�E�� o��us� �+�m iC���� �g�s , _
<br /> , 03-Z9-9897 (Co�stinued) " . ':'�:�`
<br /> �a.��'•a�43238 - , � -
<br /> ;�
<br /> or invatidate any act done in rssponse ta such detault or pursuant to sach no�ce af dafaul�end, notwithstsnding the continuunce�n : ."�'
<br /> ..�• _ea�� �„wo••••��••�:•••• •�••d !�••����it�oNnn nt mnt5.iSSUeS Or PfOids�Trustee af Lender shel! be entiUed to �.;,.
<br /> pY"va�ca�i+^ 'aZi�w u`.e, .ryd:j .'.: w..o..�^^•� •`^""�
<br /> exerc�a�orf���"°�-'�f'-+•:�tt,w Nnte or the Related DoCUmerds or by law upan tha occiureaee ot arry e�ent ai d�;nvt'.,i�a;.�;.:i:.g� ---
<br /> r(ght to exercise ihe power of sale; ,•�'—
<br /> (b) Commenee an action to foreclose this Deed of Tnut as a mortgaSe,BPpa�a te��et or SpecifiC�Y e7��8m�}the oovena�s
<br /> hereoi:and �
<br /> (c) Dalivethe 7rustee a Owritte a�ectera�o notf�os T uirustee sha(1 cause to be dutY file�e�cec°�d n the eAProA�oflices of�thue Counh�in
<br /> interest Propo
<br /> whk:h the PropeAY fs located:end
<br /> (d) Vlydh respect to ail or anY P�of ths Persanal f'raPsrtY.�nder shaii have al!the righis and remedss of a secured Pe�undar the �-
<br /> � Nebraska Unitorm Commerciel Code. • �--
<br /> Fprector�tt8 by PoYrer Of�c12. If Lender elecl5 to torec�ose tiY���of the Power ot Sala herein Contained,Lender shati notity Trustse flnd -
<br /> ShaU depasit with Trustee t�s Deed ot Trust and the Note and such receipis and evidence ot expend�tures made and secured mY����f �.z
<br /> Trust es Trustee may�9uire. ; �
<br /> (a) Upon recelPt of such noUce from Lendar.Trwtee shali cause to be�ecorded,published and defcvared to Trustor such Notka of Defauit _
<br /> r...a ti �ey�anA by thls Deed of Ttl�t. Ttustee Sh811,wHhout demand on Tru:,t�.�efte�s��l�rad�blaw� �
<br /> and Nodce oi�sie as u���2y'�:....,...; •� �_.�- • •-
<br /> ,D�,.¢__..�._,. - - =- -.. . ._
<br /> tt�n be required by law and after recordatian of such No�ce of De�suft an0 after Notce ofi�a�e�+n�� �
<br /> the Property at the time and piace of sele faed by it tn such NoUce o!Sale.e�ther es a whole,ar in separate tots or paroal5 ot ftems es
<br /> the United Statas paY�t d at the tlms ot sele.� Tntstee sfiaAy defiver to such P�heser or purchesers thereof�ts paod Sand sufBcient�a � °--�
<br /> or f&ds sAaD be condrusi�ve proof o'tthe trutfifii�ness thereonf.�Am!P�n•i��or�hout Itmitatlon tnisto.Tncstee, or�Le�nder,maY , __.- .._
<br /> purchese at such sate.
<br /> (p) AS mey be Petmitted by ISw,8fter deduCtin9 ell Cosfs�tses 8nd expensesifo��sum5 t�^Tde�d under the terrt�of th Deed of ' ,
<br /> tiUe fi conneciton witb sa►e,Trustee shall ePP�Y�Proceeds of sa►s to payme
<br /> Trust pr u�der the terms of ttie Note not then repaid,tnctuding but not Omited to acaued�ntetest and Iate cherges. {ii)a►�other sums thsn .
<br /> tt entitlsd thereto. �
<br /> secured herebY.and (�the rert�alnder.if arry,to the person or persons�e6elty '�
<br /> (c)Tnistea maY�n the manner provided by taw postpone sa�e of eD ar any por�on oi fhe ProyeAY• ,
<br /> nt and eAarmance of a�Y�ndebtedness �
<br /> Remediea Not Dcdustva Trustee and Lender,and eacfi ot them,sheli be entiUed to enforoe peYrt►a O �rY-;.
<br /> or obttpatior�s secured by ihis Deed of Trust and to exerdse eD d9hts a�d powers under thts Dead of Trust,under the Note,under any of tha � r.�
<br /> Releted Documents,or under any other agreeqfent or anY�anus now or hereafte►in force;notwilt�endinp,some a cifl of such fndebfedness
<br /> and ohUaatlons secured bY m�+Deed of Trust may now or hereafter be otherwfse secured.whether bY mort0a�e�deed��'P��'�n, � _i
<br /> . asstpnment or otherw�se- Ne�the►ths accept°"ce of thts Deed of Tnut nor tls enforcement,whether by court actlon or Pursuant to the power of ��i .,,;�� _1
<br /> sate or othsr powets contslned In ihis Deed oi Tnst.shali preJudtoe or in arry rtwnner aftect Tnutaes°r l�ende�'s�ipht to reafise uPon or • ' �
<br /> enforce eny othet SecurftY��of Trust�e Yt��tY pw or��ereafter held�by�Lender orTtust6e inLstlCh adtrr�m&nner as they or S�'� �'
<br /> er►titled to enforce this Qeed : �.
<br /> eftAer ot them may in thslr eb�this Oeed of Tnut or by Iaw provlded oP��tt80,but each�sh�e11�6e curmulaUve and shati ben n add tonbo . . . • �. �•
<br /> excius(ve pf any other remedy
<br /> every other�emedy Qiven fn this Oeed of Trust or now ar hereafter e�dstlnp 8t IeN►,a��equ�ty�►by statu�e" �Y power a remedy plven by
<br /> Note or anY o!the Retatad Oxuments to Trustee or �ender or to which edhar of them maY be othervv�se ertNtled.�y be ezercised. ,
<br /> '� cosicwrenlNnststen�meedf�. othinp in t �Osad of Trust she!be conshuedaspro�h�m 8 Lender from seeWnD e deftcietwy 1ud0�t '� —
<br /> ; pur5u01nCO �' �
<br /> : i e9aisist ths Trusta to the e�dent such actlon is permitted by law. ,- _ r� !-
<br /> Requeat Fot Notlea. Trustcr.on behait of Trustor and Lender,herebY requ�ts that a coDY of ano h De�efd of T��d 8�y�f�Noike �.%�,.,�� _
<br /> o!Sa18 under thls Oaed of Trust be rta(ISd to them at the addresses sat forth in the ibst paraO�P �,"''f�
<br /> � Wstver;EleCtia+i of Remediea A waiver by any paftY of a breseh ot a provtsian of this Deed of Ttust sh�i not eonstltute a wa�ver of ar , .�,..'
<br /> preju�rovldDed�nl$ti ShOeed Ot�f T�ntSt,the NOte.in an�Replate Doeument�Provlded bY����o��npursuft ot arry ott er remedY. . . . � -`�=—
<br /> i remedfi 0 tlon ot Tnntar under Ws Deed of Tnist aRar faiture W Tnistar to •i r-N
<br /> 1 and ae e�ecUon to make e�enditures o►to 1ake adlon to perform an obf�ya f� _
<br /> peAorm shail not aftect Londefs dpht to dedare a dsiault and to exerc�e any of its remedies. �ndsr shs�l bo entiCed to ` ' '�.�
<br /> AttomeYa'Fee��p°�� It Lender institutes anY suit or aeUon to enforce any W the tenns of this�Whe��or not any court actlon ts • ���.
<br /> recover such sum as the cou A may a d J u d O e r e a s o n e bfe as attome y s fees at tria!and an anY+�PP . ��'""'_,`.
<br /> � Invoived.eD roaso^e�hts s�haD becoi me a peut of the Indebtedness P Y�le on demand�sha0 ebear Interest at lhe N ote rata N m d�e�te W '� ; , . �-'
<br /> entaroement of Hs rtp . �
<br /> h IncluOe,withaut Omiffition,however sub�ect to any fimits under appBr�ble law. .
<br /> e�enditure until repaid. E�enses covered by thts parayrep rocee�nflg pncludinp eHals to modifyt or ° . '�� .
<br /> Lender's attomeys fees`xhelher or nai there Is e[awsuft.indudir�y attorneys'fess tar bankruptcY D
<br /> .: vaeate an�y�a u to��ndudin9 t joredosu're e�ports),surveYars'rePor��eaP��nUUe Insura�ce��s�f ta he ��� �
<br /> 8
<br /> Ob181Nn0 c1 f6p ' • s'�
<br /> permitted bY BDP���w. Trustor also w(tl pay arry couR cosb,in addNlon to ail other sums provided by law. ,
<br /> q�¢�u pf Tru�des.Tnutee shall have all of the riyhb and CWes ot Lender as set foRh in this sectlon. . ��
<br /> POWER8 AND OBLtaATI0N5 OF T6iUSTEE. Tho fdlowinp PrmAslons tetaUnp to the Pawers 8nfl obApntlons of Tn�stae are P�of ttds Oeed of , , `- �,
<br /> Trust .
<br /> paw�ra ci TruitN. In additlon to ell powe�s ot Tnutee ads�n0 es a m4t�r of Iaw.Trustee shall a�a�to �t ot ttw Raal Pr�opwly. � � �
<br /> � with raspeet to the Propwty uPon tha wrlNen request o1 Lendet and Trustor: (a)Jdn in pnPadnp ;
<br /> indudirrp 1ho dodiration o1 s�h'a0t9 a otlwr riphts to ths publiC; (b)loln In qrantlnp any easement a creaflnD ar►Y r�strlcUon on the Real ProPertY: i
<br /> artd (c)jdn in arry subordlnaUon or other epreeme�t af�eeHnB t�0�af Trust a the interest of Lender undor thls Oeed of Tnrst.
<br /> TPU�t�e. Tn�ae shell meet aA 4ualflcaUons thAe Tnut�stwA have the riqht t�o toredase'bY n�otics and sate.and lender shall havef the dpMvto � '
<br /> i wlth rQSpect to a�or any Part ai 1he Prot�e�h. •
<br /> i • �....
<br /> � foradose by jud�lal tonciosute.in etther case in exwdance with and to the tuQ exMrtf provlded bY oPP�►�faw.
<br /> S�re�,�ssor TnatN. Lendar.at Lenders option,may irom tlme to tlme apDdnt o suooassc►Trusta�to arry Yrustw apPolntod herounder by an � �
<br /> I�sWment exocuted and acknowled0ed by Lender and reeorded In tha ofRce o!the reCOrder o1 HALL CauntY.Nebraska. Ttw Instrumant ahaB . ,. ' �
<br /> � contai�,in addition to all other matters requlred by state Iaw,ths namos of the afg�na�Lende►•Trustee�and Ttustor,the book and pags(or ,
<br /> computer system reterence)where Mb Oeed of Ttusl is recorded,and tho name and addrass ot the sttooe�'.�sn►trustoe•and the Instrument shell �+
<br /> pe e�cecuted and adcnowiedged by a11 the beneflcieries under 1he Deed of Trust or their suCCOSSas�n interesL The su�ot trusteB+wlthoul R' "�
<br /> conveyance of the Property,shell sucoeed to aH the tiUe,pows►,an0 dutles conterted upon tfie Tnuteo�n th�Os�d of Tnts1 flnd by apDficebla
<br /> taw.This procedure ia aubst�utlan°�Uustse shet�q°�^to the exdus�on ot all other provislor�ta suDsBtudon.
<br /> NpTtCES TO Tii�J9TOF1 AND OTiEFi PARTIES. My°oUce under this Oeed of Tnist shatl be In wriUrg,may be be senl Dy teiet���and sha11 �,:
<br /> ba eHecUve when octu911Y�eHve�ed.or when deposited with a naUonellY reco�lnizad wem�pht courle►.or.M mafled.ShaN be de°med aNecUve w�en
<br /> ��pp�fapg prepgtd,dlrected to iho addresses shown near the be0lnnitp of `-•�-
<br /> deposited in the UnRed States mail flrst ctass.certi8ed or reglstsre0 � }o�wrltten notke to the other PeNas�
<br /> 1nls Oeed of Trust. Any paAy maY oha�9e rts addres.s for noti�s undar thb Qeed of Tnut by phA p
<br /> pdorit�y o et this O�d of�ntst shall be sent to Len�de�s addr�ess8es shown neu ihe beglnninp of th Deed o Trust a��e D�D�T�a �
<br /> agrees to kesp Lender and Trustse infotmed at elt Umes ot Trustors current address. �_-
<br /> i_,.
<br /> � _
<br /> MISCF]JJIHEOUB PitOViSIOMS.Tha tollowing misoelteneous provlsions ere e part of thb Deed of Trush ��,_�_
<br /> Amendments. ThLs Dead of Trust,together with any Retated Dxuments,constitutes the ontre understendlnp and ayreemeM o1 the peAi�s as ��
<br /> he
<br /> to the matters set tortA In this Oeed of Tnist. No alteret�on of or emendment to thls Deed of Trust shuil be eNsCdve unless given in wrftlng an �
<br /> signed by ths paAy or partles sou8hl W be charyed or bound by the altereUon or nmendment. m`'��T��
<br /> App;tceb:e I.d�M. Thlb Deet1 of Trust hao bee�►G3iW6;'�to L.s��e7_'p9tgA Cy tnn6of h1 t110 Sl548 O�l3�
<br /> �_ . . ...... . . ' A.. ` . . . • ' ' . -. . . �' ..��� f. . . �• �• ' T-. • - � • �
<br /> . .� . •. • , . •1• l- . . . • . ' � � • - • f �,- `..� . . . ' � .. 1. . . • ..�� .•t� . `. - ', , ''•.. .' �.i .
<br />