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<br /> --... ._____ `—'__ -_' ' - . .. . . ' � '� - . �. '• � • ,�T'�-
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<br /> � . :�
<br /> � ��— �c�z��:� . �, � . : :�
<br /> _ ppERATIONAL ERFENSES. 2he TenantaII lwill$ppl%iall thete�IuiPment . � . � . .,
<br /> - a11 i,rrigation equipment. The Ten � _ _ _ _ __ _
<br /> for planti�a ne Penses f r thetoperat on of t�e Earm�h The£Tenant -.. - . - -
<br /> •� all labor • . ,
<br /> all be responsible for tha costs for the pureS as�a jo a=ePairsito ' . .
<br /> sh ,
<br /> of all fertilizer, inseucmticandsmotorgaoticaused by the neglect of . � "
<br /> the ixrigativn well, p P. . • .
<br /> � th� Te�ant shall be paid by iche fOwn QS, domestic and stockf wellsh �. . •
<br /> the Iahor necessarY to keep the th8 cost of �
<br /> in good repair and condition. 2he '�demestic�andastock wells in � � � . _.;,�:
<br /> � materials used in keeping the fences, _ t•
<br /> . - .•-�,:v
<br /> good repair and conditioa. Tenant shall pay for all cost of power � ��#�c
<br /> for oPeration of the irrigation eQuiPment• ;� "'r �- _ --
<br /> BANDRY. The Tenant will. operate the property in , � T ,
<br /> 2.4 GOOD HIIS � '":��``
<br /> aa efficient and harvestinge in a� manner that ill icon�erve ithe � � � . �
<br /> • � cultivating, �d��`
<br /> Tenant shall be entitled to remave the stalks by �.•..t.,�t-.:���
<br />' Owner'& PrapertY• �a
<br /> �echaaical means but shall not be permitted �o pasture live stock , . :=�� -�,�`,:
<br /> for consumption of stocks �n the field. Tenant shall paY all costs : ,� �.
<br /> � for seed and other costs including, but not limited to, 9ro�d ��
<br /> � � e aration and planting of the arops. � �-����: ,:�,�
<br /> pr p
<br /> t.i �..�'�. �.:�_- ..
<br /> 2.5 WAST�. The Tenant will not commit waste on or do damage ` ,u ��, ,. ;. . ��
<br /> - � ��r�"��
<br /> - to the propertY and will use c a r e to prevent others from doing so. �__.-.-_. �• -,,_,_�;.-
<br /> — - •,,.
<br /> 2.6 NOXIOIIS WEEDS. The Tenant will use diligence to prevent , �°
<br /> - ° noxious weeds from goin���weeds and grass�cut or d stroyed in the .��.-- �'�f .,
<br /> the same, and will keep �-�'- ' �i .
<br /> - fields, farmstead, roadside and fence row. ,,;�;., � ,.
<br /> ��. .
<br /> �S .
<br /> Z,7 MASNTENANCE AND IMl'ROVEM�NTS. The Tenaat wi11. keep the :`�-��, . � �4
<br /> r � �:.
<br /> fences and other impzovements oa the propertp in as good conditioa �. , .�
<br /> re air as �hey ara when Tenant takes possessioa,e e� of this ��'�.� ��'.�_��
<br /> and P
<br />. �.� repair. aad conditweara a d etearp lossutbyu fire,t or unavoidable ;� �
<br /> lease, ordinary _..�„'•���:�
<br /> �% depreciatica or destructioa acceptsd. ;��
<br />.. F+i7R�".�..7R,T;--
<br /> ' 2.8 �3,NANT'S IMPRQ�1EMENTS. The Tana.nt will not, without the �•-�=-��r.-,.
<br /> prior written consent of Owner, (a) erect or permit to be erected :,����;
<br /> on the property any noa-remova�le structure or building, or (b) ;,,������ .
<br /> incur any eRpease to the Owner for such purpose, or (c� add .
<br /> }-�r-*':- _
<br /> electrical wiring, plumbing, or heating to anp improvemeat, and if <:`�_�^��'���___
<br /> "��:�• :-
<br /> consea�t is qiven, Tenant will make such additions meet standards - :`�-�.�N_ a.
<br /> � and requirements of power and insurance companies. ,_ . . ..__
<br /> Z,9 ASSIGNM�NT• The Tenant shall not encumber, assign, sub- � . .• '�y��.� __
<br /> ,�..�FV��.
<br /> let or otherwise transf=r i ter st Sto the rproPertY nor ranY or ttho ��� -:.
<br /> lease, or anY right o � __
<br /> improvemeats that may now or hereafter be constructed or installed _
<br /> . . . .. a.
<br /> . 2 � '
<br /> . �
<br /> . ` ' ' � .
<br /> E
<br /> � ----�- .. ...------_.-_� - . ..-__.�......_ - , . - - .. � -
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