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<br /> �SDac�AEOV�TM��Ue�For RKOrdiny OttaJ ^ . . �
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<br />• UMABLE WITHOUT ��� �� ;` � ' �:•, _-
<br /> THIS LAAN IS NOT ASS �, , .
<br /> THE APPROi/AL OF THE U.S. DEPART6'�9ENT OF � � � , . ;-=-
<br /> V�TERANS A�FAiRS OR IYS AUYIiORIZED AGEN'T �� � � � . . a. . _a�`
<br /> - F • _ �'.
<br /> DEED OF TRUST '� � � � __.
<br />. � —
<br /> `. . � �.�
<br /> TNiS D�D OF TRUST('Securny Inswment•l�S made on MstCh 31lSt �1997 t . . . : ' . �='�'--
<br /> �..
<br /> 7he wstar ts BRIAN R FRANK AND SAORI B FRA�fiC HUSBAND ANO WIFE ' . � �-`-, "���.,��
<br /> ('Borrower"). �,...s
<br /> rne wscee ts UNITE� NEBRASKA B/WK 70Q N WEBB ROAD GRAND FSLAND NEBAASKA 68803 � ��'- �_�
<br /> ('icustee�• � �
<br /> � 7ne beneftc�ary ts UNITED NEBRASKA BANK WhICh r���'�}��`
<br /> � is or�ant�8 and ac�tlnp unde:tAa Iaw�of MEBA�..�4(A and whose nddcess Is � ' ��. --
<br /> ^�.. u -
<br /> 700 N. WE�B RD. GRAND IS9J�WD N 68803 �'��' . . = ��� ,_��
<br /> sorrower oNas�ender cne pr:,cpai sum ot Sixtv Eight Thousand El�ht Hundred and 00l100 68.800.001.Thts debt � ^ � `` �
<br /> DoAars{US.3 ;
<br /> ts ev(denced by Borrowers note dated the same date as this SecuritY Instrument('Note7,w�ich provides for monthly paymer►ts.wkh the fu8 ° #�- :
<br /> < dsbt,it no!patd earlier.due and payable on April 1 2027 __.This Securityr Insuument secures to I.eq+der: (a)the . . ,�� � —`
<br /> debt evldenced 4 the Note,aith interest,e�d B��re�ewa�s�extensbr.s and mod'diCat(ons of the Note; (b)ths paYment ot all _ �-�� �� �
<br /> repaymer►t ot tAe Y ,n "
<br /> other sums, w�t► hterest, advanced under para9raph 7 to protect the securityy ot thts Security Instrumont; end (c) the per(om�ance of _ ����
<br /> Bortowers cove�nents and a9reements. For this purpose, Bonower tre+rocabty yrants end Convays to Trustee. in trust,with Oower O}safa,the _ Y '� , l��-'
<br /> to�owing described propeRy bcated In HAL.L COUnry,Nebraske: ' ' *,
<br /> ' LOT NINETEEN (19)AND THE SOUTH ONE-HALF (S1_/2) OF LOT EIGHTEE[�i (18), IN B�LMOl�1T ADDRION TO '� �" ' "%"
<br /> , �,:. �.��
<br /> . .�, .._��
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<br /> __-1��-- -
<br /> In Ma w�nt this ban is determhod to be Ineli��te for Loan Civaranty by Oepsrdnent of Yetwan's AftaYs.this entire ban may bo ._��.�,,
<br /> � dectered due and piyabie at the optbn of the mortyagee.The eddendum to Deed of Trust atfached hereto and euecuted of even date -�.
<br /> herewfth b inCOrporated herein end tha�cavannnts and agraaments o!lhe addendum shall emand and Supplement Me covenants and •�
<br /> h
<br /> - apreeme�ts of the Deed o}Tn►st es if the addenQum were part hereot • .°'7`' `-
<br /> whtch has the aedress ot 408 N RUBY .GRAND ISLAND . � � �'
<br /> ary
<br /> roebrasiw 68803 ('Praperty Ad�rness�'): f� �-
<br /> Lp Codo
<br /> TpGETHER WRH a8 trrUsrovements naw or hereafter erected on the property, and ali easements. apAurtenences, end tbct��res now or �
<br /> hereafter a part o1 the property. M reptacaments and additbns sha0 be covered by this Security Instrument.Atf of the foreIIoinp is refemBd •
<br /> to b this Securxyr Instrument as the'Property'. .
<br /> BORROWEA COVENAMS thet BoROwer Is lawtuly Solsed ot the estete hereby conveyed and has the right to prant ond Convey the
<br /> Propsrtyr and that the PropertY is unencumberod,except for encumbrenCes o}record. Borrower warrants and wfll detend psneraRY U�e U1b to _.
<br /> the PcopeRy 8pe1ns180 Cialms and demands,subJect to Bny e�cumbrences of tecord. � . _ _
<br /> THI$ SECUFlRY INSTRUMEM combines un�orm covenants tor �atlonal use and non�niform covenants with I'mited varintbns by � � �
<br /> � Jurisdiction to cansCdute e un�orm ceeurftyr instrument coverinp real property. ' ��• _
<br /> UNIFWi1A COVENANT3. Bortower and Lender covenant and apres as toltov�s: .
<br /> � 1. Peyn�en4 oi Rsincipal and Interest; Prepeyment and Late Chergea. sonower snan prompty pay wnen due u►8
<br /> pHncipai of and interest on the debt¢vtdoncod by the Note and any prepayment and tate eharges duo undor the Note. .
<br /> 2. Funds tor Texes and inaurance. SubJeCt to eppliCebl9 !aw or to e wr�ten wahiet by Lender, Borrowet shsll psy to Lendot
<br /> , un the day monthly payments are duo under th9 Notv, until the Note is paid h futl, a sum('Funds'�for. (e)yeary texes and assessments : . i�
<br /> � whbh may attaio prioriry over thls Security Instrumont as e Ilen on the Property: {p) yearly feasefio{d paymenla or yround rents on the , t•-_
<br /> � Property.M eny;(e)yeerly herard or property hsurence premiums; (�yeaAy+ tbod Insurance premiums,it any;(9)yearty mortsspo tnsurance � �' �
<br /> premiums,M any:aod (�eny sums payable by Borrower to Lender. in accordance witt►tho provlsions of paragraph 8,�n �ieu of the payment
<br /> , of mortgage insuranCe premlums. These items aro coiled•EsCrow Items.' �
<br /> � NEgpAgKA-�3lnpte Gtmiryfanm�Mae/Fr�dEU M�e UNIFOR�d IN9TRUM•EN1 Form 302D 0(00 I -�
<br />� F<008.LMt�(10l80) PaO�i o1 5 � • ' ' .
<br /> i
<br /> 689 : , '
<br /> � _..�°.
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