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<br /> [8yaa IlDOVe TNS IJr� Por RscorAlnp DanJ ,��`._.� .
<br /> �� ... _•���,_
<br /> Ftil►Cas�No. � 4 -, ';�.=�:�� '
<br /> s�e o��e�,r�e DEED OF TRUST ss�-�ssosz-s zoa ° �-°"''-;.-��-•.---
<br /> . �. � :��� -
<br /> 7Hts D�OF TFtUST('S�ai6h►tnswmmi')b mada an nn""••w 28th .19�7 �y,,�,�,�,'� -� —
<br /> �....��a_...,..=--
<br />�. Tho�,�a�t�►�rAa v w�t as�n.t�e�c�a� o wiu. HUSgdlN�AND WIF� ���r�. : . r—=-- —
<br /> �' �.
<br /> 7t�e trustes ta COMMERCIAL FEDE-p4'�-B!►NK 14 FEDEWAL S��NGS BANK 98 50 'M'ST. ('Tmst�'� �;.,,� �,�
<br /> •� Tha benet�rY ts UNfTED EB BANK =_----.'j.:--,�-
<br /> '• ? +shfCh ts or�ni�d and eedstin9 under tAs law8 0! '�IEBilASKA .end whos�addcoss is ---- -- -�-� y..
<br /> 700 N WEBB RD GRAND ISLAL'�D NE 68803 �"'�' .. •.-' � , `��
<br />. •� , . �r�:�
<br /> eorrower owes�e n a e r m e p r i n c r p a i s u m o t T M r o Th o t a s a n d O n e Hundrod end OON00 - ,. � ` ,�
<br /> Oolf�rs N�s 52.100.Ot9 2.ThIs debt b evtdencad by Borrawafs note '.. �-'�;,;. '
<br /> . ' tfated the sams date as thta S�cur�Y Inslruma�t (�Nota'�,wh(ch Pravtdos fot monthty PaYments�w1h the fu�d�bt, tF not pakl � '� :.�.'..::_ �
<br /> "'4'�.+' ,
<br /> y ear�.dua end pay�ie on gpril 1 2027 .Th8 SacurQy instrument secun�,s to Lender:(a1 tAe cepaYm�+t .b .
<br /> �f: �-
<br /> of tTw debt aWdencad by tho Note.wtth Int�e�.and aN nn�xnb.�nsions u�d moditi�adons ot ths Nota:(b)th�PaYm�nt of .`�`� , �� ,�
<br /> � a0 other sums. w8h hte+est, advanced und�r Pars�aDA 6 to Protect ths securdY of this Sacu�tY tnstrumen� and (o) the J '�,�.
<br /> '.�.�y.. .`..-cr :
<br /> peAonnanc� o!Bortawe�'s covenantc and�reements under MIS Sec u r B Y InsWrtwnt end the Ptota For thb purpos�B�o�h - � ;,
<br /> . j.
<br /> irtevocabN �rants and comeys to Yrustee. in dusS. wRh power of esM. ths foCowbQ dascrb�d proDwh F, � :;� � ��
<br /> Hqj„L County;Nsbrasko: '�� .
<br /> �"�� }G .
<br /> : �o, wa�.+. couanr,He�Rns�. '�! �--
<br /> _ :�_ *�! :�'
<br /> .+�.�_'
<br /> . � =-
<br /> . �;�_.-_ .
<br /> � �. .��_-
<br /> ` � ,�.�.�.���
<br /> . �. ''"'"""�'"''`:'--,:
<br /> ' GRAHD fSLAND �''"`y'
<br /> etfltCh has t!w 8ddress of 260 S PLUM (�r��tl Icnfl .������
<br /> . NE 68801 Parav�tr a�'.a'Y: �._��'_-
<br /> �s�uy tno coa.l a'� , _..:
<br /> � TO(3ETHER WffH �I the ImArovgnanta now ot hacwftn enct�d on the OroDertY.�nd �9 aasements.sDPurtenances.and ,'=�.:�:;�:�.-3.r:.:
<br />. fbcWres naw or heroaRar a put of tM praprtY• AY�aPMc�rt�m�rtd add8bna st�all be cav�ed by thb SeourtY tnstrumenL N •'-i^*.. ,.. . -�'
<br /> � ,� of tha torepoinp b re4erted 4o tn this S�cuAtY tnsbumont as tfis'Prop�rty'. .�'
<br /> BOF�iOWER COVENANTS that Bortowr is I�wfuly sataed of th� esnt� h�nb� convsyad e�d has the Ayht to ynnt �nd ,j:��� �_=:��•
<br /> cortvey the Prop�ty �nd th�tM PropKtY b un�ncumbacod. �oac�Dt tor encumbrances of ncord Boaoww warrants �nd w➢I •,:.-._•. ��. . F.:�.
<br /> �
<br /> Qe(end peneraUY the tftis to the Prap�rty apab3t aB Ctiims end Q e m a n Q s.su b j s c t t o e n y�n c u m b r u�c a s o f r e c or0. '�.'_ .:�•r:.,:`,�".
<br /> • a...�...
<br /> THIS SECUFYTY INSiAUMEM cambinas uetorm caven�nb Por naUanai ut� �nd norwnlortn covemnt� w1h BmRed =�''":•`'�`''":r
<br /> vrr�tions by�rfsdictlon to const�rte e w�orm secur$�r instrurtwnt covuh0 reel P�F�Y• � =•:•�.��� -_
<br /> Borrowrr�nd LenQer aownant and a�co as foCoua . .
<br /> . UNIFC)f�A COVENANT3. . . � : -
<br /> �_
<br /> . 1. Payment of Princlpal, 9nterest anA Late CherQe.BOffowe►6haA pay when due the p�tnCipa!Of,an�r�te�st : � ,:.� ,�r.
<br /> . on,the debt evklaneed by the Note and late cRaryes du�undsr tha Nob.
<br /> 2. Monthly Paymea4 of Taxes, Insurance. and Other Charses. eorrower sAeO Incl�de h each manthty �
<br /> payment,top9ther w3h tho princlpul and fnt�est ns set toM in the Not�and�ny i4te cherpes,a sum for(a)ta�s and spacinl , _
<br /> assessmw�ts twied or to De b+te6 apelnst the Property, (b) �essehob Fayme:rts or pround rent� on ths Property, and (c) � �_;
<br /> premiums fOr Insurance requlred under Pera�aph 4.tn eny yesr in++�hich the Lender must PpY a mottpage EnsuranCe prarnim+tc . i
<br /> the SeCretery o}Houshp and Utban DeuBbpment('fieeretary7�or In eny yoar h v�Atch suc4�pr�Num woutd have de�n requlred . .:' _,,
<br /> ' N LenQer StiY hstd tM S�cnr�Y ��sstrum�nt e�ch monthy paym�nt ahaD also include eRher: (0 a sum (or tfle Ynnual martqage . �-
<br /> hsurance premium to b�pald by Lea6ar to thc Socratcry. cr(I�e manthty char�hslnad of a mortyap� intunncs promlum N ' �_
<br /> thb Secunly In�trumsn! i� hatd by Uw Sac►�farY, b a ressonaDt�emount t0 be detertnined by th� SecrswY. E�Pt tor t�� . . �
<br /> . monihy cAarge by the Secretary. these Rem� e�e calfed 'Esarow Items' an0 tha sums paid to Lende► ere ca0e0 'Eserow .
<br /> � Funds.' j . . _
<br /> cse�a►Ma(o�r�) vao•� m e �
<br /> t _
<br /> - --� i--.==_ _�=.-=-- ��:
<br /> I ao�
<br /> �-w.a-
<br /> � � . , . . .. � � . . �
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