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. . C , . . . : . ' . .s. . . . . _ , . • - � • __ <br /> . . ' . .. . . � . . . ''.1: <br /> . � .� , - ` a . � <br /> I yy. <br /> ' �nd�r maY�et eny t(m�. coasct and hold emounts far Escrow Items in an eagrepate nmount not to excead the maxtmum y ,� ` . ��� <br /> � amount thai may ba rs4uesE tor 8orroeve�s escroNr eccount und�the R�N Est�to&ettk3mont Proeeduros Act dr t974,t2 US.C. � . • • ' <br /> ' �2601 �ggQ,end trnp�m�Ung �gu�tioas.24 CPR Part 3500. a3 tAay may be amendod irom tbne to tina ('Fi�SPA7, e�ept � • <br /> ! t�at the cushton or �ve perm�ted bY �A for �nanUcfpated Olsburssm�►1s or dtsbursements betore tha Bor►owe�s � � �� <br /> paym�nts art gv���pp�in tfip uccpunt may not be b£lSEd on amounts due for the martga9e�nsarar=ea Prem�um- :- <br /> It tti9 emaunts held by Lender tor Escrow Itam.a sxceed the amounts petmRtad to be hefd by RESPA. Lender sha0 account� , -- r� <br /> to Borrourer for the exGess tu�ds as required by RESP0.If the amounts ot Nnds held by L e n d e r a t any N m e e t e no 2 SufficiBnt t0 0 ' `'� <br /> .. �... o .«. �:n <br /> _ - pgy the Estxow items when due.�enoer may noary tna Sorrono;�,G:o�t:.o..C..=_ � mako uo tha shortaae as D�mttted by� --- . .--"_--- _ — <br />- aeSPa �^ . , <br /> ' ' fie EsCrow Funds ete pledged as add�lonal securitY for a I l sums s e c u r e d b y t h i s S e c c m 3 y I n s b u m e n L �f B o R O�r e►tsnQ,°�°_��' , <br /> ! to Lender the tun paymer►t of QU SucA sums, BOaovre�s 4cCaunt SAaO Oe Cred'Red with the DelanCe temahing fot eD in5talhfe� � <br />� ftems (a). tb). and (c) and anY mortys4a Insurance PremS�m �nstat�n�+t that Lender has not becom.e obtigated to DaY to t�� ; - . <br /> j Secretary.and Lender Shall promDUll�eiund any�ess�+nds to�orrorrer.Immsdiateh P�t to a tarectosur9 Seia of iJie PropsR�t� . <br /> or tts acquB(tion by Lender.Bortowers eccount shaU be credited vrnA any batance rematr�in9 for all insta'ments for ftems(6),(b). <br /> � and(c). , ' .. __ <br /> $.AEt(11�CS4I011 Of P6y191CP1�.AI!paYments undsr Peisyraphs 1 and 2 shall be apD�by Lender as foCows: . . <br /> FUBt,W the mortqzpe insuranw Dcamfum to be pald by L.ender to the Secreffiry or to the monthy charye by Ne Secratary <br /> instsad of tha monthy mortpege insurance premium: --�::• <br /> SCCOIId, to arty texes. specml assessments. IeasehoW payments or grounQ rents. end fire, flood end other hazard . � :�;,;,;,,.�t� <br /> • :3 insuranco reQute� �'�:'•_•:. <br /> ;� 'fittrd,to htsrest due under the Not� " : _ , • �# <br /> FOUfIh,to amoRfxatton of ttie pnc�lpai ot the Not�and f• ' �, •,�� �_- <br /> -`� Ffftlf,4o Iflie Chacpes due undet the Nate. r , ' 3 <br /> �--- ._...i �. <br /> 4. �i r e, F l o o d a n d O t h e r H a i a r d l n a u r a n c a. B o r r o w e r S h a l i insure a�l i m prove�risnis on c,�a ara��r. �+s�� - --• <br /> now in existenCe or suDsaquentty eceCted. sQafnst anY htards. casueties. and ConUnpenct6s. �ttC4tdinp Hrs�tot whiCh Ler►dor ` ` ��;-s <br /> ---�._..':_� <br /> cequfr6s insuwnce.ThLa insurance sAaO be mat�tafned In ffia amounts and for the Pe�fods tAat Lender requirBS. Bortower SAaB . � ':�ID�;.��: <br /> '•,�, atso hsure aY k�rovaments on tha PropeRy,whether now in extstence at subse�NenlAi erected.a�alnst Ios,by tbods to the �=`. < �� <br /> extent requL'ed by the 3ec�Gt�Y.AB insurenCe Sh80 b0 CEUrt90 r�ftfi ComPanbs aAProved bY Lender.The in5urence PoQCies end � .. �,. n�: <br /> cFU �'r/ <br />. tlny renewals shali be held by Lender end sha0 hCtude b5s DSysbfe CifluSes in favot Of,8nd h e fortn ecceptabf9 to,le[tder. , ; <br /> • in the event o! bss. Borrower sha0 pke Londer hunsdiete noUce by ma�1. Lender may mske proof of toss Q noi made �' ~',�_.�, ,, . . <br /> prompdy by Bortowsr. Each tnsurance companY concemed is hereby authorl� and d�ected to meke payment for such bss : :,,_ <br /> directly� to L.eede�. i►stead of to Bortowel end to Lender Johty. IW or any pstt ot the insurenCe praCeeds msy be eDP�ed bY :.�,��.:,-;:�;.: <br /> • Lender, at Rs optbn.eRher (a)to the reducticn ot the hdebtedness under the Note and thts Secur�Y InsUumenL fYst to enY � • .,�..';��:,�,?. _. <br /> " deAnquent amounts applied b the order fn Perapraph 3,end than to prepaYmsnt of pdnc[pat,or(b)to the restorutian or repaY ot . . <br /> the Qamaped ProPe�h• �Y eP0�8�n of the pracaeds to the prtnciPal ShaO not ext�+d or postpone the due date of the ' : ��,;� ' <br /> Ce . �' ��� <br /> monthty pQYments whlch ere cet9rted to in Paragraph 2, or changa the amount of such paymsnts. Any �osa E►sumn • ','`�6 . _ <br /> proceeds over an emamt roquted to pay a8 outstandin�Indabte�ess under the Note and Nls 3ecun'ty Instrument adaY be ptid . � ; , <br /> to tha enURy �paBY entidad thereto. •• � • d • <br /> � In ths e�tnt ot forocbsure of thb Se�aurihr Inatcument or otlbr banshr o! tltle to th9 Propertf� 4hat sxthpuEshas ihe � � � - <br /> T�`.:t--- ;�: . <br /> IrtdobteQness.Ytl BDA�tRie and inteteat of Borrower h and to t►sutanCe RoliCies in foto0 sha9 Qass to tho purohaset. •'_ ._,'�i_ <br /> .��_' � _-- <br /> � b. Oacupancy, Pres2nratton, �!mintenance and Pro3ection of 4Ao Property; Borrower'a Loen •��� •� � — <br /> - ..��,`;• . <br /> . A p plic�4lon; Loa�2halda BorroY,w sna�cccupyr.esteh4sh.ttnd use tff0 Propotty fls Borrowars PfiCipa resi6ence wRhb . •-.- <br /> tn ' <br /> sbcty riays 4fter the execuUon of this Secun'ty tnstrument(or wkAin sDcty days of a t�ter sale or Uans(er of the Property)a n d s h a A �°�:. <br /> conthue to oxupy the Property as Boaowers principal residence for at teast onB yaar eRer the Qate of occupan�y. unless ' -•�'��'� <br /> r; �l- <br /> L.ender determhes that requiremeal w�l c8use undua hardshb tor Bortowet.ot uniess extenuaUny CtcumslsnCe9 aidsl wntch ors �::._.. <br /> � beyond BoROwers control.Borrower shaN noUy i�ender of any mRenu4Uny ctcumstaneas.8artower shali �ot CommR wasto w •` '-�'f+ <br /> , :,.;���. _ <br /> � destroy. decrwye or subsWtfaly chm0e the PropeRy or allow the Property to detertorats, roesonabb waa7 and ts�r axoaptod �..,,..ti� :��r <br /> � Lender may inspect ths PropeRy i the Prop�rty �S vuant or abandoned or ths fan b tn d�fauR.Laider mtY tak�reasorubY . ,�'��.' <br /> �.''. �;��1�_�._ •. <br /> aotbn t0 protact and preserve sueh vacant or�bandoned PtopaRyr.BOrrow�r shaY�s0 be U detault Y BO�rowe►.duMp the btn :'.;�_._ <br /> ' epp9estTon process.Oaw mnteAaVY ta�e or inaccurats hformaUon o�statementa to Lendsr(or ta�W to provid�La�d�r w�Th any • � <br /> mataAal bfomuUon)h connectfon wah ttw ban wf6w�cad by the Note, hcLdhp,but not BmRad to,nprasenntlons acncemh9 - �-��V <br /> Bortowera occupancy ot the Property as a pnc��al reside^ce. If this Se�curity tnstrumant is on a basshoid, Borrower ahatl - � ���. <br /> comyy wRh the provfsbns of the Wnse. If Bortowar flcqutes fea tRb to tfle Property. the leasehob and fee tRb sAaY not be •• � . <br /> rt�erp�d untess lender�ees to tha rtw�r b wr�ina . � <br /> .. ��:� <br /> 6. Condemnatlon. TPie proceods of My awerd ar ctnlm fot dart�ages. dtect or consequenWb M� connectbn wRh ony • + <br /> w condernnatbn or other takinp of any pert of ffie P►opeRy, or for conveyance In ptace ot condemnaUon,8re hereby assipned and � . . • � <br /> shtY be paid to lender to the e�dent of the fuq omount o4 the fndebtedness that remahs unpab under the Not4 Qnd this . <br /> Seeuriry InstrumenL landar sha4 apDN Such proceed9 to tho reducUon of the indobtodness unGr th� Not�and Nb S�eun'ty • ; , <br /> tnstrument, first to any deBnQuen! amounts apptled in the order provldsd in Parayr�ph 3,and then t0 proptymar►1 of pnc�bal. � <br /> My�ppRcation of the proceeCs to the prU�c4+�shaU not extend or postpone tha dua dats o}the monthy paymente.which�rs • <br /> � te(�rspd �p in Pert:prttph 2, or chanya the emount of such payments.My exeess proeeads over a^art�ount requi'ad to pay a9 . ' <br /> outstiindin8 hdBbtsdness 1mdR 11�e Noti and lhts SYCUfdy h154tument ehafl Cs paid to th0 Ont�y f9pslly ent��ed th�et0. . <br /> 7, Char�ea to Borrowe� and Pirotectlon oi Lender's Alphts In the Property. Bortovvar shaG pay a9 • <br /> � povemmsr►tal or munictpal charp�. ftr�es and imposRtone that tue no4 included h Peragraph 2 Bortower sha9 pay these . <br /> oLligaUans on tYne d'recty to the entRy which b owsd ths payrtient.It hWn to pay wouid adwrsey�ftact Lend�s intaast In . � <br /> ths Property,upon iende�s request Bonower shatl prompty fumish to Lender recetyts evldenchg these payments. , � . <br /> I} 8�rtower faiGa t0 maka theso pnyments or the paym6nts raqu�ed by Par�tgruph 2, or falb to peAortn eny oth6r Covenents '�� <br /> �' and agreements Conta�ned t�this Secutiry Instrumnnt,or thcro Is a�gal proceodhp that may sfgniflcantry aHect Lende�'s rig�ts in <br /> the Property(SUCh as e proceadinp in baniwptcy,fo►CondemnpUon or to enforee�ws or reQutetfons),tAen lsnQM rr�y do and ' � _ <br /> . pay whateuer is rtecessory to proteCt the va�e o!the Property and Lendera rlghts � the Property,hckrAinp paymer►t o!tezes, . ' � . _ <br /> • hamrd insurance nnd other Rams mentioned in Peragraph 2. <br /> �. � � . � —. <br /> . I . ' . — <br /> ' FSSI9.LM0 IOl80) PaQ�2 ot S i . . <br /> .; <br /> t <br /> . �.... .. _ .., , <br /> I — <br /> � s8t � ' . - �.. <br />. - �.,, , .''��_•-- . <br /> .. --� . . .. '` . . . . , . . , . . , . .' , <br /> :. , ; �_ F , . . ' . . � '� , ... � . ,,''�l,-, „ ,, • , <br /> , � . . .__ •• • - ' • t... .. . . . .�. . . . . � . .. . �� .. . , � . . _ .., . . .. . . . . <br />