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<br /> 97—ic�2�8:� . . ` . . u�
<br /> on t�e pr�PertY. or allaw any other p�rsans to occugy or us� the �� � . , � ,
<br /> property or �nY part thereof without the prior writtea consent o� E .. , _
<br /> Owner. The consent by DY�ner to one assignmeat, subletting or use
<br /> � by another person shall not be deemed as a consent to anY f �, _ ;
<br /> subsequent assignment, subletLing or usa by ano�her person. AaY i.. - � �
<br /> encumbrances, assignment, transfer or subletting without the prior � <
<br /> written consent of the Oti.-ner, whether it be volun�ary or , ''
<br /> involun�ary, by operation of law or otherwise, is void, and shall 4 �
<br /> at the Owner's optian, terminate this lease. T h is l e a s e i s ! .°' � �' • .�
<br /> considered personal to the Tenant only. � . .•�..._ �•:'
<br /> ---�--i-�:�
<br /> 2.10 SIIRREN�Eterm SofSSthis leaseanTenan ee will a Yield tup , . . ". .
<br /> espization of the ��- ��-Y°
<br /> "'�-��- .
<br /> posaessiaa tp Owaer withont further demand or notice. _ _
<br /> '. ' " �.�r._nr�:'.,,�.;'�F
<br /> 2.11 SECDRITY INTEItEST IN RENTS. The Ow�er shall have f irst , . i1.. .
<br /> lien on all planted and unplanted crops on the property to secure ,_ .. � .�-._�
<br /> the payment of the rent. This lease constitutes a security . : ,._�FJs�,;
<br /> interest in the rents ia favor of the Owuer on all unplanted crops , � �_
<br /> on the property and also on all crops planted or now growing or , : �;�T•_ ;�
<br /> ..•:- �-° -:�>--�—_
<br /> standin� aad shall estead to and shall cover such crops af ter they ,
<br /> • have matured, whether the same are in the field, in cribs, or bins, �
<br /> ia elevators, in the stack, barns, or anY other place on t�e .��*��:�.
<br /> � �:� property as security for the payment of the rent. The securi y �:-� . . .
<br /> interest of the Owner in t�e rents shall be valid and biading � ;� _ .: � -�
<br /> betweea the Owner and 1 enanic upon the eaecut ion and del�.very of __�,����,�; �_;-y=
<br /> � this lease. As provided in Sec�ian 52°1704, R.R.S. 1993, a - .. . �;,� ..
<br /> security interest of the Owner in the reats shall be perfected upon -:.a.;�
<br /> the recording of this lease with the Register of Deeds of Aall - .�'���
<br /> � County, Nebraska, t8e county in which the real estate is situated. �� ,.;;� .
<br /> y--. . r = ;•.
<br /> Upan the recording of this lease, the security intsrest in the .. , _ �t _
<br /> -- ' rents shall be valid, enforceable, and binding against, unavoidable ��.� � �
<br />� includiag any subsequeat �''`�-�=�� � �� �
<br /> by, and fully perfected as to all parties, =��r��: t{�
<br /> '�r.�'r:: .
<br /> . purchaser, mortgagee, trustee in bankruPtcy, geaeral credifior, lien �.,. _ ���
<br /> creditor, and other lien holder or claimant, fram the tims of the j��:_ �
<br /> recording of this lease as an assignmeat instrument. _.:,.�• y���
<br /> : • ';;;�_---_—.
<br /> - •= 2.12 DESTRUCTIOPI OF IMPROVEMENTS. If there are axiy �.:a_ _,
<br /> "' �'�1'!^`�T
<br /> ` improvements located oa the leased property which are destroyed by '.,Y�TS .-
<br /> �' fize or other hazard, the Owner shall have no obliqation of �= ,�,t`'���-�
<br /> ' replacing the improvements destroyed. ��� �-
<br /> �.;,;_�_. . _; _,e�._�'�
<br /> 2.13 LIAHILITIES. Each party agrees that the othes p�arty :_.,�°��.�-�°';-
<br /> � shall in no way be responsinle €a� the dahts of, Q* 1 iabil i.ties for -�= '�.-�
<br /> � accidents or damages caused by the other party. • � � �
<br /> ..�._-_��--.�;�-
<br /> :, � ,, �� � � i::
<br /> � } 2.14 ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE._ The Tenant shall follow all �R=��� ���-•'���.
<br /> label restrictioas and instructiona in the use of all fertilizers, ��� :
<br /> ��.� thetleaseho d rbThe Tenan furthereagrees hat all w ste�will be � . �
<br /> y 3 � •��r�-
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