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<br /> a .
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<br /> � . _ '; . . - � - . .i � . ` . ' . . , ` . ��
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<br /> . _ ( � " . - . _ ' }, .. . . � ' � '-.
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<br />. � ` ` .' �"f_�
<br /> 9�"� �lj�`��� • � . •
<br /> � PaYments may no�onger be required.at the optian of Lender,if mortgage insurance coverage(in the amount and for the period s . `. .. T:1.
<br /> � that Lendex requires)provided by an insurer aPPmved by Lender again becomes available and is obtained.Borrower shall pay the :
<br /> premiums requ'vred tn m3intain mortgage 'snsurance in effect,or w pmvide a loss reserve,until the requirement far mortgage ; �� ,` x=';_..
<br /> ent betweea Borrowea and I.ender or appl�cable law. � r t
<br /> � insuiance ends in accordance with any wriuen agreem ' ` • , ' . .
<br /> 4.Insp e c�on. L e n d e r or i t s a g e n t m a y m a�e r e�o n a bl e enuies u p on and i n s p e c aons of the Property. Lender shall give (
<br /> Borrower notice at the time of or prior tn an insgection specifYiag r�s°na�le ca�se for the inspection. � ,.
<br /> � 10.CoademnaHon. The proceeds of any award or c l a i m for d a m ages,d i r e c t o r c a n s e q u e n t i a l. i n c o n n e c n a n w i t h a n y • . , ..�
<br />_ _ a�ndenwati�r.��t�sg�f any p�i of she Pm�y.or for conveyance in lieu nf condemnation,are hereby assigned aad � _ _ - . _
<br /> t- — .
<br /> shall be paid to I.ender. , —.
<br /> In tbe eveait of a wtal taking of the Pmpeaty,the Pmceeds shall be applied w the sums serured by this Security Insaurnent, E . m:
<br /> w 6 e t h e r o r n o t t h e n du e,with at►Y eacess paid to Bonower.In the event of a partial ta�ng of the Property in which the fair market � . : -
<br /> ' valne of the Property immediately before the taking is e�nal to or greater than the amaunt of the sums secured by this Seciuity � ; : .
<br /> � Instrnment i�mediat�Iy befoie the taking, unless Boirower and I.ea�der othernise agcee in Prriting, the sums sec�ued by this � • , , . . :—_
<br /> m hed b the fallowin fiacrion:(a)the total amount of '`'' �
<br /> g�y Inst�ument sha116e ieduced by the arnount of the pmceeds uitiP� Y g ; ;� .
<br /> � �,,�r..,.
<br /> the svms secured immediatEly before the taldng. divided bY (b) the fair market value of the Property immediately before the ' . ;
<br /> , taking.My balance shall be paid ro Borrower.In the event of a partial rnhing of ihe Propeaty in wluch the fair market value of the f • �``.-. - .�
<br /> p r o p e a t y iaunediatel y before the taldng is less tLan the amount of tt►e sums secured immediaiely before the taking,unless , •;'�=;,�.<`_t••';i�`-
<br /> �
<br /> Boirower and L.ender othawise agree in writing or untess applicable law othecwise Pmvides,the pmcerds s h a ll i o s app li e d t o t he � _ _
<br /> sums se�ued by this Security 1ns�humen[a6ether or nat the sums are then due. , . • i,';. w r�.T s.°
<br /> ��e propeaty is abandoned by Borrower,or if;aftea notice by Lendex to Bonower tLat the condemnor offess to make an . . .._'T�
<br /> award or seule a claim for damages,Borrawra fa�s to respond to I.ender ariti�in 30 days after the date the notice is given,Lender ..::�-r.:_-
<br /> -;j is suthor�ed to collect and apply due pmceads,ai its option,either to restnration or repair of the Property or w the sums secured _ � . = "_,,`::_�_
<br /> i' J b y t h i s S e r a u i ty 1ns�nme�►i,whether or not then due.
<br /> i Unless Lendea and Boirower otheawise agree in writing,anY aPPlicarion of proceeds to princip a l s h a l l no t ex t e n d o r p o s t p o n e .�;�T
<br /> �� the due date of the montlily payments refesed w in pazag�aphs 1 and 2 or c6ange the amount of such payments.
<br /> i il.Borrovqer Noi Released;Forbearence By Lender Not a Waiver. Factension of the time for payment or modif cation , 1 -� <' �
<br /> ' i of amo�za6oa of the swr�s s�ur�by Wis Sec�it�+IQSuument granted by L.end�to any successor in umterest of Borrower shall • �
<br /> �•;�`�.,_ :f►= �
<br /> not operate to aelease the liability of the original Borrower or Bormwea's successo�s in int�est-I.ende�shall noi be requnred w , . � . . �
<br /> , ����pnncecdings aga�s�any successor in interest or refuse to extend tirne for payluent or othernise modifY amart�on of
<br /> . `'� • Securi Inso�umeart by mason of any demand made by the original Hosowea or Borrower's successors • {�.�` :�'r.
<br /> t h e s w n s s e a�e d b y t t v s t Y . ,�; . , ..,
<br /> � in int�esi.Any forbearance by Lender in e�cencisin8 anY n8at or remedy s h a l l not b e a waiver o f or prec l u d e t h e e x e c�c i s e o f a n y ,. -_ ,��i�. , • ,�:_-
<br /> right or remedY• � �--
<br /> .��r���•�..�: .;: .
<br /> 12.S¢cccssors and Assigos Bouad;Joint aad Several Lin'b�7'�ty; Co-stgners. The cavenants and agreements of this : ;K.Y, .�a .. ,
<br /> . . g s
<br /> gecauity Instrument sdall bind and Uen�t the successors and assigns of Lxuder and Bormwe�, subject w the provisons of � �il
<br /> °- puagraph 1�. Borrawed's covenants aud agreements s1�a11 be joint and several. Any Bozrower aho co-signs this Security ��� .'�, � . �
<br />� InsCrument but dces not eaecute the Note: (�)is co-sigain8 this Sec�aity Insuument only to mortgage,gtanc and convey that _ ;�, ' : �f : _
<br />