the paragraphs of this D�ed oT ��
<br /> . %� Truat ere for con►�enience oniy and are not to ba used to Intorprot or deflno the provisions liereof.
<br /> . � (o)Requoat fvr Notices.The psrties heroby requost that e copy of any��oUce oi deteult hereunder and a copy of any noUce -
<br /> ot s�la herrjund�r bo malled to each party to this Deed of Trust et the eddress set forth aEova In the mannsr proscribad by -
<br /> ��. appllcablb le�w.Faccopt for any other notice requlred under applicable law to be given in another manner,any noUce provided for
<br /> • tn th(s Doed of Tcupt shull be given by melHng such notice by cortifled mail eddreosed to the other pa�ies,at the address set -
<br /> �: fnAh above.Anp nadce provided for In thla Deed oi 7rust shall be effective upon mailing In tha manner desSgnated herein. If -
<br /> Tn�stor is more than one person,noUce sent to the address set forth above ahall be notice to all such persons. _-
<br /> . .�� (�q�a�eattan. LendAr may meke or cauae to Do made reasonebla entriea upon and Inspectlons of the Pro�erty,provldad
<br /> thot Lender shpli glve Trustor notice prior to any such inspecUon spocltying reasonable cause therefar retated to Lender's inter-
<br /> , `�+i�. est in tha Rroporh�.
<br /> (g)Reconvvyonce.Upon peyment of ali sums secured by this Deed of Trust,Lender shall request Tnistee to reconvey the ==-
<br /> ,,�' Proporty and sh�li suRender this Deed of Trust�nd all notes evidencing irtdebtedness secured by this Daed of Trust to =
<br /> Truotee. Tni�t�e ehall reoonvey the Property,without werranty and withoul charpo to the potson or persons legally enUUed -
<br /> thproto.Tcuatnr shall pay all costs of recrordstian,H any.
<br /> ' (h)Raroonnl p'rmp�rty; S�cuHty Aynurwn�As addi8onal secudty for the paymont oi the Note,Trustor hereby grants
<br /> _ Lendor undtir thn N�breske Uniform Commerclal�ode a securlty Interest in all 8xtures,eyuipment,and other personal QroQerty
<br /> .1 usad in connoction wlth the resl estete or improvements located theroon,end not othervvlse declared or deemed to be a paR af _
<br /> t tho raal estatn securnd hereby.This InsVument shaA Uo construed as a Security Agroemont under said Code,end the Lender -
<br /> '.` shall hava ell thn ripht�end romedies of a secured party undar safd Code in addiUon ro U�e rlghts aRd remecl�is created under
<br /> � and accordad th�Lender pursuant ta ihls Deed of Trust;provided that Lenders rights and remedies under this paregreph shall
<br /> y bo cumuluti��o w�ih,end In no way a IlmitaNan on,Lender's rights and remedles under eny other secur(ry egreement signed by
<br /> - � Bormwer or Truator.
<br /> ' �• ' ,. � (1)ltana a�A IEncumbnnc�s.Trustor hereby warrents and represents that fhore Iy no defeult under the provislons of any -
<br /> ,:.•,,,,.,,�_:� � mortflogo,doed of trust,lease or purchase contract descHbing a!I or any part ot ihe Propertyr,or other oontract,Instrument or
<br /> , agreemnnt constituting a Ilen w encumbrance agafnst all or any pa�t of the Property(collectively,'Ltens'),exisUng es of the
<br /> •�• � date of this DaAd of Trust,and that any end etl exlsUng Llens remain unmodifled except as disciosed to Lender in Tnistor's wr(t
<br /> `°'"'""' ten diacia�uro pf Ilens and encumbrAncos provided for hareie�.Trustor shall timety perform�II oi Trustor's obiigations,
<br /> '�' "� - covenflr�tn,rapresenieUons and warranUes under eny end all exisUng and future Llens,shall prompUy fawab to Lander copie9
<br /> �{`"" of all noNcos ot dofautt sent In connecUon with an end all exisUn or tuwre Uens,end shall not without Lender's
<br /> "���c`tr'h�. 9 9 pdor written
<br />-:�,���_:�� canaent in anp mnnnar modify the provistons of or allow any future advan�es under any existing or tuture Ilens.
<br /> �_:`y7�� Q)Applinatinn ot Paym�nb.Untess oU�3►wise requtred by law,aums paid to Lendor hereun�er,InGudiitq wilhout Iim.itatbn
<br /> �, poymont�of princtpal and tnterest, In�urance pwceeds,condemnation proceecls and rents and profits, ehall be epplied by
<br />_-�t���� r Lendor tn tit�nmoun�s due end owing'Prom Trustor and Borrower In such order as Lunder tn Its so'�e discretbn deems desir-
<br />__-_;:�,�:•., eblo.
<br />_'�:��-;;`a;:'� (k)Sav4n�bpity.If any proviston of this Deed oi Trust conflicts with appiicabte lew or Is declered Invalid or othervrlae unen-
<br />-�;^-fa�s.��� lorceabl�,such contllct�ar Invelidity shall not effect the other provisiona ot thla Deed ot Tiust or the Note whlch can ba given
<br /> "� -4� °_- effoct withaui the con911�ting provislon,and to this ond Ihe provisions of thts Deed af Tn�st and the Note ere daalared to be sev-
<br /> <>i_'r��� erabl�.
<br /> -���-��_,_ (1)Tarta�s.The tertns'Trustor'end"8omower shali include both singuier and plural,end when tl!e Trustor and Borrower are
<br />-===`yx_ ,. thfl sama�erson(s),those terms as used In this boed oi Trust shall be Interchangeable.
<br />--���"":=� (m)fJaveminp Law.This Deed otTrust shall be 9uvemed by the laws of the State of Nebras{c�. —
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