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<br /> + �.��I�i��� ._
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<br /> ' 16.Barrower's Copy. Bormwer shatl be given one conformed wpy of the Plote and of this Security Instrument � �,�_
<br /> < <
<br /> 17.TransPer ot the Property or a Bene4icial pnterest in Borrowear. If all ar any pan of the Property or any intcrest in it is �
<br /> sold or ocansferred(or if a benefic�.al interest in Bozrower is sold or transfeJred and Borrower is ceot a natural person)without , � �
<br /> : i Lender's prior wriuen consent,Lender may.at its option,require immediate payment in full of all sums secured by this Security �
<br /> InsmimenG However,this option shall not be eaercised by Lender if exercise is prohbited by federal law as of the date of this I . • ' � -
<br /> ' Security InstrumenL , '
<br /> If Lender exe�ises this opiion,Lender sLall give Bonower notice of acceleia�on.The noticc shall provide a periad of not less � �� '
<br /> than 30 days from the date the notice is deliveced or mailed withit�which Borrower must pay all sums secured by t�iis Security �
<br />-_-= Ins!�?ment.if Bnrmwer faik tn nay tfi�s��ms prinr tn tha expiration of this nericid,L.ender may invoke any remedies aermitred :.- -----._---- -
<br /> � by this Security Instrument without funfier notice or demand on Banower.
<br /> 18.Borrower's Rigt�t w iteinstate. If �onowea ateqs certain condirions, Borrowes shail have the right to have � .
<br /> enforcement oF this Se�urity Instrument d'iscontinued ai any time priar to the earliea of: (a) 5 days(or such othe,r period as • � �
<br /> applicable law may�for reinstatement)Eefore sale of the Property pursuant to any power of sate contained in this Security . ° �
<br /> InsuumenC or(b)entry o a judgme�r►►t enfoning this Seauity Instrument Those condirions are that Bormwer.(a)paYs Lender all , '
<br /> ` sums which then would be dae under this Seauity Insmunent and the Note as if ao acceleradon had occuned;(b)cures any ��
<br /> default of any other coveAants or agreements;(c)pays all expenses incurred in enforcing this Sec�uity Instrument,inciuding,but � • ,_
<br /> not limited to,reasonable atiomeys'fees;and(d)takes suc6 actian as Lender may reasonably require to ass�ue that the lien of this ! . .
<br /> Seauity Inst�ument, I.ender's rights in the property and Borrower's obligarion w pay the swns secured by d�is Security '
<br /> Inshvment shall continue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrowea, this 5ecurity Ins�ument and t�e obligations secured ` ' . •��"�
<br /> ' hereby shall remain fully effective as if no acceleiation had occutred.However,this sight to reinstate shall not apply in the case o€ E .
<br /> ' acceleaaiion unde,r paragraph 17. � . . . ' i.
<br /> 19.Sa[e of Note;Change of Luan Serviter. 'I�e Note or a partial interest in the Nate (mgether arith this Sec�rity � -,; .
<br /> Instrument)may be sold one or more tunes without prior notice ro Borrower.A sate may re.s�ilt in a change in the entity(known � . °" �_`-
<br /> . as the"L.oan Seavice�')that collects monthly yments due unded the Note and this Security Insuument'lheae also may be one or • �`,�'
<br /> y more changes of the I.aan Servicer unrre�tn a sale of the Note.If there is a change of the Loan Servicer,Borrower will be � �;a• :�
<br /> given wriuen notice of the cbange in accordance with paragi-aph 14 above and applicable law.'itie notice will state the name and � �_�� "
<br /> • address of the new Loan Servicxa aud the address to which payments should be made.'Ihe noric.,will also wntain any othe,r � ��,.,�'::
<br /> information required by applicable law. x;��. :�
<br /> •, Z0.Ha�ardous Su6stances. Honow� shall not puse or peimit she presence, use, diSposal, storage. or release of any • . ,� ,���,ti ,
<br /> Har.ardons Substances on or in the Pcoperty.Borrower shaII not do,nor allow anyone else to do,anythiag affecting the Prope�rty � •. � ;�,.�•.r',��� .•
<br /> •��:,.,;'.,�<,�...
<br /> ,. thai is in violation of any Environmental Law.The preced'mg two sentences shall not apply to the presence,use,or storage on the i a ,;
<br /> P r o p e�t y of small quanaaes of Ha�ardaas Substances that are generall y reco g n i z e�i to be a p p r o priate to n o r m a l r e si d e n s i�a l n s e s � =�� �
<br /> e.� I
<br /> and w maintenance of the Property. .���'�� ,.:� ' ..
<br /> Bormwer shall m d e L.eader written notice of an mvesti ation,claim, demand, lawsuit or other action b an . ` f k
<br /> gov�runental or reg��lainry��or private party involvmg the Progerty and any Ha�ardous Substance or Environmental Law . ?� .
<br /> of which Bolrowed has actual lmowledge.If Borrowra leams,or is notifed by any gaveanmeata]or regulatory suthority,thai any
<br />. - removal or other remediation of any Hxrardoas Substance affecdng the Pnoperty is necessary,Borrower shall promptly take all } '
<br /> ne�ssarS+remedial aaions in a�ycordance with Environmental Law. . . .�S ' ;� :
<br /> As used in this paragraph 20, "HaTarder�s Substances" are those substances defined as wxic or ha�ardous substances by ' '� ' ` � �
<br /> . Environmental Law and the following substsnc;es: gasoline, kerosene, other flammable or toxic petroleum �roducts, toxic • • �* "`1.c ,. _
<br /> pesdcides and heabicides,volatite solvents.materials contaim;ng asbestos or fomialdehyde,and radioacrive matenals.As used in '�
<br /> this paragraph Z0,"Euvaonmental Law"means federal iaws and laws nf the jarisdiction where the Property is located that relate ._ __� _ � ;�', .
<br /> w health,safety or environmental protecbion. ' ;,:�,
<br /> � ,�,` .�./'.
<br /> �.��:t;,�."`:
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVEPTTANTS.Borrower and Lender further covenant and agee as follows: � � �.�;:.:��
<br /> ' 21.Acceleration;Remedi�.s.Lender shall give notice to Borrower prior to acceleration tollowing Borrower's breacb of . . ``f�'• `'
<br /> • a n y c o v e n a a t o r a g r e e m e n t i n t h i s S e a u r i t q I n s d v m e n t (b n t n o i p r i o r t o a c c e t e r a t i o n a n d e r p a r a g r a p h 1 7 u n l e s s • , .,�x�'
<br /> appUcable law pmvldes otherwtse).The noSce shs�ll specify:(a)the default;(b)ihe adion required to cure the dePantt;(c) ^� �, �-`:�
<br /> - : �',�'"":- -
<br /> ' a date,not tess tban 30 day�from We date the notice is given to Borrower,by whicb We default must 6e cured;and(d) ,' S�+-.�'.. .
<br /> '� t6at t�ilnre to c�e t6e defaWt on or before the date specified in the notice may resWt in accelera8on o!the sums secured -�° -���
<br /> .,j by this Sec�ity Instr�ment and sale of the ProQeriy.The notice shall turther inform Borrower oY We rIght to reinstate •:�::� ',
<br /> after acceleratioa and We right to bring a court acbfon to assert the aoa�xistence of a delault or any ottrer defense ot ' ��-a`'�..-'`'• . .
<br /> Borrower to acceleration and sa1e.Il t6e default is not cared on or before the date spedfied jn We notice,Lender,at its , ' '��-�-�
<br /> o tion,may require immediate a ent in faD of all anms setared b this Sec ` '`�''�°�''''r
<br /> � P 3'm y urity Inshvment withont turt6er demaa� .
<br /> and may tnvotce t6e power of sale and any offier remedks permitted by appl�cable law.I.ender shall be entided to collect �`°�
<br /> � sill expenses incarretD jn pumving t6e remedies provided in thLv paragrap6 Zl,inctuding,but not limited to,reasonable �: ` . �- '�+r.
<br /> a�¢�rueys'tees and costs of tit(e evidence. � � � . .
<br /> If the power of sale �v Invoked,Tn�s4ee shail record a notice of default in each oounty in w6ich any part of the �
<br /> Property is locaterl and s6all�ail copi�of suc6 notice in ihe manner prescn'bed by aDDh�ble taw to Borrower aad to the . , � • -
<br /> other persons prescribed by applicable law.After the dme requLred by applicabfe law,Trustee shall give public notke ot
<br /> sale to the persons and in the manner prescribed by appllrabte law.Trustee,wfthout demand on Borrower,shaU sell t6e ' �
<br /> Property at publlc aaction to the high¢st btdder at We time and pface and uader the terms designated tn the no8ze of sale � '
<br /> Form 3028 9190 . '
<br /> �-9R(NE)1a2t2).o� aags 5 ot e inmais: • �.
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