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<br /> "Pracends")In connoctlon with condemnallon or othor tokinp of tho Praporty or part th�rc�ot, or for c o nnce n Il�u o c�n ctmnr�tic�n. ,
<br /> Londor olic�ll bo ontitlod nl Its opliqn to commonco,appupr In�nd proscruto in ito own nnmo uny nctfon or procAOdin�n,end shr�li oltt�a � .
<br /> bo ontltlod ta mnko any c�mprpmino or sattlomont in connnction wlth such taking or damape.In thc�evont any pnrtinn ot ll�s�Frop+�rhj in
<br /> sp takon or damapod, Londor shall t�ovo thv opllon In its sota and ebsoiute dlscrodan,to �pply all such procoqdsi, afi�rr dtsuliictln� •
<br /> thorofrom oll costa ond oxpenses Incurred by it In connoction wlth such Pruceeds, upon any Indebtodnc�ss sucured hc�rob�onc�In sueh
<br /> ordor ne Londor mny dotormino,or to npply all auch Pracood3,nftor such dnductl�ns,to tho restoratlon of the Pro{��frt,►upon ai�r,h cnn- .
<br /> � dlttons r�a Londer muy determine.Any eppllcatlon of Prpceads to Indebtodness shall n�t oxtond or postpono lhcl dun diit��a}an;r arty
<br /> monts undor Iho Noto,or curo gny dotault thereunder or hareunder.Any unappllod tunds shall bo pald to Trustor
<br /> B. Partormance by Lenda�.Upon the occurrenca of en Evenl of pafault hcroundnr, or If any act is tnkPn r.r Ic�dr�l proceedinQ
<br /> „� commenced which meterlally aifects!_ender's Interosi In the Property,Lender mey In Its own diaGr9tlan,but without otligatlon to do so,
<br /> and with�ut n�tico to or demand uRon Trustor end wlthout relaaeing 7rustor from any obllgatlan,do eny act which Trustor has agreed
<br /> , -�" but(allod to do end may also do any other act it deems necessary to protecl eine security h4reof. Trustor shall, Immadlately upon
<br /> �"� demand thorefor by Lendor,pay to Lander ell costs and expenses Incurred and au�ne expendod by Lender In connecdon wlth the exer-
<br /> � clse by Lender oi the forego►ng rlghta,together wlth Interest thereon at tho default rete pn7vidad in the Noto,which shall be added to
<br /> i the Indebtedness secured horeby.Lvndar shall not Incur any Iiabflity because ot enylhlnp it may d�or omit to do hereunder.
<br /> � 9. Ha�rdous Materlals. Tn�ator ahail koep tho Property in compllanco wlth all appliaablo laws, ordinances and regutations _
<br /> reladng to Indus4rial hygie�r�or c�nvirormentol protectlon(oolloctively referred to heroi�ea"Cm�ironmentel Laws').Trustor shall keep , ,-T
<br /> the Property free from all substences doamed to he hazerdous or toxlc under eny Envfrqnmantel Laws(collectively reforred to haroln
<br /> as'Hazardous Matorinis'). Trustor hr�reby warrants end reprasents to Lender that ther4 arr�no Hazardous Materleis on ar undor the
<br /> ^ Property.Trustor hereby egrves to Indomnify and hold harmless Lender, its directoro,oifla��re,employeea and agents,and eny succes- ..
<br /> sors to Lenders interest,from end against any end all clalms,dam�ges,losses and Il�hi{itlos arising In connection wlth the presence, '"•
<br /> use,disposal or transport oi eny Hazardous Materials on,under,irom or ebout the Praporty.THE FOREGOING WARRANTIES AND ;:,.
<br /> , ;FT
<br /> 10.Assfgnm�nt oi Fbent�.Trustor horeby essigne to lendar, and grr�nts Lender o eecurlty Interest in, all present,future and �--
<br /> after erising tenr.s,issues and profits of the Property:pravided that Trustor shall,untfl tha occurrence of an Event oi Default,hereunder, =r;��_
<br /> have the�ight to coitect and retain such ronts,issues and profits as they become dua and payable.Upon the accu►rence of an Event of �=�•
<br /> qetault,Lender may, either in por�on or by agant,wlth or without bringing any eotlpn or proceoding,or by a receiver appointed by a -
<br /> court and w(thout regard to tha edaquocy oi its security,enter upon and take possas�lan of the Property,or any part thereof,in it� own a,_.=
<br /> . name or in the name of tho'fruotaa,end do eny acts which it deems necessar�l or deslrahle to proserve the vatuo, merketabiliry or
<br /> rentability oi the Property,or any part tltr�reof or Intereat therefn,or to incro�se lh�Liaome therefrom or protect the securlty hereoi and, �_°_
<br /> wEth or w(thout taking posseasion of tha('roporty,suo for or otherwise colloct thn �ents,Issues and proflts thereof,including those past
<br /> ��� due and unpald,by notifying tenant�to make payments to Lender.Lender mfly apply rents,issues and proflts,less coats end expens- -._.
<br /> •� es oi operation and collscUo�i including attomoy's fees, to eny indebtednoss securod heroby,all(n such order as Lender may deter- _
<br /> ., _ '� flji(1p, �p A�1�ii�f1� ��nnn nn�i raking oossesslon of the Proporty, tho colloctfon of such rents, issues and proflts,and the applipUon � _
<br /> thereof a�eforesaid shell not curo or waive any defautt or notfce of def�ult horeun�for or invalidate any act done In response to such
<br /> deiault or pursuant to sucH notico of dofault and, notvvithstending tho continuvnce in possession of the proQerty or the collocUon, �;__
<br /> recaipt and epplication of rents,issu44 or profits,Trustea and Lender shall be enintled to exercise overy dght provided for In eny of the �
<br /> Loan I�st►vmonts or by law upon occurrance of eny Hvent of Default,includinp w;4hout Iimltation tl�e right to exercisa the power of sale.
<br /> � Further,Lender's dghte end remodlae under thls paragraph shell b�cumuiative with,and in no way a Iimitatlon on,Lenders rights and
<br /> � � remedles under any asslgnment of leaseo end rents recorded egalnst tho Praporty.Lender,Trustee and the recefver shall be Ilable to
<br /> acoount only for those rents actually recelved.
<br /> �� 11.EwnU ot Mfau1G Tha following shell conatituio en Event oi Qot�tidi under thls Deed of Trusr
<br /> . • (a)Failure to pay eny Instalirnant of principal or Interest o�any olhar sum secured hereby when due;
<br /> � ,;;f .. (b)A breach oi or doteult undor any provision conteined In tho Nutm,this Deed of Trust,eny oi the Loan Instrumenta,or eny _
<br /> . , other Ilen or encumbranco upon tho Property;
<br /> (c)A writ of execution or attachment or any similar process sh�ll bo enlered egainst Trustor whlch shell become a lien on _
<br /> •...,� .� „ the Property or eny poNon thdraof or Interest thoreln; --
<br />- - (d)There shell be filed by or apainat Trustor ar Borrower en acUon under any present or future faderal,stete or other statute, �
<br />___. +�: •:� law or rogulatlon relating to bnnkrupicy,insolvenoy or other rolt�t tor dobtors;or there ahali bo gppointed eny truotoe,recetver or _-
<br /> , Iiquidator of Truator or Bot►mwor or o4 all or eny part ot the Pro�aerty,or the rents,Issues or proftts thereof,or Trustor or 8arrawer __ _
<br />- � �hall make eny genQral ass►gnment for the benofit of creditors;
<br />- � (e)Tho sale, trensfer,lease,assignmont, conveya�ice or furthflr encs�mbrancA of att or eny part of or any interest In the __
<br /> '- - • Property,e(ther voluntarfly o�Inuoiuntarfly,withaut iha express writtfln consent oi Lender;provided lhat Trustor shall be permit- Y_
<br /> T, � �, - ted to oxecute a fease of the Proporiy that does not contain an opUon to purchase and the term of whlch dr�es not exceed ono _
<br /> 'Y � year, =-
<br />"'1'"":��'. (Q Abandonment of the Pro�erty;or E
<br />�s'�' ;'�.' . F-' _
<br /> (g)If Trustor is not an Individual,the Issuence,sale,transior,a�fgneneni,conveyance or encumbrance of mora t?�an (it e ��__,
<br /> -- � • corporeUon)a totet of percent of its Issued and out�&�nding stock,or(fi e partnership)e totat of per- -
<br /> - ' oent of partnership interests,or(it e Umited Uabilfty company)a total oi percent of the 1lmited ilability compa-
<br />-. . �� ny interests or vottng dphto during the period this Oaed of Trust ramRina a lien on the property. -
<br />- 12.R�medles;Acceteratlon Upor�Deteult In the event of�ny�evont of Detauit Lender may,without noUce oxcept as requlred ''�j-•
<br />'' �, by law,declaro ail indebtednoss socured P�ereby to bo due end paya4lo and the same shaA thereupon becomo due end pe��bte with- _�
<br /> out any presentmont,demend,proteat or notloo of any ktnd.Thereaft�r Lendoe rnay: ''
<br /> (a)Demand thet Trustee exerc{so the P01lV�R OF SALE grant�d her�in,and Trustea chall thereaftor cause T�ustor's inter- , .
<br /> est In the Property tn be sold end the proceeds 4o he disVibut�d,ell(n th�manner providod In tho Nebrr�shv Trust Deeds Ach '�
<br />- (b) Exercise any end:�tl rlght� provided for ln any of 9h,o toan Ins4sumants or by taw upon occurrence of eny Event of _
<br /> " Detault;and �
<br /> . (c)Commence an acUon to foredose thfs Deed of Trust a��mortg£ge,eppolnt a recefver,or spociflcatly enfnrr,e any of lho
<br />-� • � covonants hereof. "
<br /> No remedy herein confeRed upon or reservod to Tnist�e or Londer Is Intondr�to be excluslve of eny other remody hereln,in lho Loan
<br /> - InsUuments or by law provided or permitted,but each�hall be cumulativo,slla i �e in edditlon to every other romady gtven hereunder, .
<br />- ��-_
<br /> ' In the Loan Instruments or now or ht�reafter oxlsting at law or in equfty or by stat�rto,end may be exercised concumtntty,Independentiy
<br /> -_ or suc�sive'ry. --
<br /> 13.Truetes.The Trustee mey reslgn at any tlme without causo,end Lor�der may at any time and without cause appoint a suc- •
<br />- � cessor or subsUtuto Trustee.Tru�tee shaii not bo Ilable to any party,Inr,luding�rrithout Ilmitetlon Lender, Borrower,Trustor or any pur-
<br />- chaser of the Property,tor eny loas or damage unless due to reckless or wilifi�l rr+lnconduct,and shall not be rcsquited to take any actlon •
<br /> fn connection with the enforcament of this Deed of Trust unless indemnifiad,in v,sitfng,for all costs,compensation or expenses which
<br /> - may be associated thorowith.In addition,Trustee may becomo a purchaser aP asrry sale of the Properly Qudlcial or undor the powar of
<br /> sale grented heretn);postpano tho sr�lo of all or any portlon of the Property,as pravided by law;or sell the Praperty as e whole,or in
<br /> separate parcc�is or lots at Trustee's discreUon.
<br /> 14.Faes and Fatpenees.In the event Tn�stee sells the PropeRy by ext�rclso oi power of sale,Trustea shall be entitted to appty
<br /> •� eny sete proceeds flret to paymont ot all costs and�xpenses of exercising poweT of sale.Including all 1'rustee's foes,and Lender's and
<br /> Tnistee's altomey's fees, actually incurrod to extent permlttQd by apPflcable Ibw.In the event Borrower or Trustor exercises any right
<br /> � provtded by law to curo an Event of Default,Lender shall be entitiod to recovor from 7rustor el1 casts and expenses actually incurred as
<br /> a resutt of Trustor'�detault,includfrx�without IlmltoUon all Yrustee's and ottomey'e tees,to the extont permittod by opplicable law.
<br /> 15.Future Adv�rtcss. Upon request of Borrower, Londer may,at itu oplbn,make additlonsl and future edvances and read-
<br /> • vancos to 8�rcowor.Such advancas and readvances,wilh interest thereon,shatl be eecurod by thls Ueed o}Trust.At no time shall the
<br /> �f
<br />