t . � . . . . � .. . , . . � . �� - . . , . ... r . . . . . ... ' ` V-?�--
<br /> , .- ... ..�_ ._ _ , . _ -._ - . ,.�wa,.
<br /> . �` ` , - , -. � ..� ,lt�'�
<br /> ^��
<br /> � ��� �0��� � . . . _-I.__
<br /> Any art:ounts d�bursed by lender under thts Pata9raph 5hai1 become sn add�lonal deDt of Borrovler and be SECUred by ` ;t:� _ +.
<br /> this Securtyy InstrumenL Those emounts shafl bear InteresY ham tfie Eate of Qtsbursemant at the Noto rate.end at the optton ot �
<br /> Lander.shs�be tmmediatety duo and p&yabis. ;' . � � ^ -
<br /> � Borcower shail promptry dfscharge eny 11er► wh�h has prbrity over this Securiry Instrumeni unlsss Bartower. (a)sgrees in 4 , �'�:
<br /> � wtitng to the payment of the obCgatio�secured by the lien in a mflnner accept8ble to Lendsr, (b)Contests in SCCd fafth tAe Hen i
<br /> � by, or detends against enforcement ot the lien in, tepal proeesdin8s wh�h in tAe Lendsrs op�ton operate to F�►t th0 j<<
<br /> ,; enfo�ement of the Iten: or(c) secures Nom the holder o!the tlen an a9reement satisfactory to Lender subord�athp the Ite� to � �• �
<br /> ' this Security Instrument If Lender determa�es tha!any paK ot the Prop6rty is subject to a I'�en whiCh may attain prbrity ovar this • �
<br /> Security lnstrument,Londer may give BoROVrer fl nat�ce ldentifyng tne►ien. Bonower sh81t satisfy the�1sn or teke one or more of � , -
<br /> the actions 5et forth adove withn 10 days of the givhg at notice. � ' �
<br /> 8. �@P.S.Lender may Collect fees and Charges authortted by Ma SecretarY. � ;.
<br /> � 9. Groa�nds for Accet�tios� of De�B. c , - � :
<br /> (8) De�AU{t Lender may. excePt as IQnited by reBuiaYlcns Lssued bY the SecreterY in the case ot paYmsnt defaufts� �. . : '_
<br /> 8 �
<br /> � require 6nmed'�te Payment h tufl of ail sums securad by thls SeCUritY Mstrumont H: E , • . ..
<br /> (�Bortower dS�+Rs by faHhg to pay in fuU any monthy payment requfred by Mis Securiry instrument p�tor w or on
<br /> ths due date of the ne�4 monthry paymeet,or � . . :.�"•�-
<br /> (i)Borrower detaults by taTng,tor a poriod of thirty days,to perform eny othar obl'gaUons contatned fi thfs Security i '. � .
<br /> . ' ��
<br /> Instrument ( '' .
<br /> (b) Sale Without Credit Approval. Lender shall, tt pemtftted by epptlCablB Iaw C�ciuding section 341(d) of the { . . ._- .:..;�
<br /> Gam-St Gemia� Depasftory Instiwttons Act of t982, 12 U.S.C. t707j�(d)) and w�h the prtor approva�of the Secretary. k. .. . <,'•,.�i..••�--
<br /> .� require Immediate Payment tn tuu of eii the sums secured by this Security Instrument�: ; ''`t _.� �.—
<br /> (� Atl or part of the Prope+ty, or a beneficial interest h a bust ownhg aU or paR of tfie PropeRy, is sotd or . �
<br /> i otherv+ise transferred(other tnar►by dsvise or de5cent),end r,�:--
<br /> ,� (t�The Property ts not oceupled by the purchaser or grantse as nis or her principal resldence.or the purchaser ot � . _.;=�
<br />. . grantee doas so occupy the PmDeRy+ but Ais or her ccedit has not been aPprovad h eccordan�e with the :
<br /> requfrements of tha Secteffiry. • - ..Z --
<br /> . lf ctaumstances oxur that would permit lsnder to requEe tmmediata PaYment in fuil, but Lender � . •,,��.• �`..
<br /> (c) No Waiver - - �
<br /> ,_ . —
<br /> does not require suCh payments.Lender does not wahre fts rights with respect to subsequent events. � . . �;—
<br /> (d) ReguletlOnB Ot HUD SeC�etary. In many ctr�umstances regutatlons issued by the SecretaN w�l IinB �:�`��;.
<br /> Lendefs rights, in the case of payment defaufts, to requte immedtate paymant h tull and foreclose if not patd. Thts _, ,
<br /> � "; Security insuument does not authorim acceleratton or(orecbsure N not permkted by regulations of the SecretarY• _ r_ � : � �.
<br /> (e) Mongage Not Insured. Bortowar agrees that it this Seeutdy �nstrument end tho Note efe nOt detertnHed to ', � . , • s _
<br /> be elly�bie for insurance und0r the National Hous6np ACt withh #Ot d21V8 �90� from the date hereo}, Lender �� �
<br /> - � .•• ,, •i' � _.
<br /> . may,at!ts oP�n require immedf8te Dayment in fuU of all sums seCUred by this SeCUr(ty Instrument A wrltfAn stetement •��
<br /> of any suthorized agev�t of the Secretary dated subsequent to�Ot dA1t8 (9�1) from the date hereof, deciinln0 ., �
<br /> to insure thts Securtty instrument and the Note, shaU be Eeemed conCWsive proot of such IneOpbiGtY. NotwBhstendh0 �,� . �;` � i1���
<br /> the toregotnp.th�s opUon msy rtot be exerc�ed by Lender when the unavailabilty of tnsurence is soleiy due to Lenders _ �;;.. ' � --
<br /> • i
<br /> taifure to remft a rtrartgage insuranaa Premium to the Socretary.
<br /> .: ` �,�f�3 t .
<br /> 10. R@I1181Ht8fl16I1L Bortowet h&s n dght t0 be rettstat9d H Lender h8s tequlred Immedlete psym9nt h N11 beeso59 Ot _ _ _ �;; .
<br /> � Borrowers faJlure to pay an amount due under the Note or this Security Inswmen�'ThLs ri0ht aAP�� � ��foreabsure ;� � •. _
<br /> ' proceedinps ere instRuted.To refnstate the Security InsUUment, Borrawer sha0 tender h a lump sum all emounts requU'ed to 's��r�-
<br /> bdng Borrowers account cuttent ►ncluding, to tha extent they are oblYaatlons of Borrower under th(s Secur�Tf► �nstrume�b `�' �
<br /> . `. ��� '�."�.,,•- -
<br /> • ' forecbsure costs and reasonabie and customary attome�s tees and e�enses propeAyr essoclated wKh the forecbsure ..,�� ,
<br /> proceedin9. UDon rehstatema�t by Bortower,thls Securdy Instrument and the obligat(ons that ft secures shafl rert�ain in eftQCt as c'_�,�,�_ .
<br /> if LenQer had not requted tnmediete payment h fuU. However.L.ender b not requYed to perm8 reinstatement H: Q)Lsnder has r:.�.-
<br /> � '.-� � �.,..
<br /> ` accepted tetnstatement after the commencerner►t ot brecbsure proceedinps wlthin two yeus tnmedintety Precedin0 � ,�,��
<br /> ,� "f commencement of a curtent torecbsure proceedhp.(iiy reinstatement wiU Preclude torecbsure on d'�tferent grounds in the fuWre. �.%f�"'�`�=f . �
<br /> -=•'r:::��.�
<br /> •• or(i�)rehst8tement wOi adversey atfect t3�e prbrityr of the lian created by tfifs Seeurity Instrurt�t� -� �p.,�_��
<br /> • 11. Borrower Hot Releaaed; �orbearance By Lenc9er Not a Waivar.6densbn of the tirtrs of payment or _ .��
<br /> � � modiRcetbn ot amorttratbn o}the sums secured by thts Seeurfly InsUtrment qrented by LenQer to any successor in intarest of
<br />' Borrower sheH not o ate t�retease the liebi�ty ot the original Borroveer or Bortowets s�ccsssor b InteresL Lende�sh80 not be ,��-...�.�
<br /> ,. � ' - -
<br /> . requYed to commence proceedh0s a4ahgt t�Y successor h nterest or retuse to exten d t f in e for pa y m e n t o r o t h e r w i s e m o d i y r
<br /> �`- amoNratbn of the sums secured Dy this Security Instrument by reason of any demend made by Me ortginal Borrower cr �
<br /> ' Bonowers successors tn interesQ My torbearance by Lender in exercising any rEgbt or remedy sheil not be a w8iver of or �'•�*��!i�'-'
<br /> � preClude tAS exeroise of eny tight or remady. '"'- ,
<br /> 12. Successora and 1lssigns Bound; Jolnt and Several Liab111ty; Co-aignera. rne covenenss and , �
<br /> ayreert�ents o}this SecurRy Instrument shaU bad end benefR the succe5sors end asst�s a}Lender and 8orrower,subject to the
<br /> provisbns of Parayraph 9(b).Bortowers covenants end apreements 5hall be jofnt and srveral. Asiy Borrower who co-sipns thls . . �`.'_
<br /> Security ins�Cument but daes not execute tAs Notx(a)Is co-sipninp thls Securily tnstrument ony to martpape,grent end corney • . w�='
<br /> that Borrowers hterest in the Property under the tertns of Mfs oecudly �nsVUmenf, (b) b not personally obtiptuad to pay fhe • ' � . �
<br /> ' sums secured by thls Seeurily InstrumenY ant' (C) agrees that Lsnder and eny other Bortower may a9ree to e�dend, modiy, � ----
<br /> � fobear or make eny aCCOmmodatbns wnh regerd to the tertn o1 thls Security Instn►ment or the Note wRhout that Bortowers . —
<br /> � --
<br /> • r eonsenl.
<br /> . sax
<br /> � 13. NOUCBS.My notke to Bortowe►provided tot in this Securhy Instrument shaii be given by dellverinp il or by mailinp ft �
<br /> ' � by fUSt Ciass m8i1 uniess applkebi9 18w requYes use of t�nother methotl.The not�e shell be dfr6cted to the PropeRy Addr65s or 1 . �'
<br /> n
<br /> any other address Bortower des6gnates by notice to Lender. My not�e to Lendat shait be qiven by first ciass maii to Lendors . —
<br /> ' address stated hetein or any address Lendor deslgnates by notice to Bortower. Any notbe provWed tar in th(s Security �- ; �.
<br /> InsUument shall Oe deemed to hava boan glven to Borrower or Londar when given es Orovided in this paragraph. . __
<br /> . 1 . �.-.
<br /> 14. Qovernirtg Lew; Severebility. This Securityr InsWment shail be povemed by Fedetal law and the Iaw ot the i
<br /> -' JudsdiCtbn b which the Property is loceted. In ihe eu6r�t that any provistan or ciause o}thfs SECUrRy Instrument or the Note - _
<br /> 1 --
<br /> • ' � FSEt3.LM0(B/81) Vay�3 0l 5 i �
<br /> e
<br /> __ ,_� 1 . . : . . . �" .
<br /> i d88 � ,
<br /> � ��.
<br /> ' .. . . . ,. _: • • � ' .
<br /> - . � .l� .. . ,_ 'i'V . , •. . • ' . � _ . , ' , �. . . � '+�. C� ' - f �• . ..
<br />, . . . .. .. .... . • _ . . . . 'Y. _ .. . . _. � � . .. . . .. . . .. . . . . .. - . - . �1. � t.. . . . � .. • • .. . , . � ,.
<br />