` . • : � . :
<br /> , _ .__---�--- - � • ` , �F�:
<br /> � ���° ��j��,R � � -
<br /> contacts wiFh appl�Cebie faw,Such Conf��ct Shail not aHact OthBr provisions af this SeCUrity►nstrumen or t►�8 0 w e
<br /> . given eHect without the cant�ct'vig provision.Yo tAis end the provisWns of this Security Instrument and the Note are dsclared to , •
<br /> 0e sevetebl8. i. • ;`_,
<br /> � .,� <
<br /> ' 15. �orrower's Copy.Borrower shali be qivan one confomsed copy ot tAa Note and of thts Securfty InsttumsnL � , � ' E;�.
<br /> 16. Hazardous Subst�rtCes. eorrower shaa not causs or perm� ct►s prasence, use, disposal,stor8ge, or release ot � • � �
<br /> f
<br /> any Ha�rdous Substences on or e� the Property. Borrowar shall not do. nor ailow enyone etse to do,a�ything affecting the t , • � t
<br /> Property tt►at Ls in violarian of eny EnviranmenffiI Law. The preceda�g two sentsnces shall not appy to the presence, use, or ! . _
<br /> storage on the Property of srtaall quentities of Hvardous Substancas that are gsneralty recogni�d to be appropriate to normai i ` " y_
<br /> � residemial uses and to ma�tenance of the Property. � .;,
<br />- Bortower shall promptly giva Lender vrcitten notice ot eny tnvesUgaUon, clatm, demand, lawsuit or other action by any ' �� , '
<br /> govemmental or repuiatory agency or private paRy nvoHing the Property and any Hazardous Substance or Environmentel Law of �
<br /> which Bortower has actual knowfedge. �1 Bortower leams, or is not�ed by any govammenfal or regulatory aud�ority, Nat 8ny !, •
<br /> removal or other remediation of any He�rdnus Substances aftect�g ths Property is necsssary, Bortower shall promptly talc0 a:l • .
<br /> � necessary ramed�al acUons h accordence w�tt►Envkonmental Law. � ' �
<br /> iAs used in this paragraph /6. 'HezBrdous Substances' are Mose Substences defined as tonic or hazardous substences by : �
<br /> a EnvionmenffiI Law end the toCowng substances: 9ssoline, kerosene, other flemmable or toxic petrolsum products, toxic ; . . , ,
<br /> . � pesticides and herb(cides,volaUle sokents. materiats contafn�g asbestos or formaldehyde,and radioacWe materfats.As ussd tn � . . - ' _
<br /> � the paragraph i6, 'Environmental Law'means federat Iaws end laws of the jurisd'�ction whete the Property is lacaisd that relate y
<br /> to heakh,saiety or env�onmental protection. `
<br /> .� NON-UNIFORM COVENAMS. Borrower and Lender furtfi¢r covenant end agree as foltows: .. , , _
<br /> 17. Assignment of Renta eorrower��condawnairy ass�ns and aar�s+ers co�ender an tne rencs and re�ren�es or me .
<br /> Property.Borrower authorizes Lender or Lenders agents to cot�ct the rents and revenues and hereby df�ects each tenant of the ' . ,. � �--'
<br /> ' Property to pay the rents to Lender or Lendars agents. However, prior to Lenders notice to Bonower of Borrower's breach of , •.
<br /> • any covenant or egreemant in the Security Instrument. 8orrower shall coltect and receive aU rents and revenues o}the Property � � .. . . `
<br /> as trustee for the benefit ot Lender and Borcower. This assignment of rents constitutes an absn5�te assignment and not an E , . �`=�•
<br /> s . :t��
<br /> assignment for addftbnat securityr only. � _
<br /> If Lender gives notice of breach to Boaow�r:(a)aU rents received by Borrower shaU be held by Borrawer as trustes for � ' _ ; ..�` =
<br /> benefd of Lender ony, to be epplfed to the sums secured by the Securityr Insbvmenx (b)Lender shall be entitted to coliect and E J�;�'ts:'?." .
<br /> receive 811 Of the rents of the Property; and (a) eaeh tanant of the Property shBU pay 811 rents due and unpafd to Lender or � . '�.7;'"-'" , : � -
<br /> Lenders agent on Lendefs written dem8nd to the tenanG � ; '. � t " �
<br /> Bortower has noi executad eny pr(or assignment ot the rents and has not end w81 not pertortn any act that would prevent . : . _
<br /> Lender hom�cercising its rights under this Paragraph 17. � ` �
<br /> Lender shali not be requtred to enter upon,Lalce conVOl of or mafntstn the Propariy before or efter givNg not(ce of breach to 5� • Y :���
<br /> Borrower. However,Lender or a judictaiy appointed recehrer may do so at any Ume there is a breach. My appliCation of rents I . * .�,` .``�
<br /> shall noi cure or walve any detauR or hvalidate any other right or remedy of Lender. This ass(gnment of rents oi the Propmty ; . ��-�'��
<br /> "•'#''•t.:
<br /> sh811 tertninate when the debt secured by the Securityr instrument Is pa3d�fu1L �. �.y�r`<<
<br /> 18. Foreclosure Procedure. If Lender require� immedta#e payment in fuli unde� ParaQ�aph 9, �. �?'��,�. °
<br /> Lender may invoke tfie pawer of sale an9 any other remedies permttted by appUcable law. - '� ,; .
<br /> Lender shall be entitled to cotlect all expenses incurred tn purs�ca�ng the remedles provided in �,�y~3�,
<br /> sa
<br /> '" th�s Paragraph 18, includirtg, but not limited to, reasonable attorneya' fees and coats ot title . . �'�'�:=�
<br /> evidence. � � � ' -
<br /> � , If the power ot sale is Invoked, Trustee shell record a notice of detauft in each county in
<br /> which any part ot the Property is loceted end shall mail coptes of such no4tce in the manner �. ..�.,.,�,;,,,�i
<br /> prescNbed by applicable law to Borrower and to the other persona prescribed by appliceble law. . � -''"
<br /> � ' After the Ume required by applicable law, Truetee shail �ive public notice of sate to the person� � .
<br /> otiail setl ��;�� :. _
<br /> �.� and in the manner preacribed by appticable law. Trustee, without demand on Borrow�, . ;-�.,_�;�
<br /> the Propeny at pubpc auctlon to the hlghest bldder at the time and place and under the terms
<br /> deslgnated in the noUce of saie in one or more parcels and in any order Trustee determic�es. . ' �'�
<br /> : T�uatee may postpone aefe of all or eny parcel of the Properly by pubUc ennouncement at the ��'-=--�
<br /> Ume and ptece ot any prevlou�ty scheduled sale. Lertder or ite d�signee may purc�ase the � �� �
<br /> Proper/y at any aale. . .
<br /> Upon recelpt of peyment of the prtce bid, Truatee shatl deliver to the purchaser Trustee'a .
<br /> ' deed conveyin� tho P�operty. The rec(ta18 In the Truatee'a deed ahall be prima tacle evldence of .
<br /> the Vuth of the statements made thereln. Truatee shall apply the proceeds of the sale In the �
<br /> � toilowing order. (a) to ali cosL and e�enaea of exerclsinfl the power ot aale, end the aate, �
<br /> inciuding the payment of the T�uatee'a tees actualty Incurred� not to exceed 3 °� � . _
<br />� ' of the princi�aal amount of the note at the time of the decleraUon of detault, and reasonsble ' . -
<br /> ettorneys' fees as permitted by law; (b) to atl auma aecured by this Security Instrument; and (c) . � • �
<br /> ary excese to the person or persona legal(y entlUed W i� . �
<br /> � If the Lender's Interest in thls Securlty Instrument Is held by the Secretary And the Secrelary , :
<br /> requires imneediate payment in tull under Paragraph 9, Zhe Secr�tery may invake the nonjudicial
<br /> j power of sale provided In the Singte Famiiy Mortgage Foreclosure Act o4 1994 ("AcY) (1Z U.S.C. � � --
<br /> � 3757 e� seg.) by requesUng e foreclosure commissioner deaignated under the Act to commence ,
<br /> toreciosu�e and to aetl 4ho Property as provided in the Act No4hing In the precedinq aentence �
<br /> ? shall deprive the Secretary of any righte otherwise avallable to a Leroder under thls Paregraph 18
<br /> ' or appNcable law. � � '�
<br /> 19. Reconveyance. Upon payment of all sums secured by this Security Instrument, Lender shall request Trustee to �
<br /> reconvay tAe Property and shall surtender thts Security Instrument ana all noted evidoncing de4t seCUred by this SeCUrityr
<br /> Instrument to Truste9. Truste9 shall reconvey the Property without wartenry and without charge to the person or persons Ispairy
<br /> sntitied to it.Such person or persons shatl pay any recordation costs. •
<br /> � F5873.LM6(9/B9) Paps 1 ot 5
<br /> i °
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