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NOU-25-z011 15:26 From: <br />To:818?74229960 P.9�z0 <br />201109325 <br />cantinuc to pay ro Leuder the amaunt dF lhc separately designated p�yments tHat were due when tl�e <br />in8ur;�nCe ccyvc:rd�e eeased to be in effect. Lender will act;e�st, use and retain ehese payment,s as a <br />non-refund�ble loss reserve in ti�u pf Martgage Insurance. Such loss reserve sh�ll be non-refund�ble, <br />notwithstanding the fact that the L.oan is ultimatcIy �aid in Full, and Lcndcr ch�11 npt ric: rcyuic�ed tp pay <br />Borcower any interest or. �artings ore sueh loss reserve. Lender ciw no longer require loss reserve payments <br />if Mortgagc insuraace coverage (in the umpunt �nd for thC pericxl that [.,�nder rcquires) pmvidcci by an <br />insurer selected by Lender again t�ecomes avaifable, is obtained, and Lender requires separately designated <br />payment� taward the prenuums for Insurancc_ IC t,cnder requirett Murtg�g� irt�u.r�nce as� � <br />condition of makin� the L.ttan and Borrower was required to m,�ke separately designateci paymeats tawud the <br />premiucns far Mortgage Insurance, Borrower �h311 pay thc prcmiums rCquircd ict m�intain M�rtg��C <br />In,euranCe in effact, or to pravide a aon-refundable loss reserve, until Lender's requirement for 1Vlortgage <br />Insurance ends in accordance with any written agreement between Barrcrw�:r and Lcnd�r pravirling fpr sueh <br />tetmination �r until tcnninatian is requireii by Applicable Law. Not,hing in this Section lU affects <br />�rrower's obligation tcy pay in�erest at the rate pruvided in the Note. <br />Mortgage Insurance reimburses Lender (or any enti�y lhat purChases the Note) for cert. losses it may incur <br />if enrr�w�r dc��s nnt rcpay tlie Loan as agreed. Borrower is not a party ro the Mortgage Insursnce. <br />Mortgage insurers evaluate their total risk an a11 such insur.ance in force from time to time, and may enter <br />intc? ag�ements with oth4r qar[ies that share ar .modify theie risk, or reduce losses. '�hesc agrcements ar� qn <br />terms and canditions shat are satisfactdry to th� rnprtgage insurer and the other parry (or puties) to these <br />�gr�men�;, '[7�c;se agt�cmcnts c�ay reguire the mortgage insurer to make payments using any sour�c af funds <br />that the mortgage insurer may have available (whieh may include Eunds vbtained from Mortgage Insurance <br />�remiurns). <br />As a resuit of these agreements, I.ender, any pureh�.ycr �f th� Not�, anather insi�rer, wy reinsurer, any other <br />ent'rry, or any affiliatc af any of the foregoing, m,ay receive (directly �r indirectly} a�nounts that dcrive fro�n <br />(�r might be characterii�ed �) a}�c�rtion of Sorrower's payrnents far Murtgeg� insurance. in exchan�e i'nr <br />sharing or modifying the mart�aga insurer's risk, vr reducin� losses. If such agreement provides that an. <br />at�liate nf Lcnticr takCS a share of the insurer's risk in exc,hange for a share uf the prCmiumy �aid ta lhC <br />insvrer, the urangement is often termed "caplive reinsurance." Further: <br />{ay Any such a�reement� will not aff�ct the amounts thai Borr��wer h;� ;yGreed to pAy for Mort�ge <br />Iasurancc, or any athcr tern�s af the Lc�an. Such Agreeme.vts will not increasc thc amount <br />Br�rr�wer wi11 owe [nr Mortggge Insurancc, and they wilf not �nliUe Borr�wer to any refund. <br />ib} Any such agreements will not affect the rig6ts Boerowcr has - iP any - with resp�t ta the <br />Murtg:�g� [n.vurxnee under the I�amaawncrs Pr�tectfon Acl �rf 1J98 or;�ny other law. These rights <br />may anrclude the r.i�ht t4 receive cert;�in di��:laxures, to request and obtain canoellation of the <br />Martgagc Insurance, ta havc thc Moetgage Insurancc tcrmftu�ted autamatically, :�ndlor tp reteive <br />a refund �rY �ny Mvrt�;ag� Insuran� premiums ih�t were unearned at the time of such <br />cuncellatiou or teeminution. <br />11. Assignment of Miscellaneaus Proceeds; Forfeiture. All Misccll�neaus Prcx•,eeds ue hereby assigned to <br />and shall be p�ud to Lender. <br />If the Pr�i�Crty is c1�'�maged, such Misccllan�ous Proc�ds shall Y,c; appli�d to restarakion ar repair uf the <br />Propeety, if the restoration or rep�ir is ecanomically feasible and L�nder's security is not lessened. During <br />such repair and restaratian period, Lender sl�all have the right ro hold such Miscellanevus FroceECis untit <br />I.ender ha.ti had an opponuni�y tn insriect sueh Property tp ensure the work h��s been completed to L.ender's <br />NEBMSKA•9irq�lo Famlly FmNO Mng/Prplplq Ma¢ UNIht3RM INSTHUMENT Fcrm �028 i/Ot <br />VMP � YMPd(NEy 19iQ5l.00 <br />W�twp K�uWa� Flnenclal5ervlces Pope 9 ot � 7 <br />11/25/2011 12:32PM (GMT-07:00) <br />