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; . . . � , . � • . ` � ' _ .. . ." , . .. ic <br /> _'_'_. -�. . . .� �... ' ,. ` .. ` _ <br /> �,7' ����� � . <br /> Lendar may, at any ttrne,co143ct end hold Funds in an am0unt nat to excesd the maxlmum uni ¢ ^d2rF1Ay roF3t�d mortgr�3 � , _ <br /> � toen may requfre tor Borrow2�'s escro�+r accaunt und�the tsd�al Real Fstafa Satttement Prooedures Act of 1974 as asnended trom t3�na to • ' , <br /> Ume. 12 US.C.260f et seq. ('RESPA'),untess another faw that&�piies to the Funds ssts e lesser amoun� It so,Lendsr may,at eny time, � � • , - <br /> coL�OCt end hoid Funds b en emourrt not to exceed the Iesser amounG Lendsr may ostimate tne amount o} funds due on ihe basis of � • � , <br /> curtent data end reasonabls estimates af expend'dures of future ESCrow Items or othanvise tn accordertce wdh flppCxflbl9 law. '• • <br /> The Funds shsA he held in an institution wfioss Eeposfis etre insured by e tederal agancy, fistrumenffiGty,or entity(inc4iding Lendar, il � ' - <br /> Lendar i5 such sn hst�utMn) or in eny Federal Hom9 Loan Bank. Lender shatl appry the Funds ta pay tAs Escrow Items. Lend�may eot __ <br /> � charps Borrower tor hotdinp and appiytnp the Funds, annualty anatyzlnp the escrow account, or verify§�p ths Eserow Items, un4ass Lender f � • , .. r <br /> ' pays Borrower intarest on the Funds and appR.cabb Lnvr perm�s Lendat to make such e Charge. However,l.ender may requEre Borrowet to �� ��" <br /> pay a on�time charge for an indepenQent real esffite tax reportinp servke used by Lender in cannectlon wRh 4his loan, unlass appiicabb iaw �, � , � .. "� <br /> proviGes othsrwua Unf2ss an agresment is mada or app��Cabta Iaw requires interaat to be paid, Lendsr shatl not ba requted to psy � ' . <br /> _ Bortower any htsrest or eamings on tha Funds.Borrower and Lender may egree 6n writing, howevar,that inte�est shaU ba patd on the Funds. [ _. � _ _ ' <br /> Lenclar shatl give to Borrovrer,w8hout charge,an ennual accoun4b�g of the Funds, showhg credits and debRs to the Funds snd the purpose � � <br /> for�vhicA each debit to the Funds was mada. The Funds ere pledgad as additional sscur(ty for all sums secuwd by tt�is 3ecurity Instrument tt . <br /> If the Funds held by Lender exceed the amounts perm�tted to be �eld by appik:eble taw, Lendet shati flccount to 8artoti+rer for the t ,j� <br /> � �ass Funds fn accordance w�th the requiernents of spplicabie taw. If the amount of the Funds hetd by Lender et any ttne is not suffictent � • . ' • "�� <br /> W pay tAS Escrow Items when due,Lender may so noti(y Barrower in w�g,end, h such cese Borrower shaii pey to Lendar the smount ' �� � <br /> necessary to make up the deficiency. Bortower shatl make up the deflciency in no more then twetve monthly payments,at Lenda�s sole � , .. ' _ <br /> ' discr&2bn. - <br /> F._ .- <br /> � Upon payment in tuil of all sums secured by this Secur�y InSUument, Lender shall prompUy refund to 8ortower eny Funds held by � � L� <br /> � � Lender. if. unQer paragraph 21,Lender shall acQute or SeU the Property.Lendar. Prior to the acqulsNlon or sale of the Property,shati apP1y . . ' .'•�.' i <br /> ; , <br /> .� any Funds P�eld by Lender at the tfine of acqutsRlon or sale as a credit egainst the sums secured by this Securdy Instruman� : <br /> � 3.AppliCatlOtf OT PBylri@71t8. Unkus appCx:able Iaw provides othervrise,ail paym.�nts recehred by Lender under patagraphs 1 and . -- <br /> .j ._�;.: <br /> , � 2 shaU be appUed: fist. to any ptep8ymertt charges due under the Note; second. to emounts payable under parapt8ph x thirG to interest � .� ._. • _— <br /> Que;fourth,to prtnctpai due;and 1ast,to eny tate charges due undaz Ne Note. <br /> , � 4.Ch8TQQ8; U808. BOaOwer shell pay 80 taxes.essessmants.Cherqes.Nnas end impositbns 8ttnbutablB to the Property whiCh may , _ <br /> attain prtority over this Security Instrument, and leasehold paymants or ground rents, ft any. Bortower shail pay Msse obi�aUons in t1�e <br /> , msnner provtded in paraQraph 2, or H noi paid in that mannsr, Borrower shaU pay them on thne dkectry to the person owed payment - .'� <br /> � • Borrower shaB promply fumish to Lender aU notices of amounts to be paid under this perapraph. B Bortower makes these paymeets ' • �� . � - <br />' directly,Borrower shaU promgty fumish to Lender receipts evtdenc�p the payments. • f � ' � x <br /> . Bortowsr sha0 prompUy dLscAacpe any Oen wh�h has prion'ty over thts 3ecur�y Instrument untess Bortower: (9)agrees in writlny to the rJ�'�j�'� • <br /> paymertt of tye obtgatfon secured by the Cen i� a mannet accepiabie to Lender; (b)Corrtests in qoo6 Pe$h btie C�en by. or d9fenGs flpBb�st -- =�_�=,-'� � — <br /> , eniorcertient ot the Iten in,Iegai proceedings which�the Lendars op�ion operate to prevent the entorcert�ent of the Uen;or(c)securas hom • j , .� _ <br /> the holder o}the lien an agreement satfstactory to Lsnder subordhatine the Ifer► to th(s SecurBy Insbument It Lender detennb�es that any " '' <br /> part of the PropeRy fs subJect to a Gen wh1cA may attain prbrity over this Securltyy InsWmsnt,Lendsr may qfire Borrower a noUce idenUTyhp . ` � — <br /> ":�•': .� <br /> ` tha lien. Bortower shaU satisiy the 4an or take one or mcre of tha actlons set forth above wichtn 10 days oi the qtv§ig af not�e. ` � �._ <br /> ,,,�y„ <br /> ' S. Hasafd or Property onsursrtce. Borrowar shaQ kesp the tmprovements now ettESting or hereafter ereated on ehe Property "-' , <br /> iflSUt6d eQ8Y1St bS9 by flf9� her8ld8 UICbd9d w$tUI�the t6rtr1 '6D(tertd0d . t r•.;' '' �- <br /> coverage' 8nd any Oiher haz�uds, tnCtrdNp flo0ds Ol ilo0dinp,toi .re'€ <br /> whlch Wnder requires insurance. Thls insurance shatl be mafntahed in Ne amounts end tor the petlods that Lsnder requiros. lhe insurance . .:-�� <br /> CertlBr providinp Me h5urenCe sAfl11 be Chosen by Botrower subjeCt to Lenders 8ppmvef wh(ch sASIf not ba unreasonabty wtifheid. M -�----� � � <br /> Bortower fails to maintain coverage descnbed abova, Lender may, at Lenders opdon, obtatn coveraQe to protect Lendefs rights h the ' k• . <br /> Pro it acCOrdBnce wfth er h 7. � .'�.;`��'�� <br /> DenY P eDreD ���.�� <br /> Ati insursnce poQeies and renswais shaU Ce aeeeptebl�to Lender and shall heluQe a stenderd moRpaae ciausa Lender sha0 hslve the r <br /> ripht to hold the po9cias and renewats. fi Lender requYes,Borrower shatt promDtgr qhre to Lender ail recs(pts of paid premYrms end renewal ��` ;'f. .�-. <br /> � noUces. In the event of bss, Borrowe►sha0 ghre D�ampt notice to the tnsurance carriar and lender. Lender may make proof o}bss N not • ��� <br /> .. -�.-'�.- - <br /> � � made prompty by Bortowar. . �` ��' T°'� <br /> ���...s: <br /> liniess Lsnder end Borrower osherwise apree in wrRhp, hsurance proceeds ahaU 6e applted to restoratbn or rep�ir of the Pmperty ��.�-- . <br />. QemaQed, if the restoraUon ar repab Is economlcaUy feas�le end Lendels sacurily is not Iess�ed. If the restoratton or reya4r is not _, < <br /> .. .-�.�-- <br /> econambaRy teasbl�or Lendefs securiry woutd be tessenea,the insurance praceeds shau be epplied to the sums secured by this SecurRy � . "�r:� <br /> • � Instrumen� whether or not then due,wfth eny excess pald to Borrower. If 8orrower ebandons the Property, or daes not enswer wfthln 30 - _ <br /> --' days a notiCe irom LenQer that the InsurenCe ceRiBr hes ofte(80 to 591tie fl ctflim,then Lend9t m8y coIIBCt the(nsutetlCB prOC96GS. L9fIQet -- ---.- +r •-- <br /> may use the proceeds to repaY or restare the Propecty or to pay sums secured by thls Securftyr Instrument, whelher or not then due.The . ~� �1 — <br /> w�i.: <br /> 30�day podod wi�bepin when the notice is qiven. � , <br /> Unbss L.sndar cnd Bonower otherwtse a�es fi writfnp, any applicaUan oi procoeds to principal shan not extend or postpone the due •� ' ' �- '�+` _ <br /> � date o}the monthy payments referred to b parapr�yhs t and 2 or chanpe the amount of the payments. If under peragreph 21 th9 Property . <br /> . �.:— <br /> is acqutred by Lender,Borrowafs r�ht to any insurance poBcies and procaeds resuRinp bom Aameye to the Property prtor to the acqu(sitlon • . - <br /> shaU pass to Lendw to the e�Qw�t o!the sums aecured by this Secur�yr Instrument tnrtwdiatery pNor to the aequlskion. , _ <br /> � 6. Occupancy� Preservatlon, Mafntenance nnd ProtecUon ot the Praperty; Borrower'e Loan ApppcaUan; . <br /> � LC�lhOld�. Borrower sha11 occupy.estabASh,and use the Property as Bortowers princ�al residence wkhin sbcty daya after ths aecuUon . <br /> of this SeaurRyr insLrument and shali conifnue to oCCUpy the Property as Borrowers principal r6sidenCe for at Isest one year Qfter the date of '. <br /> occupenCy,unless l.ender otherwise agrees In wrRing,whbh consent 8Aa0 noi be unreasonabty w�hheld,or unless e�denuatinp Circumstances — <br /> exist whbh ere beyond Barrowe�e control Bortower shatl nos destroy,damaQe or tnpat th�Property, a�ow the Property to Qeterbrate,or � • � <br /> commft waste on the PropeAy. Bonower shali be in defauft if eny torfeiture actian or proceedirtg,whether civU or criminai,is bepun that in • <br /> . Lendets pood fatth ludpment coutd resuh in foAsiture of tDe Property or otherwise materialry impaY the lien Created by this Securiry . ��: <br /> . �� Instrument or Lenders security�nteresA Bortower may cure such a defauk and ro(nstate,as provlded h paraAraph /8, by caushp the actbn � _ _ <br /> or pmceedlnp to be dismissed whb a rulinp that, in Lenders good taRh defermination,prectudes forfelture o}the Borrowers interest h the �` <br /> Property or other material tnpatmant o}the Oen creeted by this Secur(ty Insbument or Londera security interest. Bonower shau atso bo In <br /> detquit N Borrower, dump the ban epplicatbn process, pave materbiy /etss or inaccurate hformatbn ar statements to Lender(ot failed to �( �.�� <br /> provlde Lender wRh any material bfartnatbn) In conncactlon with tAe lonn evtdenced by tho NotO, tncluding,but not fmRad to,ropresentadons r ., �� r:���� <br /> � conceming Bortowers occupancy o} the Proparty as a pnc�ipal residence. If this Security Insuument is on a Ieasehoid, Bortower sha0 � � - <br /> ' 1 compty wrth atl the provisions of the Iease. H Bortower acqulres fee titte to the Property, the teasehold and Me fee title shail not merge • <br /> ; untess lendet agrees to the metyer in wriNng. � ,. <br /> a f� ;. �-'.,. <br /> Form 3o2a B(BO � � <br />' Fa008.1M0(t0/88) Paps?ot S � ' . , �--.. <br /> � • <br /> __ <br /> , �� . <br /> 682 � . <br /> �1[ <br /> . � .' <br /> . � • <br /> . ' __ ___._--,....,..---•--..,...t.....—..-.-•:_--�'."�' . I . ' . <br /> ___ • : <br /> .. _ . . <br /> - . . ... , � . • . . , . .. • . • . ._ . . _ , _ �. � • �. ��r .�_ . <br />- '_ . "., . . �. . .,' ' .. . • _ '_ � ' . .. . . - ..- ' • . . ' .. , :r :. - .. . . �h1 . � . . - .� , <br />