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N�U-25-2�11 15:�5 From: <br />Ta:818774229960 P.8�20 <br />�011093�5 <br />for the repairs antl r�toratiun in � suagl� p�yrnent ur in a series of progress payments 2w lhc wc�rk is <br />, eompleted. If tt�e insurance c�r et�ndeuYnation proceeds are nra� suflioicnt to rcpair or restore the P'roperty, <br />Borrower is not rt:li�ved of Borrower's c�bligation for the completion of such repair or restc�ratiUn. <br />1.cniier ar it,s age�it may make reasonal�le entries upon wd inspecti�ns of lhe PrUpCrty. ]C it ri�s reasonable <br />cause, Lender may in��cct ttie interiar �f the imprpvcments on the Property. Lender shall �ive Borrower <br />notiec at t�ie time of or priar tc� ,�uch an interior inspe�tion sptxifyin� suc;h�nablc eausc. <br />$. Borrower's l.oan Applieation. $arrower shall hc, in default if, durin� the L.oan applic�ltion process. <br />Borrowee or wy persons vr �ntities acting at the direCtian of B+�rrowcr or with Boreower's l�.nowledge or <br />C�)nscnt gavc inateri�lly false, misle�cling, pr inaccurate information or st�itements to Lender (or fail�tl tc� <br />provide Lender wilh matcrial infarmation} in connectic�n with thc Laan, Material represelltateaus include, btit <br />are not limited to, represent�tions oUnccrning Borrower's vccupancy of the Praperry as Borruwer's prineipai <br />residence. <br />�. Prote�tion of Lender's Interest im ih� Praperty and Rights Under tl�is Security Instrumant. lf (a) <br />Borrower Paits to }x:rf�rm the coven�uu and a�recmanls cc�ntdine,;i in �his Sceurity tnstn�ment, (b) there is a <br />legal praceeding that might signi�c;�tly affect Leiuier's interest in the Propert}= anci/or rights under this <br />S��urity Instrurn�nf (SUCh 2s a proc•eedi�n$ in b�nktuptCy, pro�iate, Yor condemnation or forfeiture, for <br />enfarcement of a lien whi4h may attain priority over this Security rnstrument c�r to enCorce laws or <br />regulations), ar (c) $orrower has abandoncxi die Pmperty, tlien Lender may da aud pay for whatever is <br />reasonable ar appropriate tc� protect Lender's interest in the Pr�pCrly and ��hts unaCr this Srxurity. <br />Instrument, including prate�ting andlor assessing tha v�lve of the Propercy, and securing and/ar repairing <br />thC Pra�rcrty, Lender's actions can include, bul are noL limit�d to: (a) payirtg any sums 3cCUrCd by a lien <br />which has prioriry over this Sc�:urity Instrument; @) appearing in court; and {c) paying reason�ble attomeys' <br />fc�.,c to �rqtcct its interest iu the P'rogerty andlar rights uncicr this Sccurity Instrument, inCluding its secured <br />position in a bankruptey �rc�cccding, Securing the Progerty includes, but is not limited to, entering the <br />Property to u�ake repurs, changa Ivcks, rc.�lacr; t,r boatd up doors and windows, drain water fram pipes, <br />eliminate building or athcr code violations nr dwgerous conditions, anci have utilities turned on ar off. <br />Althaugh Lender m�y t¢tke action uncier triis Section 9, Lender dues nat liave te� cio so and is not under any <br />duly qr �l�lig�tiqn to clo So lt is agreed that Ixnder incurs no li�bility for nvt k�ldn,� �ny ar all actions <br />authorized under this Secticm 4. <br />Any amounts disbursed by Lendar un�iCr this Section y shal! became additional debt of B�rrowcr seeured by <br />tlzis Security lnstrument, T1�ese �smounts shall be2�r inlcre,sl ak ihe IVc,le raie fr.c�m the date af disbursement <br />�nd shall be �aynbJe, with 3uch interest, ttpau notice frvm Lender tc► $urrower requestiug payment. <br />lf tl�is Seeurity Instrument is on a le�sehald, BUrrOw�r shall Comply with <rJl the provisions Of the lease. Tf <br />�orrUwer aCquirres �ee ticic to ttYe Praperty, the leasehold and the fee title shall nat merge unfess Lender <br />agrees ta the merger in writing. <br />10. Mortgage insueance. If Lender required Nlottgage insurance a.c a candition of maldng the Loan, BoTrower <br />shall pay the Premiums r�yuirc� to maintaiu the Mortgage Insurance in e�teet. If, for any reasc�n, the <br />Mortgage Insurance coverage required by l.enei�r cca,eCS !o l�c evailable frc�m the mart�age insurer that <br />prcviously providcci sucli insuraace and Borrotiver was required to mal:e separately desiguate�l payments <br />towud tlae premiums tor Mc�rt�dge Insurance, Banower sha11 pay tlie premiums rcquirecl cc� c,btain covcrage <br />substantially ecluivalent to the Mort�age Tnsur;�r,CC previausly in effect, at a cc�st substantially e,cluivalent w <br />th� cost �c� S�rr�ywer of the l�lortgage Insurance previously in effe�t, fram an �lternate �ortgage iasurer <br />selected by Lxnder. If substanlially eyuiv:�lent Mortgage lnsurance covcraga is n��l dvaildh]C, Borrower st►all <br />NE@RASKA•Su�Aln Fmrr7y-FSOCSia MseJFteGdie PJte. UNIFORM tNSTNUMEnYT fonn 3628 1101 <br />VMP t7 VMPB(NE) �17051.00 <br />Wohrr.lfluwpr Fln�nd.�l $nnncr,s Paga 8 0/ t7 <br />11/25l2011 12:32PM (GMT-07:00) <br />