. i . ;;�.;
<br /> 03-24-t9�7 DEED OF YRUST Page 4 . ;�'
<br /> f�An NQ 441238 (Conline�d) ��"m �.�11��� . • ��-.
<br /> part of tne indebtedn�s s�ect�'red by this Osed ot Trus� @)a spBCiP,C#�x on T►ustor which Tnsstor�s authaAxsd a req�rsd to deduct from
<br /> PaY�tds on Ute lnQe�tetlness secweri by iRl3 iypb uG CaoG t�'cs��., is2 s fsY^^1►aa iwe of Deed of Trust chaReabie asa(nst the Lender u • . :�
<br /> the holder af the Note;and (d}a spedflc tax on ali or amr varUon of the lndebtedness or on oayments ot prirxiDel end 1nlerest ma�Dy ;��,
<br /> °..
<br /> TruStDr. .
<br /> Subspuent T�s. If any�c to whkh thls secUon apptles ts enacPed subsequent lo the date o!th�Daod of Tncst.th�s e+rer�sha11 havo tho =
<br /> s�eHeaq es en Event of Deta�t(as daflnad batov��and Lendar may exsrciso any or a(I of tts avattabie rert►ad�es far en Evont of Defautt as � � �
<br /> Liens BsscUOn and����a�h u�e suft[c�ent corporate stue�bond u oU�er secaitY satlsfactorY t�o Le�derabov�F�In Ltie Tax�tu�d -
<br /> SECURI7Y AGRFEk'.fE'1T;EIt3RPJCIRIG STATEMlEHT& Ths following provtslo�rslating to thEs Deed of Trust as a security a8rec+rtwrtt are a part of '
<br /> this Deed Of Tnut
<br /> Secu�li3i A�-�sil. Thls ir�trum.gnt shal!conStitui9 8 securttY Sgreement to Uw e�Qertt any Of tha Praparly constitutes fndurss or othaz . '
<br /> personat property,and Lender shaA have ell of t4�a rights of a secured party undar the Uniform Commarcial Code as emended from time to •
<br /> Bme.
<br /> SeeuAty In�rest. Upon requesl by Lender.Ynrsta shaU e�cute financing sffitemsnfs and take vrfiatevEr othsr adion is rsquesfed by Lereder ;
<br /> to peAect 8nd cor�inue Lenders security ir�terest in th2 Rert1s and Fersanal PropedY. �n addiiion to recording this Deed of Trust fn the reei . . -
<br /> oroperty records.Lender maY.et arry 6me and vnthout furfhsr authori�a�on from Tn�stor.fite mcecufed eourtte�parts.caPies m reprodudiara of . . .
<br /> thls Oeed of Trust as a finar�cing statement Tnstor shan reamburse i.enQar ior no er+���.,���"eM"'`"�---""'��can9r!stiro thEs securily . - -,- --_ -
<br /> • Intere�L Upon defauit.Tnutar shaf!essemble the Peisonel PropertY fn a manner and at a Ptace reasonabty comrenterd to 7rustor and Lender , . . -
<br /> end malce R available to Lender within tlttse(3)days after recetpt of written demand fram Lender. � : '
<br /> g�ds by ttits Deed of Trust ma�y�be obffiined(each es q fred b�the UnHumpC�om�TMmerGal Code),ar��stated an theRfast pa�of�t Daed ' "
<br /> ot Tnut. � '`y
<br /> .' .? FURTI�d ASSt�AKCEB:ATTCR}JEY--0N-FACT. The fdlowing provBlor�s relatlng to(uRt�er essurances and attomey-iMad aro a part of ttils ; - ... • :
<br /> i oeea orrrun. , ' `
<br /> • -1 Fwfher Asaur�a. At arry Ume.and from tima to tlme,upon request of Lender.Tnator wiA make.execate and deBver,a will causa to be 4 ,. �' -
<br /> :1 made,executed or deHvered.to Lender or to Lendefs desipnee.and when requested by Lender,cause to be f�ad,reoorded.re�ted.u c ,
<br /> retecorded.as the case may be,at such Umes and in such ot�Ces and ptooes es Lender may deort�aADroP�,any and atf suCl�mwtpa0es. i .w
<br /> '.� dee2s of Utst.securitf►daeds.securiry eyreements.8nanc(n0 s�¢temenis.conBnua6on statertrents.inshumertts of turther assurarice.cerONcafas. � . : . • " "�
<br /> and other documer�ls as may.In tha sole cDlnlon ot Lender.ba neoessary a daslrabie in order to eHecdwte.comptete.Per(eaR corttlnue.a f• .''lf�,r,±
<br /> preserve (a)the obiipations of 7rusta unde►the Note,this Dsed of Tn1st,and the Related Oxumanl5.and (b)tho liens and security in9orosts . � i=�
<br /> created by this Deed of Tnut on the Properly.whether now owned or hereafter acquired by Tnutor. Unfess prohibited by law ar apraed to the �
<br /> conharyr by Lender(n writllnp.7rusta sha!!rolmbwse Lender for aD cosfs end o�enses tncurred in connecttan with ths matte�s�arred to M � • • •. ,.:.�
<br /> wri
<br /> �p�Q�h, ' `;..:ar%(� .
<br /> AttornsyhUrF�ct. It Trustar feAS to do any o}tha thinps refemed to In the preoedioD P��aP�.Lender may do so fot and in the neme of � . _ r=. ..�i _.
<br /> ' c .
<br /> ' Tnrstor and at Tnistor's e�ense. For such Pu►Poses.Trustar hereby irtavxa4h►aPAolrtts Lender as Truatar's attomoy-tn-tad tor the purpase •, . .
<br /> of ineidnp.execurin0�deUverinp�fitfn9.recard�n9.and dairg all other thinps as may be necessery ot desF�ab�e.In Lenders sole oPfilon,ta �.
<br /> ' aa�ompdsh the matters reTerred to in the precetlinp paraQraph. i
<br /> ` FU.L pERFORIAAIil:E. it Tntstor pays afl the Inde4tedness wtien due.and otherwfse pertorms eU the obUpaUons impossd upon Tnutor under 1Ns : • -
<br /> a
<br /> Deed of Tnist, Lender shatl execute and de�ver to Tntstee a request tor itdl recorrveyanoe and shail exacute and deliver to Ttustor s��iteba � . -
<br /> st,
<br /> statemerds ot tetmination o!any flnnndnp statement on file evfdendrp Lender's securfty interest in the Rents and the Persone�PropeAY• �Y • � .�}: .,..�� �
<br /> recorneyar�ce fee re4uUed by iaw shell 6s pald by Trustar.if permitted bY eAPNcable taw. . �:�:;�� .
<br /> D�FAlA.T.Eech a!thg foVOwing,at the opdon of Lender,shatl cor�stltute an evem o!defauft('�vent of Oetaull'�under this Deed of Trust , � f'
<br /> :'.✓L`.�I
<br /> OetauH on IndebteQness- Falture of Trusta to neke any payment wttien due an tha Indebtsdness. '. � �"'�;'
<br /> Wf�t on Ottfer Paymsnti. Fa(lura of Tnstor wtthin the Ume reqWred by this Oeed of Tnut to make eny payraent tor taxes or insurance,or ' , �.?
<br />' any other payment ne�ssry to prevent fiting oi ar to etfed discharpe of any Ilen• ' � F � _
<br /> rtn obli Uan covenant or condiUon contelned tn ttds Oeed of Trust.the � .���!' �
<br /> Compi{�net D�ta�dL Fellure of Trusta to comply with any oth�te , ya , . .-•
<br /> Npip or in arry of the R0lated Documents. ' .` '��:�'-
<br /> FWe SLtam�nU, prry warranty.representatlon or statement mnde or fiur�shed to Lender by ar on behatl o!Trusta undw thts Deed of Tn�st, i � '``3 .� -.,
<br /> � tha Nofe a the Retated Oxumar�ts�fafse or mtslendiny in arry mater131 respoct,eNhar now or at ihe tlme mnde a tumkRh9d. ��. �
<br /> MNetiv�CaN�►�Y�tlon• Thb Deod o1 Yrust u any of ths Ratotod Oacurtwnfs Ceasss to bo in fW feroe and efteel pncludinp taU�W u�y � . ' � . �-
<br /> . coYai�N documw►ts to creote a vaUd and perbcyd sacurib intarast a(I�n)41 any Nrt�e and tor anY reason. . : . • :.
<br /> OWh w ttwohrsnc�►. The death of Tnnta.tha InsoMenc�/of Tnrsta.tlw+�PDantmen!ol a racaiwr fa 4ny port of Tn�sturs Propwly.u►Y �` -.,
<br /> asslpnrtwnt tor the benefit of aeditora,arry type nf aedta wakout,or ttw comrrwncom�nt ot arry proowdrg undK ury baNcnrptay a �•�-�—_-
<br /> InSONency►laws bY Or ayainst TNStor. • '� '._
<br /> For�ci0sun.FottNtun.etC. ComrnoncemerA ot for�ciosure a for(eitura Proceedin�.whather by Ju�dal Proa�dnD.3sB-tw�.rapassaslon : ' :
<br /> or arry othar rtathod.bY any creditar of Tnuta a bY�Y Oowmmantal apwwy aG�nst ury of th�Prop�Ay. Howw�►.thi�subs�cNOn shaf not .. . .�....
<br /> epPty in the swnt of�pood fatth dispute by Tnrstor as to tho vaAdity a rMSOn�biarws9 of Uw ddm w1YCh b the batis of tfis ta�ctosun a ' �
<br /> ferW�(tunp proeasdnp,provided that Tnrsta�hss Lender wrHten notlee of Suefi cblm nnd f�nlshes roswv�s a a sunty bond fa th�eWm •.
<br /> saSst+ctal►to Lender. , . . „
<br /> Brweh of Other A�eemert� Any breach byTnnta under the tem�s ot any other apreement betwaen Trustar and Lendet ihW b no!rertwdad ' �
<br /> wfthtn any praos perlod provtded thereln,inciudnp wfthoul6mfiaUon any a�eement conceminp any indebtedness a other ob�don of Tn�sta � ' -
<br /> to Lender.whether oxlstinp now or Iater.
<br /> EVN1b A}PoCt41��iuYifltO►. My Of th0 preo9dinQ evenb oCCUie wJth r�;pYCt t0 any�uetBMOr 0!eny Of the I►tdeblsdne5s Or atly OuYlYtltOt ' .
<br /> mey or becomas incompetent,a revokes a disputes the validdy of,a Oabt9ty under.arry Guaranty of the Indebtednass. LenOer.at its opUen. •
<br /> rt►ay,but shall nat be required to,permil tha Giwrantors estate to assume uncond'rtlonaly the obtlyaUOro Fuisinp unde►the yuaranty in a
<br /> rnanner satKfactory to Lender,and,In ddrg so,cure the Event of DefaWt.
<br /> In�eWAty. Lander in pood taith deems ItseN insecure.
<br /> Odstln�tnd�bt�dfNS�. A de}adi shaA aocut undar arry E�dsUnp ledabLdr�as9 or under ony Instrumant on iha PropaAy sacurinD any Exlsaop � � -
<br /> Indebtedness,or commencement of any sutt or other acUon to torectose any e�dstlnp Ilen on the Property. _
<br /> qt�/It tp Cu[s, If sucfi a faUure Is curabte and M Tn�Sta has not beon qiven a notice of a braach ot the samo provislon o!thts Deed of Trust j • r
<br /> within ths precedlnp twelve(12)manths,R may be cured(and no Ev�ent o!beta�t wUl hove oocwred)if Tnista,aftar Lendor cends wiitten i __
<br /> noUca demandir�y cure o1 such fa(fure: (9)cures the faiture within ten(10)days:a (b)If ihe cute reqtdres more fhan ton(10)deys,Imrne�aleSY -
<br /> IniH4tes steps sutNdent to cure ihe(afture and thereafter contlnues and comptetes e11 reesonabie and neoessory steps sufAcient to praduce
<br /> te
<br /> comABanee as soon as reasonebly P�actksl• -
<br /> qlGHfg AiiD qEME�IES ON DEFAI�T. Upon the oocurrenoe ot any Event of DafaNt and at any Ume theteatter,Trustae or Lendar,at ib qollon, �
<br /> rr�ay ex�rdse any pr�e or more of the foltowinp rlphts and rt�madies,In additlon to any othor dphfs or remedies provlded by law: ;
<br /> A�Nr�tiOn uppn peyiph,/kt�1#�on�l i3�me0ks. If any ousnt o!defa�t aocurs as per the terms ot the Note secured hereby.Lender may r..
<br /> � dectare a!1 Indebtedness secured by this Oeod of Ttust to ba due and payeble and the same shetl thereupon become due and payabie wtthout .
<br /> nny presentment,demsnd,protest or noUce o}erry kind. 'R�ereafter,Lender may:
<br /> ' (a) ENher in peison a by apent,with a without bdnptnp any action a proceedlnp,or by a recetver apAoinfed by a cowt and wiYhout
<br /> regard to the adoquaeyr of ib seciairy,enter uDon and teke pos.sesslon of the PropeAy,or any part thereof,In fts own name a In the name ,
<br /> a}Trustes,and do arry ecb wh�h it deems neoessary or deskab{a to pra5�.�ve tha vatue,m�ukeTabWly or rentabqily of the PropeRy,or paA
<br /> ot 9he Properry a Interest In the Property;increase the Income from the PropeAy a protect 1he securfty of ihe F►opertyr.and,wlth or wlthout
<br /> teWng possession of the Property,sue for or oSherwise coUect the renLs,Issues flnd profrts of the Property,includir�q those past due and _
<br /> unpald,and appty trie sartw.tess cosis and e�enses of operedon and cdtec8on,Inclutling attameys'fees,to arry indebtedn�s sscured ,
<br /> by this Deed ot Tnist,all tn such ordsr es Lendcr may determine. The ente�np upon end taking possession ot the Property,the colfecCOn
<br /> of such rents.Issues and profits,and the apptication theroof shslt not cure or walve any detaNt w noUCe of dafault undsr this Deed ot Tnist � ,-
<br /> , . ,
<br /> . «r_.
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<br />